Enlisted is coming to Steam!

No. I’ve played lots of rounds where multiple Fallschirmjäger drop on the point. They’re tough to fight off but I wouldn’t want to restrict game mechanics to account for the fact that you don’t like losing in the top BR tier.

If your opponent is able to bring everything they have to bear directly on a point and you have your defenders all massed together to defend, I might suggest that the number of defenders inside the ring be limited (it seems to me to be just as silly a suggestion as restricting the attackers even further)


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I want to know if I use my steam account to associate my Xbox-registered Enlisted account, so that I can use my PC to log in to my Xbox-registered Enlisted account?


Gotta love that one it sounds like a real mess especially since I have two accounts because I’m originally from Xbox and now PC.

Wait EAC is working now?

Nope. Just checked. Kicked after 3 minutes.

Since the beginning of this game we continoysly asked for bigger maps but df never listened. Thats not the fault of players thats devs fault

My favorite WW2 shooter is now going to be on steam!

You need steam asap.

Personally i think br 3 should be removed from 1 and 2 on release for steam

Best move for making a better experience for any new players


You just made me realize one thing:

Even if BR III was actually separated from BR I and II to protect Steam newbies, those players will unavoidably meet in battle all current BR II paratroopers, which they currently have no way to obtain.

This alone is a possible source of discontent, but there’s worse:

Assuming that (as it’s likely) a good portion of said new players will be starting by playing Germany, it won’t take long for those new German players to realize that Germany is currently the only faction that LACKS low BR paratroopers. This is pretty much GUARANTEED to raise complaints.

Solution to the first problem:
Either release a researchable para squad for each faction, available at tier 2
Hold an event whose main reward is a ticket to redeem one among previous event squads, including paratroopers.

Solution to the second problem:
Yeah, you guessed it… Lower the Folgore squad to BR II where it belongs, removing flamethrowers from low BR loadouts.

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1 minute matchmaking is not a lot though.

3-5 minutes is normal for games like R6S or BF.

Personally I would prefer to wait up to 10 mins to ensure a balanced equal fight.

Well you know as well as i do, germany has br 2 paratroopers :stuck_out_tongue:

Just at a different br.

Folgore got screwed by br, then got screwed by not getting their box modified while everyone else did

Theres alot of event stuff at br 2 that new players cant get. It will be tough


But game wasn’t balanced, it was an stomp of less than 10 minutes, so a 10% of the time was on waiting to get connected. As you have said i have no problem with waiting for balanced games, but this is a joke. And the fact that i got 3000 silver coins for 3 bi week prize in a row it’s making me want to quit for good.

Uh. 3 - 5 mins, OK. 10 mins, I’m out.

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The only faction with functional AT gun is German and Soviet having the PAK 40, which still underpowered against late war tanks

Current AA gun sucks and still inherit all the dogshite nerf the old god tier quad cannon has, which lead the people Abusing Airsuperiority

Paratrooper doesn’t require coordinate attack, just drop on cap before defender can even arrive to it lmao

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Even with removal of flamethrowers they would be too weak their smgs are total trash.

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Not quite.

They’ve got low “room cleaning” power, but on the flip side they’ve got excellent recoil and mid range accuracy.

So just wanted to clear some things up, heard around that it will be a closed client on Steam is that true?? and that you would need to buy 1 of 3 prem packs to access it if this is the case would previous purchases count towards that such as if you had been backing the game since it releases and already bought squads/packs etc or would you just need/be forced to get one of the packs??

Also for anyone who wants to get the Steam client but still supports dev’s you can get the game on the Steam client just don’t use the in-game Steam market instead use the website as if you use steam it gets a part of it whereas if you just use the client or just steam then use the website for enlisted purchases the Dev’s get that all instead at least from how I’ve always understood it and its the way I do it to still support the Dev’s

You need to pay them to access Steam (with the same account that you are using now). It will probably cost like $10 (or more) and give you at least one premium squad.

If I remember right did they actually say before somewhere (Was a while back) you wouldn’t have to or am I thinking of something else Also arent you just paying them to test/Beta-Test it…???