Enough with the Heavy-Tanks

I never mentioned centurion but ok

Im sorry, T-54 1945, ISU-152BM, T-44-100 were all finishing kubinka trials in 1945, IS-3 is on train to Berlin when war ends

T29 & T30 were ordered into production for invasion of Japan during this time (summer 1945)

E series is a PAPER project not even field tested.

You really need to reexamine what “Fictitious” means.

Ie yes Soviets would have LOVED E-series to combat the IS3, especially as they actually DIDNT EXIST :pinched_fingers:

BL8/9 high power 152mm guns, finished field trials.

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My mistake, sorry, I confused it with the Churchill with a 17-pounder cannon

then you are using the word incorrectly, the word fictious means that it’s completely fake from reality think vehicles from World of tanks or world of warships

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emperor protects once again

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Well what will Germany have to counter this? The Tiger 2H and the Jagdtiger fall short, the Maus offers armor but has a low power rating.For a super heavy tank,In addition, the Japanese receive paper items to compete with, just like the Allies and the Soviets., So there is nothing to prevent Germany from also receiving incomplete or paper prototypes

Totally fair, just you cant say a tank that is fully protoyped & finished field trials (T44-100, ISU-152BM), orderd into production (T29 & T30) produced and deploying to field units when war ends (T-44, IS-3) are Ficitious. They are very much ready for battle. E-series here is fictious. Uninished prototype that hasnt passed any trials.

Its fine to add it as such but theyre not comparable.

Dude, how do you pen 250 mm of frontal armor?
Tiger II H 180mm frontal armor is already waaay too strong for BR5, this could ONLY work when adding another BR, which WILL open the gates to post war stuff.

As post-war things, there you have the weapons, tanks, planes and other weapons that did not see combat in WW2 and also those that have finished their Production years after the end of WW2 It is really easy to divide the BR, the Authentic ones into 1-5 and those that were not used in the Postwar period.

I definitely loved the dudes suggestion posts - my only issue is that it doesn’t really resolve the HE spam problem that is inherent with this game’s design and developers direction. For example, You kill my JT, I spawn my KT. You kill my KT, I spawn my KT(P) or JU-188. Then back to JT. It’s a massive problem as vehicles are zero risk but have a squad delete button every couple seconds.

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The dude is me :slight_smile:

  • First writeup (Soviet-Jap campaign) included expansion of the medic2 mechanic to increase squad survivability. Basically resurrect wounded squaddies at no loss to spawn tickets.
  • Kurst campaign mentionned stronger buildable AA guns and heavy AT guns (you can limit ammount of HE ammo for AT guns as one way of limiting that spam)
  • US-Jap campaign featured historical body armor (chest and even legs) for Japan
  • UK campaign idea featured Radio squads that have a 1 time call reinforcements radio function that adds infantry tickets.

Were basically trying to add nice toys but at same time try to balance/ increase TTK (time to kill) if not for a soldier than for his squad itself.

I think its better to think about how to make infantry stronger, vs how to not have cool toys some playerbase wants.

ie more body armor not less, more medic type technologies, more increasing infantry longevity in higher BRs.

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well it would be fine tbh sure i love heavy tank but do you know what i also love? glass cannon tank. Tank with decent armor but big gun, if the game can add those to combat KT2, super pershing, Ho-Ri etc. that would be fine.

if it were up to me, I’d limit the highest BR tanks to M4A2 76, Pz. IV ausf. H, T-34-85, and Chi-To with various light tanks and half-tracks to fill the tech tree

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Stick to BR3-4 experience if possible; Prob the more authentic WW2 ppl are looking for


yeah i really wish they put hard rules for BR 3 to be able to face only br 4 or 2

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Id say most of my br4 matches seem to be BR3-4 likely due to the higher number of players grinding mid tiers .

More tech tree weapons filling out those brackets is always a big plus these days

if only IV-V mm isn’t a thing. we need I-II, II-III, III-IV, V-V.

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