Empire Of Japan Full Tech Tree by Emperor Yoshiro Decree

Ju88 is a highspeed bomber, not a heavy bomber. The most comparable plane in japan id the Ki-48 and P1Y1

I know but theu can drop lot of men in case he get down lol

They will be show down every time. The H8K is a HUGE slow plane.

indeed lol

Yes but its free paratrooper squad :smiley:
9 people with smgs think about the possibilities but we can go without it that’s why i have put there P1Y1

However, Type Hei rifles have a groove . At the same time, it remains on all modifications and is closed in some photos.


One of the Russian sites says that the automatic Type Hei had an optical sight on tests.

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Well maybe its possible but I haven’t seen documents about it I have seen scoped version of it only in fanfiction.

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But why? The Ki-102 Otsu is Japan’s only option for an attacker and youre gonna take its bombs away and give it some gimmick weapon that would be hard to use and would probably make it a Premium/Event prize?

I think its too easy to look at shiny prototype stuff and have a sparkle in your eye but you have to realize that Japan is starved for content as it is. Encouraging the Devs to add things like this would only starve us more because they could add an actually usefull attacker instead, but no, you want the Japanese V1 before we even have a useful CAS plane.

Dont put the cart before the horse.

This thing is GARBAGE it doesnt even belong in BRII

Its not hard to use try it in war thunder its simply different to use and you want bombs use D4Y1 or Zero or Ki-43-III Otsu for bombs you have a lot of options the rocket can go to places where the bomb can’t. But yes its hard to use at beginning.

Well AP-1 is BR III and this is better then AP-1 and D4Y1 is faster then the Zero but yes many planes can be lower in BR simply it wont be wise to move one vehicle 2 BR’s down without testing it. If its still bad it can be moved to BR II and on BR III you can have D4Y3 Ko…there is many options and this is just a concept I cant do perfect balance this is something for developers to do.

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Ok so you want an even worse Fantasy tank because…? It would simply just delay the grind to the Ho-Ri “Production

You really should give more thought to suggestions like this. How would this benefit anyone?

I agree, youre totally right on this.

Well they must be delay in the Grind now is way too easy to get to Ho-Ri. Just look at the amount of players that have it and there is not many options for BR IV and BR V Japanese tanks and grind is a part of the game. There is sense of progress by having better vehicles.

While I dont disagree Japan TT could use some new stuff but if its not something actually unique and different to what there already is then I dont really see reason to add such.

It was actually rather pleasant to grind Japan TT. BR5 can be achieved in reasonable time, unlike the german TT which is full of technically duplicates and useless stuff.

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well Japan have 11 tanks to grind US have 16 even if we put everything that I suggest you will have 18 tanks same as Germany I believe will be more fair. I really wanna replace it with Chi-Ri II but Enlisted must sell products and simply there is not enough Japanese tanks …

Then fuck it, add the Chi-Se. Another Ho-Ri would be worthless.

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Well King Tiger for Japan !!! only if we can have it Japan will be strongest faction xD

Screw it. Lets add all the fantasy. G10N1 as Br4 attacker, its Japan’s only option, guuuyyys )))) how else are we gonna compete with the A20G?!?!?


You know whats Iconic? The Type 97 Chi-Ha!!!

Useless, just give us a free Chi-Ha! It was the standard issue Medium tank for Japan for god’s sake!!

Ki-96 would be a better option for this job.

You’re kidding, right? Chi-To has 75mm front plate.

Fantasy. Chi-Ha Kai would be better but uh-oh its a fucking event tank! :man_facepalming:

Cool but useless :upside_down_face:

Well sadly in event reward …

Yes its better option but i didn’t wanted to go for overkill …

when i was making this concept Chi-To was not in the game.

Its BR 2 a unique bolt action rifle you cant expect it to be amazing …but its iconic and the other nations have variety in bolt action rifles so will be nice if Japan also has.