Enlisted is coming to Steam!

And most likely with a huge banner on the main page of Steam like with the Palworld launch. They can’t change the dates.

there is only question if it will release as early access on steam or not… btw if they launch this as full release i will personally review bomb the game…

What early access ??? :yawning_face:

With a launch on steam the open beta is over.


game is nowhere near ready for full release. ffs number of known bugs is enough for devs to fix them for next 2 years.


A silver buff very necessary. 5 silver per 47 xp isn’t good. It’s reverse of WT right now. You need score at least 9-10k just get 3k+ silver. High kill but very underwhelming low silver earn. Cut it in half if you are a free player.
Instead of 5 silver per 47 xp
20-25 silver per 47 xp much better.


Since this bp season ends in 5 days does it means that Enlisted will launch on Steam in February 1st?

Wonderful news! One less thing to keep my Windows partition around for!

It means nothing in relation to steam release. (But I am not saying it will not happen, it just means nothing)

Steam release will most likely happen with next bigger update (that’s my guess). But new BP season does not necessarily means new update.

The 1st quarter begins on Monday, January 1, 2024 and ends on Sunday, March 31, 2024.

So… There’s plenty of time.

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Nah, your small pathetic brain just can’t comprehend the 5D chess master strategy our devs are doing.


Are you sure we’re playing chess and not checkers ?


Dam ok then I will sync it but continue to use launcher

Btw, will you fix the launcher? Some settings don’t work. I reported this like 2y ago so I guess not.

So I assume that it will work for regular Linux users as well.

Not necessarily. Proton emulation works just fine for most games, and EAC support isn’t an issue anymore like it was in the beginning.

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Nope, it’s not related at all.


Heroes and Generals was still in beta when released on Steam.

Well, it’s not a totally random assumption.
In the original roadmap for 2023 they already planned to fully release it.
And that release would be in the same quarter as the “Launch on ???”, which in retrospective must surely have meant the launch on Steam.



Roadmap shows the rough order of stuff happening, it doesn’t mean that everything in the last column will happen simultaneously. And it’s outdated at this point anyway.

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Is “New Campaign in a New Format” from roadmap 2023 still in the works?

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No, we will never get a new campaign. :pouting_cat:

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No, in fact the new campaign is the new maps and new equipment linked to the map in fact for me and new game mechanics.
new which explains why for campaigns