Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam


Thank you for responding.

What is going to happen once Enlisted releases from Early Access on Steam?
Can we expect the game to release free to play with the ability to link our accounts then, or is it going to require purchasing a pack to access the game/link accounts even post-launch?
In other words, is access to Enlisted on Steam only ever going to be a paid option?

Reddit post with some answers by keo с:


Why do you hide my message?

When I said that the dev/mods/helpers do not address the elephant in the room, that you guys keep our progress hostage if we want to play on Steam we have to pay?

What Keofox said there address things that are not real issues. And speaks about not being appreciated as a developer.

But tell us. Is it us who put a price tag on Steam? How do you think veterans feel when you ask us for money on a free to play game just to use Steam chat? Would it be safe to assume we feel unappreciated?

As Keofox put it, when you ask us “where is the hat?”


But but but then us old founders are no longer special!!!

:stuck_out_tongue: nah thats okay…i love this squad, was my first.


I never have that power to use at all it’s depends on mods.

As was said before it’s an early access with bundles for now, can’t say more.

Some issues takes time to discuss and fix, we see a lot what players want and thinks, cuz we read all feedback we can see, especially if that a good one with proper facts and criticism с:


You guys should know from my forum history that I’m no professional hater / flamer.

But seriously though:


Did he really say “hey, you should be happy even just because we didn’t pretend we never said that!” ?


He said that a lot of decisions and releasing some stuff takes time and could be changed cuz of some difficulties.


Please try to forgive my hostil nature, however I don’t perceive any happy news through the current forum. Is this migration post of yours still valid? Because the discourse seems to be avoiding this post. Will there be a single player base including current and Steam? Just make free like War Thunder. You are tap-dancing. Yes you need to make money, but your 'high-anxiety way of going about it leaves a distinctive smell. Why don’t you all just address the elephant in room and make everyone ‘buy’ the game, play your cards and see how it all plays out. Do you really think steam is so popular that the people you dupe into paying for it, won’t be resentful when they can play for free @ gaijin? Are you going to hold your original patrons hostage as the free population diminishes separating the player base?

My hostility definitely diminishes my credibility for sure, but I gotta tell ya… the persistent lack of respect of your customers intelligence, is not doing you any favors!


Please. The words are there, black on white. I get that it’s your hard job to sugar coat pills for us, but there’s little to interpret here. That’s a terrible choice of arguments if we ever saw one.


Early access? Why we are not call it for what it is?

Are we gonna play this game where we rename things?

What is next. Doorman = Entrance Operator? Maid = Dust manager? Chef = Food Editor?


ffs, remove the new flag mechanic.
ppl just abusing it.

I just came here and are interested in what ppl think.


Guys i understand thath everyone have different opinion, but keep It cool, share what you have to Say withaut hate or treath aganaist the staff and other player.

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DF is still on the “campaign” train?
Because they dont release campaigns anymore. Just maps and new weapons.

default (1)

Been wanting those for a good 3 years now…



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Dude, with all respect, as i’m running dry on it.

How can i contribute to conversation while i try to follow the rules, if no REASON is given for deleting my replies.

I need feedback to improve, just like devs clearly do
Looks like rules got updates since last time i read them

It is not allowed to discuss threads closed by the Administration or Website Managers or any Users’ posts deleted by them

So i can’t even point out my stuff was deleted, nice

I like steam rules more


I am not surprised at all. I would toxic as hell if I had to deal with stuff and people he’s dealing with on daily bases.

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Wow, now that’s completely shameless claim.

i just realized one thing.

and it’s kinda confusing me:

but now:

so… will veterans have time to transfer their progress WITHOUT getting a bundle?

No, the transfer is not going to be time limited. They’ve changed that.

But we don’t know if steam version is going to be f2p after this ea stuff or not.