Enlisted Returns to Steam!

I think US needs more scoped automatic weapon like Model 45A :



This would be sick!

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This problem is already mitigated after the merge.
Also hell let loose is room based, you can join an ongoing match.
While Enlisted automatically assign a game to you.

:nauseated_face: :face_exhaling:

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Hope it helps.


Well welcome to Enlisted its full of prototypes :joy: :rofl:

Iā€™m saying itā€™s inconsistent l, regardless of if the ammo is stored on the back or not.

For every person who doesnā€™t leave a positive review one kitten will die


I donā€™t see inconsistency. Soldier weight affects stamina drain, not sprint speed. Ammo = soldier weight

M3 Carbine when???


tbh numbers are higher than i expected, but this could be attributed to lots of people adding existing accounts to steam and transient players checking out new f2p game. think we will have better numbers in couple of weeks.


Would be dope as a part of a future zombies event.

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wow 1982 all across that interesting tbh

that is concurrent players and according to previous data it is 15-30% of usual concurrent number.

like i said it could have been lots of old players transferring account, or we actually have loads of new players (we will see if they actually keep playing in next couple of weeks).

the peak and 24 hour one i understand that tbh but 22min? dam

idk how often they refresh the data, but it is going up constantly. yesterday peak was ~1k people.
here is new data

btw weekend will show biggest peakā€¦ just i fear harsh drop after first few weeks.


and the recent time match the peak again nice

Iā€™m guessing weā€™ll retain around 1/2 to 1/3 of whatever we get over the weekend

Source: trust me bro :laughing:

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Well, I got the two accounts linkedā€¦However, I forgot I had started and account for my girlfriends son WHO NEVER PLAYS, but I used one of my two e mail addresses. Then, when I linked the accounts, I used the wrong email so I have his account linked. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Well, been in contact with Gajin support and they are supposedly taking care of it, so we will see. However, when I did log in his account, I could not tell that anything was any different then logging in on Gajin site. So, not sure what the difference is or if I even need it to be on steam, but better to get it linked correctly in case that is the only way to play in the future. I sure as hell donā€™t want to start over and lose all the squads and weapons I bought. :wink: Oh well, it sucks to get oldā€¦I wouldnā€™t advise it. :blush: