Empire Of Japan Full Tech Tree by Emperor Yoshiro Decree

This is my personal view of everything Japan needs so I made this HUGE topic of equipment covering Tech Tree Equipment from BR I - V ,Premium and Event Squads and Golden Weapons.
Commanders we all know Japanese Tech Tree is still missing a lot of equipment on every BR do not worry your Emperor is with you the more you die for the emperor the more equipment you will get !

Red Alert 3 - Emperor Yoshiro - I am giving you my most elite warriors (youtube.com)

So on BR 1 and 2 the biggest problem is the vehicles we have good ones but they are few and there is not much options or you need to pay to get them so lets fix that on BR 1 and 2 the main focus is vehicles:

BR I :

Well BR I is good for Japan the only thing they lack is tanks so the main focus will be tanks:


I-Go Ko

Its very iconic and will give you more powerful gun then Ha Go and also is good for infantry cover. And will give you access to 57 mm gun

Type 4 Ke-Nu:
Type 4 Ke-Nu

Much better option from gameplay perspective you will love it its Ha - Go with more ammo types and better gun 57 mm in a tank that is same small size. Perfect for Jungle maps.

Otsu-Gata Sensha:

Well lack of armor is big problem for Japan as funny or as it sad at it is this is the most armored vehicles until Ho-Ri… It has 30 mm frontal sloped armor and access to Armor Pricing and High Explosive shells. No more heavy machine guns will ruin your day and M5A1 will have worthy opponent.

This 3 tanks on BR I will give you more options how to play Japan.


On this BR Japan will need one more tank option and more planes

  1. Tanks :

Well since the most interesting tanks for Japan on BR II is behind Pay wall ( Chi-Ha,Chi-He and Ka-Chi) there is only one option for the 47 mm long gun :

Type-95 Ke-Ho :

Small ,fast and deadly it will be the best tank hunter on BR II for Japan. As you can see my focus is on small tanks that carry better guns the jungle maps will benefit this type of tanks in my personal experience. Type 95 Ke-Ho will be good counter for the Crusader.

  1. Planes:

B5N2 is moved to BR II:

This vehicle is not for BR III …

KI-45-Tei Toryu:
KI-45-Tei Toryu

It can carry 2x 250 kg bombs and its very iconic it starts in the Air not on carrier it will be amazing for ground support.

Ki-44-II Hei:
Ki-44-II hei

Well Army option for the Zero its faster but with less fire power and Better Bombs 2x100kg Bombs its starts in the Air so Zero will not be your only option.

  1. Infantry:

Here there is not much to be added :

Rikuo Type 97:
Rikuo Type 97

Type 22 Murata Repeating Rifle:

Hino Komuro Pistol:


The lack of planes on this BR is bad for Japan at the moment there is nothing on BR III planes at the moment so lets fix that also few more weapons will be nice like semi - auto recon squad:

  1. Planes:

We move D4Y1 to BR III:


Ki-43-III Otsu:

One army and one carrier fighter.

Ki-102 Otsu :

Well I’m trying to keep Japanese planes unique without rockets like the allies but we can give them this radio guided rocket it will be amazing tank destroyer.


Well a counter to the P-38G better armored with better fire power very good interceptor for its BR.

  1. Infantry:

Well from infantry equipment on this BR semi-autos are the only big issue :

Type - Otsu Rifle will be moved to BR III:
Enlisted Screenshot 2023.12.06 -

New Full length Type Kō Rifle will be added to BR III:

In game the premium squad uses the short version of Ko Rifle so here we will have the long version.

New Sniper Squad for BR III with Prototype Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal (Full length Type Kō Rifle with scope) BR III:
Sniper Rifle Kokura arsenal
Scope 2
Scope 3

This is the most needed equipment for BR III planes and Semi-Auto but one more SMG for progression just like there is different Thompsons will be also nice :

New SMG Experimental Machine Pistol Model 3 Ko (Type 100 SMG with bipod) to BR III:


Here we can expand on everything so lets start with Tanks:

  1. Tanks:

Well there is not many tank options for BR IV so they will be only 2 tanks:

Chi-Nu II:
Chi-Nu II

Chi-To Late:
Chi-To Late

Simply that’s the only thing we can add for progression.

  1. Planes:

Well here is the fun stuff here you will get much more then the tanks:

Ki-100 new BR IV fighter a good Japanese army fighter for the people that don’t like carriers :

B7A2 Ryusei BR IV:

P1Y1 mod. 11 BR IV:
P1Y1 mod. 11


  1. Infantry:

Hino Komuro Rifle 15 rounds BR IV:
Hino Komuro Rifle

Tokyo arsenal model 1927 stick mag BR IV:

Type 99 81 mm mortar BR IV :
Type 99 81 mm mortar

SIG KE7 50 rounds mag to BR IV:

Type 96 lmg with Scope that can be also equipped to Recons not only to LMG squads:

This will give Japan more automatic scoped capabilities you will have more flexibility to use recons and lmg squads on higher BRs. It will be something unique to Japan.


  1. Tanks:

Ho-Ri Prototype BR V (less armor then the existing one) :
Ho-Ri Prototype

  1. Planes :

N1K2-Ja to BR V (its navy plane but its land based so it doesn’t start on carrier excellent for dog fights):

  1. Infantry:

Scoped Type 99 BR V:

Well with all this equipment the Japanese Tech-Tree will be comparable to the other factions and will feel less empty.

