Enough with the Heavy-Tanks


More and more i see suggestions and heavy tanks being added to the game like the Super - Pershing and before this the Japanese Ho-Ri and more and more i ask myself do we need so many doom turtles when we don’t even have weapons to fight them… So I suggest to really drawn a line on heavy tanks and not add more doom turtles to the game I strongly believe that we should draw the line at IS-3 and Jagdtiger and not add other heavy tanks if it was up to me i would have drawn the line even without a lot of heavy tanks.


the other option for USSR is IS-100:

if we are looking at nations like US and Japan i believe there there is absolutely no need for heavier tanks there is few options for them but nothing like super heavy tanks:

Black Prince
Comet I

and for Japan for sure we don’t need heavier tanks at all the only last 2 tanks that are interesting options are

there is few other iconic tanks that can be added but they wont be as good as those 2 and definitely not O-I


I want my Jagdtiger with Tier IV Tank Crew with its exclusive Tank Destroyer squadron The schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 653 Or the Schwere Panzerjäger-Abteilung 512

The IS-3 is Fictitious Like the IS-100 And the Black Prince

:sob: bro please stop


If its up to me i would not even add king tiger … but we better put some line before we have Maus and T 95 other doom turtles in the game…


Heavy tanks simply need to be restricted to 1 per team just like fighter/bombers. It would open up the space for TDs and medium tanks more ingame, not have constant spam of KV1/Tiger boys everywhere.


Yes that’s why i don’t play BR V so much do to Super Pershing’s and King Tigers KV 1 is also a bit annoying but its gun at least is not a laser but when i go to BR V heavy tanks its just ridiculous same few tanks are being played King Tiger , Super Pershing and Ho-Ri when i go to BR II its much more interesting


Even from a historical perspective

Panther production: 6,000
Tiger 1 production: 1,347

T-34 production: 84,000
KV production: 5,200
IS1-2 production: 4,000

It should not be close, heavy tanks should be maximum 50% of vehicle force, never more.

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There definitely needs to be a line drawn. If it were up to me it woulda stopped at medium tanks, as they would all be able to handle both each other and be killed by available infantry countermeasures without issue, requiring more skill and awareness to play. I honestly think hitting JT/IS-3 levels is not a good idea because their armor and firepower is so strong. But, it’s not up to me.

Unfortunately the WT crowd just wants heavier and heavier tanks and more planes with even stronger payloads, so they’ll probably get it. DF is pretty adamant about “not limiting playstyles” of vehicle HE spammers despite it being a significant balance issue.


Im personally ok with IS-3 / Jagdtiger , simply because,

  • sure lets not limit playstyles. more playerbase is always good
  • theyre 1945 tech, a WW2 game should have 1945 things

Id balace it severely with:

Stuff like that needs to be a package deal. Better AT tools, better infantry survivability, than add super heavies if u want, with LIMITS.


T - 34 -85 and IS-2 vs Tiger 1 and Panther and for US/UK Sherman Firefly and Jumbo 76 and for Japan just Type 4 Chi-To we didn’t need to go after those in the tech tree.

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please learn what fictitious means…


It can perfectly come with the ISU-152

The 128mm Pak 44 L/66 in the image is estimated to be able to penetrate about 350mm at a distance of 100 meters with APCBC

Yeah like ISU is close to Jagdtiger in terms of balance… I smell a small bias there

What shell? PzGr 43 clocks out at 270mm :face_with_peeking_eye:

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I refer to Fiticio as something that simply did not see combat in WW2 and was incorporated late after its end. What was finished being built or something like the Centurion in 46

This is what I mean by Fictitious, why I highly doubt that the Allies and Soviets would want to see E-Series tanks as Counterparts Of the IS-3,T-44-100,T34,T32 etc.

Yeah maybe ISU-152BM, deff not the actual baseline ISU

When has that mattered? Even in the old campaigns we had wierd shit like panzer 3 b and jumbo in normandy. Nowadays half of japan is “fake” and all of high br is filled with prototypes.

I just want black prince and comet. Pershing is boring

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In the Jagdtiger version the Pak 44 L/55 272mm penetration

In the improved version of the Pak 44 L/66 312mm at about 500 meters exactly But the theory would be 350-330 at a distance of 100 meters

What differences does this have from the other variants? I ask because I don’t know.

The Comet did see combat, the Centurion is from 46 Postwar