Enlisted is coming to Steam!

i feel like night map always make it a lot more immersive imo especially in MOH airborne i always remember that first mission going on the night time map it make the map a lot more beautiful imo

not to mention you can see tracer round flying in the background much easier which is nice


night missions will definitely affect gameplay unless they make it day map visibility with dark sky like some games did. at best you could get full moon +snow for max visibility, but even then it would suck. btw cities implemented blackout during the nights so there was basically no other light source except moon.

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Perfect for the inclusion of flares, and mortar flares.


The night attack on Velletri by the 36th ID 142d and 143 regiments on the Road to Rome is a bit lesser known to the broader public, but would be a perfect setting for a night battle. 142d and 143 climbed 2,000 feet to take the hills behind Velletri, entrenched, then assaulted the town with bayonets fixed.

My Grandpa was shot(survived) by a sniper the morning after the battle. Sniper ate about 40 rounds after he gave his position away


If they want to make it really interesting, they could have a full moon with broken cloud cover. Stay in the moonlit areas and you can move more freely, but you’ll be easily spotted. Stay in the dark and it’s going to be tough to find your way, but more secretive. Bumping into enemy lines would get VERY hectic and the HDR effects from having pitch black comingling with moonlit sections (extra credit if they make the moonlight glint off of metallic surfaces) could be ridiculously cool

I had similar idea but instead of clouds I thought of illumination flares that automatically spawn in random places and slowly fade away.

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Illumination flares would be more authentic for an “Anzio Breakout” map. The full moon May 1944 was May 8th. The next full moon was -of course- June 6.

May 23- Anzio breakout began.
May 25- Troops broke out of Anzio beachhead. §
May 27- 141, 142, 143 of 36ID began advance towards Velletri.
May 28- 36th took 18 prisoners after contact and a “brief skirmish.”
May 28-29th- Germans lobbed two counterattacks backed by Panzers (repelled)
May 30- 36ID 142, 143 ordered by Lieutenant General Mark Clark (idiot) to scale Monte Artemisio to infiltrate behind Velletri lines under mistaken theory the rear guard was lightly held. Allied attack and German counterattack occurred under cover of darkness. (My Grandpa was in a frontline foxhole all night during this battle.)
May 31- 36ID 141, 142, 143 assaulted Velletri. Fighting was fierce and Fallschirmjäger organized several heavy counterattacks that were repelled
June 1- 143 left Velletri to begin securing Alban Hills, 141 and 142 mopped up
June 5- 36ID marches into Rome.


§Velletri was where the Luftwaffe’s 1st Fallschirmjäger Division was deployed. They were who the 36ID had to breakout against. They were also maintaining a defensive position in the Alban Hills.

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Does this mean return of old events for steam players?

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DayZ was also Early Access for over 5 years.
I bought the game very early on and never played it again because it was so lacking in content, even though it was Early Access.
Valve and many Steam users don’t care if it’s a beta or not, but if it’s a beta and it’s boring, I don’t think I’ll ever play it again.


Add new mechanic
You can shoot the paratrooper’s parachute.

Move German mp 40 suppressed squad to br 2
Add low br Paratrooper squad for Germany
(They had mp 40 paratrooper irl)

No to bias and favoritism


Paratroopers were already nerfed to have them float gently down out of the sky because people were complaining that they never had any idea they were coming. Shooting parachutes would be a good mechanic from a realism standpoint, but there have already been so many “balancing factors” applied that that level of realism would completely break paratroopers if simply added to the game (previous nerfs would have to be undone)

Players would get their lead trooper to the ground then all others would get shot down out of the sky while they sight see the landscape. I think it’s already hellish that I have to wait 10s before my second trooper hits the ground.

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Would serve people well, for trying to jump inside an active warzone.


It’s not like popping a balloon… A few bullet holes in a parachute wouldn’t make it collapse or fall noticeably faster. You’d need to rip open a significantly large hole.

You’d be still better off shooting the paratrooper himself.


Yes it’s just abusing a broken mechanic.
They shouldn’t be dropping right into the objective. Drop at least 100m away. People that seems to disagreeing may have never experienced battle again full enemy team of paratroopers. 6-7 guys dropping right on objective and Thier tanks and planes shelling the objective so you can’t get out to shoot the paratroopers landing. It’s very overwhelming and you lose the objective. In the end you lose the battle cuz of poorly thought out implemented mechanic.


I mean…it’s not like paratroopers are magical. You can hear their planes rumbling overhead, you can see them jump out of the plane, and because of people such as yourself (who complain about paratroopers) all troopers except for the human controlled one open their chutes EXTREMELY early and gently float down from the sky like sitting ducks who get chopped to pieces before they ever land. I rarely get more than 3 troopers to the ground unless I drop them way away from a cap.

Why can’t you just listen for the plane, look up, and send a chat message to have your team defend the zone?

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Bold of you to think ppl have already not do this
And objective didn’t get shelled by enemy tanks, planes, arty. :joy:

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So a coordinated attack on a point by combined arms needs to have a game mechanic to defend it? That’s completely unrealistic.
You have AT weapons for stopping the tanks.
You have AA guns and fighters for countering the planes and artillery.
Paratroopers gently loft down from the sky like they’ve never made a jump before.

If you don’t keep the enemy away from the cap and they can put everything they’ve got directly on the point in a coordinated fashion, why should you be given another tool to defend it?

If you’re under that kind of a well coordinated barrage, the best you can do is abandon the focal point, scatter, and harass the boots as they are taking the cap. Then keep peppering them as they make their way to the next cap and do better at the next one.

Inexperienced take :joy:

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How so?