Enlisted: Reinforced will be released in Early Access on Steam




Look like the beretta 38/42

Let’s not pretend this is true.

Under the news about BRs being quote “representative of the time where the weapon was actually used” I asked how that applies to MP-3008 in Tunisia or Tiger 2 in Stalingrad and my comment was straight up deleted.

Post hidden after 5 minutes - QED lel


None of those.

This one:

(Of course, I already have medics with the Orita)

I know, it’s really identical to a regular mp40 (probably). But in prettier.


Question of taste but It look worse for me

I always liked wood finish stocks.

I remember I stupidly wasted hundreds of thousands of credits in dead H&G to give my rifleS better noble wood finish :sweat_smile:


H&G was different, you could use even the starter guns with some upgrades to great effect . So if you wanted to be different from all the noobs, you bought a cool (and expensive) skin to your gun to show everyone that you are veteran and can waste silver.

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Thank you for the response.

Allow me to reiterate one of the questions from my previous reply.
Does that in any way influence our ability to link the accounts once Enlisted “properly” launches on Steam?

We were promised a 30-day window once Enlisted releases on Steam to link our Gaijin and Steam accounts.
What is the status of that promise? Is it going to be upheld by Gaijin Entertainment?

It changed, so now it’s early access and no time limit for linking.
But of course, as said many times, you need to buy a bundle to access the game.

So confirmed free transfer after all?

lol that was fast

My mp28 with noble wood stock was dope!

That was Mp34 actually :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ok You nearly got me fooled Euthy.

Please clear up this confusion:

So it’s (forever, i’ll get to that soon) early access with unlimited time for linking.
But we need to buy early acces bundles.

Yet in the news post it clearly states:

Key words : WILL BEGIN

So it will begin with special Closed early access, only to get special closed release after or what.
What’s the point of callign it closed early access if the game will still be closed to veterans wanting to transfer by paywall

Or is this news post on enlisted forum that enlisted current players read is meant for future steam players


Was it? :thinking: they look so alike I always confound the two…

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This is complete B.S. You are nickel and diming your whole player base into buying new squads just so they can get onto the steam platform. Even if they’re currently have battle pass and premium time. That is so scummy!

Also, how do you think the steam players will feel when they find out that they can get the game for free and they paid for it.

I was going to recommend a bunch of friends give this game a try or a second chance but I won’t be doing that unless you change these release plans. This is both an insult to your current player base and you are starting off the new steam players with a money grabbing deception.



This is such B.S. You are basically pay walling your whole current player base.


After the EA period we don’t know what will happen, as written in the blog:

The decision on the format of further distribution of Enlisted: Reinforced will depend on the success of the closed testing.

So packing Your bags after few bad reviews and calling it a day, got it

There is no way this launch will be in any way successfull with how it’s planned right now.


Exactly and for what, some cheap squads? wtf…! Not worth the backlash that will follow.