Enlisted is coming to Steam!

Im afraid there is little DF can do, China has a separate version because of local laws.


And why they can’t put this seperated version on steam as well? Steam can surely make it visiable only to Chinese IPs.

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It’s usually this way. Honestly all Steam will host, is the Enlisted launcher.exe

Rest will be hosted by Gaijin as usual.

So. For us here, who are already using Gaijin portal directly Steam is unnecessary.

However, opening the Valves™ is great to bring many more pc players. More pc players is good.


I am not even sure if I do have steam account already or not. Since I do use the same account I used to play with WT on steam.
I am honestly confused how all of this works.

With respect,

Enlisted Reinforced is a stupid name. Should simply be called Enlisted.

symbolizing the recent massive changes to the game

Which on steam is meaningless, as it was not released on steam before. Anyway this is only my opinion.
Should give the game a minimal player influx.


For Enlisted, you will have 30 days to transfer the account. (Even if you have WT one)
After that when 30 days are expired and you decide to download enlisted in steam… Game will create a fully fresh account.
P.S You will still have yours usual if you not gonna launch game from steam, so everything fine here.


These kind of names really smell like f2p mobile asian knock-off projects

War Battle: Integrated Warfare Unleashed Fighting!


If I merge my Gaijin and Steam accounts, will I be forced to use only the Steam account afterwards, or will the old Gaijin launcher still work?


This will be a disaster if it’s not done right and the game is not ready for steam with how it is now with glitches and the game starts having problems when people start working together and abusing certain mechanics.


nothing changes for you, just keep joining the way have been.
WT got me through Steam, but after a while i just stopped playing through steam, because its pointless going through a 3rd app to play, when you can play it way we do now.


To sum: If you don’t care about Steam overlay and achivements, don’t bother with transfering your account.


So if I understand correctly, when I install a game through Steam, the game logs me in automatically because my steam account will be hard linked and I can’t change my account from there, meaning no login screen.

Because if remember correctly. If I downloaded WT through Steam, there’s still login screen in which it’s still possible to login into other accounts. Plus you can bypass steam by buying on stuff via offical gaijin web sites.

It’s really weird. Since I am currently using gaijin account that I made purely for the reason of linking it to steam account on which I initially started to play WT. I think this link was necessary for ability to access Gaijin market.
So I wonder if this already existing link isn’t a problem.

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My question is how will purchases work compared to regular Gajin client.

  1. Will sales be the same on steam while on Gajin store?

  2. Will steam not sell the same premiums that Gajin is selling at same time?


I don’t want to play that
It’s a pity that I can’t play it directly from STEAM

If i transfer account to steam will i be able to play on standard enlisted launcher anyway (like crossout) or steam only? Also are you planning to include steam market in the future, it’s important related to this news.


Releasing this game on Steam is great news; however, I have concerns. Many issues stemming from the campaign integration remain unresolved, and the gameplay mechanics are subpar compared to games from the 2000s. The in-game currency, ‘Silver,’ is insufficient for newcomers, and the convenience of lobby chat is absent. While I congratulate this milestone, launching without addressing these problems could result in negative Steam reviews.


I don’t understand why a tranfer is required. Even War Thunder still works with a gaijin.net account via steam. Will this be impacted in any way?

Some bundles are on the enlisted stire, instead of ingame. Will these be still be available if you tranfer to Steam? Like how war thunder does it currently, or will everything ho through the Steam store with bundles.


I prefer this option myself, Thank you for a great game

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Steam will really just host… the Gaijin launcher. The very same one. Nothing else would change much.


For new players their first medic and assaulter squads should come with more than one smg, at least two fully upgraded, also reduce the grind to unlock tier 2 and 3 equipment for them. Do not claim to be a historically accurate game, otherwise you will be review bombed. This coming to steam should come with an event with a low br assaulter or medic squad with engineer and at guy/radio op that’s easy and chill to complete, not the hellish and tedious grind event we just had over Christmas. You also really should fix bipods, otherwise you’re gonna get a lot of whining in the reviews.