Enlisted is coming to Steam!

At least you get people in your battles, my game starts with 3 on my team, 1 on enemy’s, once game starts it just slowly fills with bots, and yes, ofc, i had booster active :rofl:

I “like” how they won’t give PC players the right to choose if they gonna play with other platforms or not but consoloides can choose. Then you get shoved into a full console lobby while being the only PC player :joy:


most likely the same stuff

you think that’s bad? I get put in a console dominated team when I co op with my console friend, they not only dominate a team, Grouping up in lobby with one will give you bad luck in matches, they are walking plagues of enlisted

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the differences that the Chinese Communists compelled in a separate version?

I notice that there is no ahem “correct” German symbolism in the game; I would presume that is to avoid running afoul of (silly) German laws prohibiting the correct historical symbols of the period.

What did China force DF to do?

I’ve been getting full lobbies playing as high Allies starting ~11PM ET.

Can we get a little bit more transparency on the timing of sales in the Microsoft Store? I had all the premium squads in my watch list and that notified me that “something on my wish list is on sale” but I never saw any official communications for the Soviet AS-44 squad or the Allies 506th Paratroopers when they went on sale in late December/early January.

Can we at least get some kind of announcement when a sale is actually active even if you can’t give us a full early announcement? I made some posts in the Mess Room trying to help people become aware, but I’m sure I don’t have the same kind of reach that an official broadcast would have.

This will be important to get straightened out for the Steam people as well.


That’s not Australian Eastern daylight savings time though, is US?

Eastern Time (US)

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Who removed that video

I have the video link.
If anyone wants to see the video, message me in private for the link.

Though I would like to point out that the developers of Heroes and Generals, reto-moto actively abused the Danish welfare system.

reto didn’t make any money but still got paid infuriatingly high salaries for people who literally did nothing.
The few people who actually wanted to make the game make money and develop since it had a lot of potential, were all on low pay and even fired the first moment possible.

well they are lagging behind in updates. some chinese player mentioned that the version is somewhere around pacific update (idk if it is before or after pacific update).

actually germans allow swastika inside of games as of few years ago. bigger problem is russia with recent “denazification” effort.

idk if they actually made any changes to the game, but any western game company must have local distributer in china according to their law. local distributer then makes sure that the game is in compliance with chinese laws.

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yes it will bring more money cause steam players are idiots spending a call of duty price for squad to game with broken basics


By that are you referring to the fact that all the Campaigns have been eliminated in favor of the merged “SQUADS” mode of are you saying you think there are no new maps coming?

No, I was being ironic.
It’s absolutely clear that we’re going to get new campaigns. That was one of the reasons they did Merge. So that when they add a new campaign, they don’t add more queues.

I’d be very surprised if they don’t add any new campaigns this year. Although, with how many bugs they have to fix, it would be the better option


Sicily-Italy Campaign
Soviet-Japanese “Liberation War of 1945”

Sicily and Italy would be a way to get some amazing visuals into the game. Extra credit if they work the eruption of Vesuvius into the mix (it erupted March 17, 1944 and was visible from Anzio) Anzio-Cassino-Rapido/Gari-Roman outskirts would be an extremely interesting map.

Soviet liberation of Mongolia and Manchuria from the Japanese would be a great way to introduce late war Japanese weaponry into the game without screwing with balance of Pacific


Yeah, Italy campaign would so cool. Monte Cassino is basically must have map.

And random generic sicily village during night time would so atmospheric as well. I would love to see night maps in future.


they are ok in single player, not so much in multiplayer. unless they have unrealistic lighting which would defeat purpose of such map.

I don’t think so. It’s all about the atmosphere, not that the night should affect the gameplay.
But I understand that for some people the atmosphere has no significance.

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I love fortified district, makes the game feel more alive, more immersive.
Heroes and Generals had battles during the night and battles in heavy fog.
I absolutely loved night battles in heavy fog, CQC was so intense, I loved it.