If your being forced to a level you didn’t select quite often, it’s no soft rule.
except it is though since there is no br 3 nor 4 japanese players, they are almost all exclusively in br5 or br2
What I mean is that right now, people play BR2 because it does not guarantee a full up-tier, the matches could be BR1 or BR3.
In your system, people will have less incentive to play BR4 (again assuming 4 will only be paired with 5), because they will always be at a disadvantage; of course some players will enjoy this, but many players will not enjoy playing at a disadvantage, making BR2/4 options obsolete in your system.
If anything, I believe they should add a BR .3 or .7 system such as the one in warthunder.
what smgs are you using man, they all feel trash compared to the ppsh and mp41r
Agree with some disagree with others. Mainly agreeing with recoil fixes
this reminded me we had Liu rifle and SKS_30 added in game last update (Not in editor but apparently in some script)
SKS-30 is just a 10 round variant of SKS that is reloaded from under the gun how? it has special cases like M1 Garand you shoot 10 round then open the magazine cover from under the gun then pull the empty case out of the gun and then insert a new case to gun .
Here is the diagram of the case
and here is the gun picture
Not even with SMGs, i use Gewehr 41 mixed with Kar98k GGP/40 all the time. However its not the rifle that won me the matches, it’s my Panzerfaust 60 that constantly killed 10+ of enemy tanks.
in most matches I only have handful of infantry kills and most of them are either the tank crew that I just destroyed or those who bailed out.
Well, than we need a much complex system to simulate hand shaking, aiming lines alignment, any many other factor that makes your gun not exactly pointing at your enemy.
And gun irl does have dispersion, that’s why sniper rifle is strictly picked from bunch of normal rifle.
I’ll take 3 inch grouping at 100 yards all day every day, but current dispersion is like 100 yard grouping at 3 inches
ahhh that makes sense
Yup, I avoid BR 3 with both Allies and Japanese as in reality, it no longer exists. The exception is if you choose BR3 for Allies and get the Germans, then you might get BR4 but not BR5. IMOP the soft rule ruined BR3 for the Allies vs Japanese for those who don’t want the +2 weapons level challenge.
When I used to load my BR3 allies and get level 5 Japs, I used to just accept it and play, but now? Not any more, doing so just validates the soft rule I hate. So, in the future if DF wants to penalize me for refusing to play my BR3 allies against BR5 Japanese? .
If you choose any BR4 weapon you’re more then likely going to be playing BR5 anyway. BR 5 should be a stand alone BR rating. For any DF people reading this stand alone means “BY ITSELF”. 1-2 are ok together, 3-4 are ok together, but 5 needs to be by itself. 0/0 would be optimal, however getting DF to dump their soft rule has been such a struggle that 0/0 would be impossible.
Wrong. There would be nothing like BR4.
If I say numbers of BRs should reflect number of MM queues. And thus be balanced towards it.
It obviously means that changes to stats are needed.
You really have no clue what you are saying. Do you even know how many MM queues would be needed for that?
That’s just unrealistic.
WT doesn’t have teams composed of only one faction. They are made up of random players with lineups from different factions.
That is why WT can afford to have such complex BR system.
Even WT would not have a large enough playerbase to keep its current BR system but with unmixed teams.
Okay this is controversial, but I still dare to say this:
People play BR2 and BR5 mostly because a BR4 semi is still overall less useful than a BR2 SMG.
The difference between BR2 and BR3 is practically only having a better SMG, same for BR3 and BR4.
The performance jump from BR4 to BR5 is as big as the entire line up from BR1 to BR5.
the soft rule doesn’t exist for that br for yanks and japs so they follow the original rule of br 3-5 MM
So if those shitty semis are only in BR 2 because they are terrible then why do we still need a BR 2 version after those buffs?
If anything all semi should get +1 BR to compensate.
5+ round semi in BR 3, 10 round semi in BR 4 and larger 10 than rounds in BR 5.
If they are heaviely buffed then they can compete with the battle rifles and AR in BR 5 so why would semis be needed to be pushed even lower just so some players dont face BR 5?
Just buffing the semi like you said would already make BR 4 more viable to play vs BR 5 so why do you need to ruin BR 1 and 2 with exessive semi spam for those who like bolt action rifles.
Even then if you play BR IV infantry it’s mostly just for the AT and SMG with semi auto rifles relegated to being just another hurdle before their precious select fire rifle.
In my Allies experience I’ve found that everyone who use semi auto stick to Garand just because it’s household name regardless of it’s hideous dispersion. I’ve only seen handful of people using Johnson and I’m willing to wager that they’re just curious on how the Johnson feels.
Honestly all this will be solved if darkflow just implement a more clever way to deal with macro than just being straight up neanderthals, reduced the recoil (doesnt make sense that G43 shooting 8mm mauser have much higher recoil than an FG-42 shooting the same round) and heavily reduced stationary, moving, and flicking dispersion.
Or an even better idea is to just give semi auto the same handling with their select fire counterpart sans the full auto compatibility and greatly reduced magazine size.
i think your argument have merit, however i am still feeling iffy for 10 rounders semi to face SFs and high capacity SMGs
Well it actually does make sense, but thats a very specific case, FG42 was remarkable for its time.
Seems like you have no clue if you really think that people wont use the best available option, leaving other weapons obsolete and rare.