Every semi auto rifle is in dire need of buffing

the reload is the reload because we can’t do anything about it, however the dispersion is insane. I aimed straight for the chest and i get miss. If dispersion is to stay I’d like to see SA rifle get BA dispersion of 0.00xx amount

i hate seeing VG 1-5 in moscow


For that I don’t have prob with G41 or any other weapon but you sure it wasn’t a bug ?

Like the bush bug is still here,so I wouldn’t be surprise (last time 1 mag on 1 bush soldier and perfectly fine)

Yeah, because having fair play environment is boring.

They should either completely abandon BR format or make it actually matters.

I really don’t understand what’s fun about having your whole lineup underpowered by design. How can even someone call it balance? It’s literally unbalanced by design.

Btw. Next time you should at least elaborate why you think it’s boring. Rather than just throwing random statements without any explanation or justification at all.

i guess maybe its the normandy bush or just my luck, however it is uncanny to not hit at least the arm when aiming for torso in less than 100m

also it’s kinda sad when your perfectly planted 8mm mauser or 30-06 to some fella’s chest give you nothing but white X

Yet again, games ≠ reality.

And gameplay should always be above real life realities.

Literally anything can OHK you irl.

Firsly we wouldn’t get the variety of weapon and vehicles that we have actually and I don’t mind facing some challenge other than the braindead in your team

If you don’t fell in BR +2 the difference in BR +1 is not that heavy

Must admit I should justify a little more sorry ^^


yeah, ±1 if the TT is well designed can actually bring challenge to the match rather than expecting the same weapon system again and again and again

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You completely missed out on point.

The problem is overall difference between each lineup.

Player with BR1 lineup will always be in disadvantage against player with BR2 lineup.
What’s fun about it? Having artificial disadvantage/advantage decided by RNG?

That’s utter nonsense. We would literally have the same variety.
Because what decides the equipment pool in matches is the range of the MM queue, not the BR level.

And because we would have a similar number of queues, the number of equipment for each MM queue would remain ±1 the same.
The only difference would be that equipment with a significant power level difference will no longer be intermixed. For example SF rifles and semi rifles, BA rifles and semi rifles would no longer see each other (which was suggested in this topic as well)

Literally this :point_up:.

But rather than suggested nonsense with BR2-4 in the same MM queue pool. We should have 3 BRs only. With equipment that’s balanced towards 3 BR. Rather than have fictional BRs that don’t reflect MM queues. And only creates an artificial imbalance by design.

±/1 MM will never be balanced. And thus completely ruining any point of having BR system in the first place.


Firstly i’m agree for the BR I to be alone, let the beginner start without being challenged with BR II stuff

BR II as good AT weapon capable of destroying some tier III tank and so on
Plane aren’t that concerned with the BR , you lack in some firepower for some but generally the skilled one win

Well it’s depend of the Person as I’ve said I love challenge like playing winchester M1895 versus G41 isn’t that hard
Or MP-40 vs PPSH-41 Stick mag
Only when you play Type Otsu versus T20 it’s becoming hard
Destroying a Pz IV J with a M3 lee isn’t that hard
I would say unlike BR+ 0 wich i’m agree everything could be “balanced” alias BR +1 need some tactics more elaborate

Not with the BR +0 it would be most of the time meta Stuff, like how many time did we see tiger H1 or even Pz IVH, Same as PPD-40 over PPSH or AS-44 Not many player play what they want they play what is the most versatile etc

What do you mean ? with a BR +1 OR BR +0 ?

Well we have Semi in BR 1, and AR in BR 2 they are locked in BP but they coexist pretty good with the other stuff

I’ve tried to respond as much as I can (even if with my english it took me 10/15 min to writing something wich has a meaning ^^ )


Won’t that just reduce the variety of equipment we see in matches, since people who aren’t using the very best at that BR will be at a severe disadvantage. For example, in your new BR3 (which I am assuming is a combination of 4 and 5) why would a player use a Panther over a KTH, or a 76 Sherman over a Jumbo 76

New players, and non meta players, will still be in a poor position- I don’t understand what combining BRs will accomplish here, relative to what you have mentioned.

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Doesn’t really matter. It’s not balanced. -/+1 MM shouldn’t be forced on players. It just causes unnecessary frustrations and desertion.

For the same reason they are played now.

Literally nothing stops you to not stay at BR2, grind the whole tech tree. And then play only top BR5 meta things.

To play current BR4 is completely optional. But you still suffer on having only semis while facing SF rifles.

That’s why I said:

Panthers and Tigers I can easily deal with any high BR tanks = not significant power level difference.

See, you can add one person to your squad with a higher BR rated weapon so you can have that challenge, where those who don’t want the challenge have no option. You have the option of any challenge you want. If you want to play BR5 using BR1 weapons? Simple just add one BR5 weapon to your BR1 lineup and you have the challenge. :rofl:

i’m already facing BR V US in BR III Japan, I like challenge yes but i don’t want to be a monkey for my team
Not the first time i’ve destroyed an M26 in CHI-NU and probably not the last either

Facing BR V vs BR I is suicide since most of the time the team is half alive half dead

Play an PVE game at this rate ? I don’t really understand the no challenge, so would you like winning a game with 10k score while your picking flower ? I mean each game as to be a minimum difficult to be entertaining


But literally WHY???

Soviet main, zero issues with rifles, sure some semi auto would be nice but its the SMGs that win the battle for BR2.

We have rifle grenade spam, we have winchester Semi spam, we have MG spam, meta is actually really balanced in mid BRs

You really need to show DATA why you think this is the case, cause I honestly dont see it at all.

aka all seems fine in mid BRs.

The OP premise is you suck with semis and you want them buffed. Ive yet to see a dozen posts supporting your case, aka other ppl dont see a problem.

everything you said is just a supporting argument for my topic lol

rifle grenade spam, mg spam, smg spam yet no semi autos spam precisely because current semi auto rifles are too shitty and bolt action rifles are too obsolete to compete against these aoe and automatic weapon spam thus encouraging more and more people to cheese aoe and automatic weapons even as early as BR I if they could. If that’s the case then what the fuck is the point of BA and SA existence other than stepping stone for brainlet smg meta?

same with bolt action, anyone who use plain bolt action right now is either new or just larping.

winchester dont count because its literally op BR III semi auto and its an event giveaway

and no, i dont have to wait for others to voice their concerns just so i can voice mine. if you dont like it you’re more than welcome to piss off to whatever smg circlejerk topics circulating in the forum

Why are they shitty?
U just just use a slur to excuse ur position.

Exactly why do you think theyre underperforming? Garand, SVT down in 1st shot fully upgraded with vitality.

Why are there no topics about how weak semis are on reddit or here?

maybe, just maybe

skill issue?

you’d be surprised that if you use the search button you’d find quite few suggestion regarding the need to buff semis even from 2021, especially griping about their abysmal rate of fire and their insane dispersion cone making point shooting when defending against SMG going from slim chance to impossibility

lmao get a load of this pissant barging uninvited hurling insults like a 12 years old winning their first COD match instead of adding to the discussion like the grownups, aint gonna respond to whatever yap you gonna post next tho so cool i guess

Keep the conversation civil and respectful or the thread will be closed.

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lol why you gotta close my thread when its just one vandal who act up man? better just remove his comments and let others still discuss this idea

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