Please Better Japanese Premium Squads

Well I’m a bit disappointed by the Japanese paratrooper squad you could have given them just normal type hei automatic rifle with 20 rounds but it is what it is here few Ideas for premium squads for Japan that you can sell easy :

1. BR I Paratrooper:

2. BR II LMG Squad:

Artilery Squad
Type 91 tank machine gun

The Type 90 tear gas grenade launcher was developed to be fired with the Type 26 revolver

Yes they have tear gas grenade launcher on that pistol :smiley:

3. LMG Squad BR III:
Japan Special Squad

Sugiura pistol

We can just replace the helmet with this one

4.Combat Engineer BR III/IV:
Combat Engineers

and here you can go with BR III version:
combat engineer event

Or BR IV version with 20 rounds Type hei automatic rifle:

5.Japan Rocket Artillery Squad BR IV:

ZH 32-20 rounds and automatic Mauser c 96 will be perfect combination

Assaulter BR V:

Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5 mm Arisaka

Type 2 SMG chambered in 6.5mm Arisaka and Granade-Launcer what more to ask for BR V squad…

I think if you wanna take the peoples money this will be best options for small arms to sell for Japan.


It is what it is? No they have gone too far this time, this is unacceptable.


its just lack of creativity with this para squad i was just meh… hope the event squad is :

or I will be very disappointed :face_exhaling:

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They pretty much are selling BR6 premium weapon x6 (with a free bonus being squad) at BR4 and act like it’s fine.


One thing is for sure, if they were going to add a Paratrooper MG squad……they could’ve given them the Type 99 LMG para-variant

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Yeah That’s what I’m hoping the event squad gonna be …

Weapon variants are this games bread and butter. While some people would rather there be an attachment system, I see nothing wrong with the way things are and have been. Hey content is content

But I swear imagine if they release the Type 99 LMG para (like the Type 100 SMG) BUT it’s for a regular MG squad. Cmon! Have integrity!

Yeah the 100 smg on medics T_T what a waste …


I honestly would have preferred this for the Type Hei LMG. Paras could get the paratrooper version of the Type 99 with a shorter barrel, foregrip and removable stock.


It’s a little silly, but it’s not that bad. There were definitely better options.

To me there are two possibilities, least likely is after complaining enough on the forums they change the squad and make it actually have a Para weapon :wink:

Or they eventually release another Para squad with this fitting weapon

I doubt either will happen. Honestly the Type Hei LMG would have been much more fitting on an Assault Engineer squad, but c’est la guerre.

I mainly just want five things for Japan:

Second mortar squad with 80+mm mortar with armor pen ability

Low BR army (ie not carrier based) fighter

Low BR army attack fighter

High BR army attack fighter

More assaulter squads (at least 3 more from tech tree)

  • honestly more squads you can get in general (ie being able to get 2nd and 3rd assaulter ii squad)

Well i made a post of all the things i wanna see in the tech tree:
Empire Of Japan Full Tech Tree by Emperor Yoshiro Decree - Suggestions - Enlisted

Personally I think ALL paratroopers should be minimum BR2, but Japan really does need some more premiums and content in general. I really dislike some the premiums that are available currently, the type 1 smg is too high in BR to be useful and the type ko is just not for me.

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Same I don’t like nothing premium that Japan has there is few that i may think buying like Type 1 Ho-Ha ,A6M3 are fun but its just not interesting enough they are the most interesting I really wish they lower the BR on Type 1 SMG to BR II. Cuz at BR III Type 1 smg is just worst SIG1920 on BR II will be something that I will be willing to buy. That’s why I made this topic hoping the developers will put more effort in this premium squads cuz this is good setups that people will be willing to put their money and I have saved some things for the tech tree.

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And japanese premium Br 1 bolt action squad!

Ohh thats easy to make Mukden Arsenal Mauser with manchukuo rifleman squad… you have Gewehr 98 + Arisaka Rifle :
Mukden Arsenal after WWII – wwiiafterwwii (

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Manchurian puppet state squad! Love it!

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