Premium Squads:

BR I :

  1. We fix 4th infantry regiment the medic squad to not have para smg and we give them Model MP38 43 produced for the Japanese Imperial Navy in 1943 with 20 rounds mag:
    Model MP38 43 produced for the Japanese Imperial Navy in 1943. Note the traditiona

2.Premium Squad Paratroopers BR I :

The Type 90 tear gas grenade launcher was developed to be fired with the Type 26 revolver

They will have the early type 100 smg for paras and Type 26 revolver with Type 90 tear gas grenade launcher that can shoot tear gas grenades that will give them ability to clear building and deal with campers.


1.Premium Rocket artillery squad:
Artilery Squad

Equipped with Hino Komuro model 1897 first rifle:

The Jia No.Nana Rentai-Yon Rentai:

Chinese Automatic Mauser c 96:

So they have 5 round semi-auto rifle ,20 round smg pistol and Mortar squad and Radio Operator Squad at the same time. So good value for your money.

  1. Premium LMG Squad ZB-30 :

    and they have Sugiura pistol :
    Sugiura pistol

3.N1K1 good BR II premium plane:


  1. Ho-Ro :

  2. Ki-48-II otsu (if you don’t wanna farm for that rocket) :


  1. Chi-Ri II BR IV:

2.J5N1 BR IV:


  1. Paratrooper Squad With Scoped Type 99(special paratrooper version of the weapon) BR V:

2.Combat Engineer Squad :
Combat Engineers

3.J6K1 :


  1. Amphibious APC Event :

Amphibious Truck Su-Ki

US can get DUKW:

  1. Event Squad Paratroopers BR V Equipped with Type 2 1934 Model 2A chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka:
    Japanese Paratrooper
    Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka

  2. Event Combat Engineer Squad Equipped with Type 96 LMG :
    combat engineer event
    Japan Special Squad

Gold Weapons:

1.ZB -26 modified to shoot 6.5x50 mm Arisaka with 30 rounds curved mag :
ZB -26 30 round mag

2.General Liu Rifle :

3.Sichuan Submachine Gun:

4.SIG Bergmanns 50 rounds:
SIG Bergmanns 50 rounds

5.Set of Silencer weapons Type 99 and Nambu :
Suppressed Nambu 1935 1

Well that’s all we need in the near future as Japan plan for competing with the rest of the factions. You can see there is a lot of potential for growth with Japan as the newest faction. There is some other interesting options but for now that’s it. We are ready to dominate the world !!!

Red Alert 3 - Emperor Yoshiro - Excellent Work Commander (youtube.com)


If i remember correctly ki 44 is in the editor with 40mm cannons


Ki-44-II otsu as i remember is the one with cannons i was thinking adding it also

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This is really good and i agree with everything,execpt for the Tokyo Arsenal stick mag at BR4.I dont think the Tokyo Arsenal stick mag would be useful at BR4 because the normal one with a drum is at the same BR,and with how fast the ROF is you are going to need that drum at high BR.


Well it can be moved to BR III is for progression just even at BR IV will be better then US BR IV smgs that are all bad

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I did a lot of concepts too, here a link who send you to some of my posts as well, high emperor, I hope we can get enough help for make Japan get stuff @Life_burns


Chi-Ha Flamethrower Variant that i was also thinking putting in the tech tree do to lack of machine guns on Japanese tanks but I restrained myself from putting this Amazing Tank :smiley:

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GREAT, work

What is the diffrence between the late and the normal Chi To?
Is there any notable diffrence that would justify grinding the same tank again?
Just having a bit diffrent shaped turrets isnt that appealing to me unless it comes with a diffrent squad than the normal chi to.

thats why I offered some optionf for tech,premiun or event included,Ha-Go is the option I plan for tech in my opinion

not much better chance at bouncing shells I did the same thing like in the German Tech Tree Between Panther A and Panther G and Tiget II P and H and there is worse P is better then Tiget II H xD

This is a joke right?

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So, there’s actual Type Ko with a scope🥹

in war thunder have less rank,and could be interesting option

A-20G-25 is BR IV and it has crew of 9 so its not a joke you can use it as Paratroopers xD 9 ppl with SMGs xD

I will be honest,in real life they exist documents about it,from the blog who he may take the photos,its a recreation


and Ju 188 is a mini asssult squad itself

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There was Exactly one that was rejected. The main reason was manufacturing and logistics … It was very hard to manufacture and it had to use special lubed bullets and Japan had bolt action rifles to do the same job and mounted scopes on their LMGs so the KO rifle really had no place it was going to create to many problems and it was not going to be good for nothing. But yes there was KO rifle even in the documents its mentioned that they tried it as infantry rifle it was rejected then as LMG rejected and finally as Sniper Rifle and was rejected. In reality there was no need of semi automatic rifles with scopes.

“” The Prototype Automatic Rifle Ko (hereinafter referred to as “A”) is an automatic rifle that was competitively produced with the B and B items, and is an infantry gun, machine gun, and sniper rifle according to the Army Technical Headquarters Armament Research Policy established in July of the 9th year of the Taisho era.However, priority was given to the modification of the eleven-year-old light machine gun and the development of machine guns for aircraft, so the start of development was delayed until Showa 7. After that, development proceeded, but in Showa 13, the National General Mobilization Law was enforced, and the production of automatic rifles was discontinued because it was forced to urgently increase the production of Type 38 infantry guns. ‘’

There is also a lot of anime rifles inspired by it and they mistake it most of the time with this one:
But this one is totally fictional combination of KO Rifle and Type Hei

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Honestly, I think it all could be added if they actually existed and saw combat.

I really hope you’re kidding.