Enlisted Returns to Steam!

The sights are better than 90 percent of the USA sights before df fixed them


Thatā€™s a very lazy solution that simply adds more exeptions to whatever rules are left.
Gun is heavy = gets penalties for being heavy. Simply makes sense.

I forgot that I linked my account last go-round, so this installation was quick and easy! All my stuff transferred no problem, thanks devs!

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing as well. Letā€™s get some new blood in this game!

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please stop suggesting wierd prototype weapons PLEASE can we just focus on the core gameplay like AI and map design???

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Then why are Flamethrowers able to even run at all? Theyā€™re heavier than the heaviest AT guns

-20% is really the max that should be applied. Honestly Iā€™m not even convinced it should be applied in the first place though.

Because their weight is in the backpack. And those donā€™t give movement penalties, only increase stamina drain.

Does it make phisical sense? No. But itā€™s consistent with the rest of the game.

You canā€™t run anymore while spraying around with those, at least :thinking:

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And realistically people werenā€™t able to run or even stand up on their own if they got knocked over with them.

Plus, the backpack is itā€™s ammo. If weā€™re not counting that then the ammo for other weapons shouldnā€™t be counted either to be consistent.

My bad. I thought I was talking about BR V a.k.a Disneyland.

You are talking about real life behaviour.
Iā€™m talking about making things consistent.

Those are two different things.

Well, the kittens have convinced me that I should finally put a review up on Steam. :+1:


Wait, is this real? If yes, itā€™s hilarious.

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Yes, it is.


Lol those 2 didnā€™t even interfere with each other.
Dev are still gonna need to add more tech tree/gold order/event/premium stuff into the game anyway.
Those are the stuff that keep the game alive.

dam that new too bad im 3 hour away from finishing download

The game would be kept alive better by good gameplay loops and rewarding matches.
Hell Let Loose has 6x the playerbase that we do and itā€™s just strict authentic weapons, nothing else.

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Even hell let loose is still adding new stuff into the game.

Lol source?
Hell let Loose has way less player base than Enlisted do.

Then why are our games constantly filled with bots and only 4-5 real people playing?