Enlisted Returns to Steam!

Still going higher.

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i just hate that i cant see how many are actual new players and how many are from existing accounts.


You removed the gunshield from the maxim MG in the past because it was “unbalanced” a historical weapon unbalanced right ? and now you add chinese airborne squads and guess what they have a mobile machine gun with a damn gunshield, good now you can return the maxim gunshield.


China isn’t in the game yet

I did my part!


Number of Enlisted player is higher than you think.

Lol that is a bad indicator. Reddit is not the only platform they are on.
Enlisted literally has an official forum.
Many Enlisted players are from Russia and they don’t use reddit much.
Moreover, most of the player in game didn’t even bother to communicate with you, it is hard to believe they will join the community.

The shield on the Hei LMG appears to have its mounting implemented incorrectly, its appears as if its set up for a left-hander with the majority of the shield extending to the right of the gun.

Just kitchen table math. But if you take an average play time per player of 3 hours (Which even though many people binge play thats certainly not the norm, especially on a weekday). and average out the concurrent players on steam the last 24 hours you get aproximately 1,800 players active at any given time across 8 different time periods spanning 24 hours.

That means that on steam there are aproximately 14,400 individual players so far that have played the game. Even more if average playtimes are less than 3 hours. And I highly doubt AVERAGE playtime per player on a Wednesday is going to be above 3 hours.

your math sucks cause ~65% of players play 1 match in a week. also players who play ~3 hours daily are probably in top 1% of players playing the game

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  1. Even if your statement is true, that doesn’t make my math wrong lmao, math is math.

  2. Where are you pulling that stat from lol? I am pulling mine from observations on Reddit, This Forum and several Enlisted Discord servers.

  3. Even if average playtime is 1 hour, that actually makes the data even better for the health of the game!

you can look number here…

That data actually has an average # of battles per players, not including bots, at slightly higher than 3 per day once you factor in # of players per side and the amount of bots.

That means we can effectively halve the average time in my equation (average game time is about 28 minutes) which doubles our result of players. So roughly 28,800 steam players.

number of battles per players is on weekly basis so divide everything by 7.

here is playerbase % for battles played for week after merge.

average game time is ~19 minutes

Allright. Then we’ve got a huge number on steam then. Even better!

Also, with 15% of the playerbase playing on average 3+ games daily thats a pretty good core of players. Almost 40,000 playing daily for 2+ hours.

steam numbers are questionable cause we dont know how many people transferred accounts

you need to take these numbers with grain of salt cause desertions are also included in matches played.
btw 3 battles= 1 hour of playtime 6 battles=2 hours of playtime and we have 14k people playing 6 or more battles daily (probably even less cause of desertion). that is ~5% of playerbase for that week.

Sounds pretty good to me, those numbers are up there with some of the staple live service games currently on steam!

problem with enlisted is that it has complicated MM, so it needs 3x or 4x playerbase to populate same number of games like some games with much simpler MM.

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But Enlisted has a huge advantage. It’s the only good ww2 fps that isn’t some pseudo milsim and is not older than 10 years.
I think it has quite the potential to expand its playerbase.

Ohh, maybe with exception of BF:V.


And it the game with lot of prototype and niche ww1 gun which is nice

I will give it positive review later when I link my account

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