Empire Of Japan Full Tech Tree by Emperor Yoshiro Decree

Don’t forget about Ho-I, Chi Nu and Chi He that have 50mm frontal armor.

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but not slopped armor so 30 mm of slopped armor is equal to 60 mm of armor (some of the tanks had even up to 34 mm) :


Lol where did the 60 mm equivalent come from?
The equivalent armor of slope armor is determine by how slope the armor is.
The armor in your picture isn’t slope enough to achieve such thickness.

the doors of the hatch are nearly horizontal, but yeah besides that barley sloped
or is it the second tank in which case the plate above the toe hitch is heavily sloped

Not only the slope but the angle same is with the tiger think most of the times at what angle you gonna hit the Otsu. You can check the test from Model B", Renault NC-27) in Kiangwan during the 1932 Shanghai incident.
‘‘Armor angling, if used correctly, can sometimes almost double the effective thickness of the armor, depending on the tank.’’

Same is with the Tiger if you angle your armor correctly here you don’t need to cuz its engaoled correctly unless you are shot from above

The second tank is literally a Chi He that he said doesn’t have slope armor.

If that part is count as slope armor, then you can also count Chi He, Chi Nu and Ho-I as having slope armor.

Lol what angle to consider? Unless you are above the enemy or else consider how slope the armor is, is good enough.

I don’t think you have any idea on what you are talking about.
It is not angled enough in the first place to achieve such thickness.

slope or angled armor simple means the armor plates are not vertical or horizontal
so anything but 90 180 is sloped
that is it the greater the slope the greater the effect as long as it is not vertical like a wall or horizontal like a floor
houses often have sloped rooves to shed snow and rain

Lol no one use such definition here, or else all tank will have slope armor.
You need to be slope enough to be called slope armor or else there is no point of using such term.

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yes and while many of the plates of the tanks are only 15 to 45 degrees
the two areas i mentioned and i repeat only two areas i mentions are at or nearly 135 degrees
this is just about the maximum angle of slop possible without negating any benefit from slope

the slope, the slope of the tigers box shaped body

Forgot to answer this part when I saw the impractical definition you gave.
We don’t count those armor in when we are determine the protection of such tank, front plate matters more for tank with such armor scheme.

matter more, this is not the rear of the tank, unless facing the tank straight on, they can be hit
the only reason the tiger is effective is the glacial thickness of its armor, it’s sloping in most areas are simply pathetic, accept it

What do you mean?
It is you that say the slope of the tiger.
I told you to ignore those part because they doesn’t matter much.
Now you tell me to accept the fact that most part of tiger is not slope?

The Kai was annevwnt reward. The regular Chi-Ha is a premium.

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Tank Angling | Enlisted Tanker Tips (youtube.com)

Now we go back to Renault before world war 2 the French experimented with tank design and realized by making the armor slopped and giving it the right angle will provide better protection. So they made vertical angle on the armor so if you face it frontally you will always hit on angle.

armorangles.jpg (624×345) (worldoftanks.com)

As Kriegerfaust007 explained this is how the basic mechanics with slopped armor works but before the war they experimented with frontal vertical angle on the armor that achieved similar effect :

So the French made frontal vertical angle on the armor later this type of armor was abandoned as design cuz simply sloped armor was much easier to do. So on the Renault the armor was not only angled but sloped at the same time that achieved in a more complicated way similar armor effectiveness as simply slopping the armor in general the Renault was very interesting tank as experiment in tank design.

You can see the evolution of this armor on the SOMUA S35 and against Soviet BT 7 and the German Panzer III the SOMUA was completely immune from frontal attacks. Then compare the SOMUA S35 with Chi-He. Chi-He has 50 mm of frontal armor SOMUA has only 47mm but SOMUA can Destroy Chi-He frontally while Chi-He has not real chances at penetrating SOMUA.

The Soviets at the end of the war made even better angle and slope on their tanks like the IS - 3 :

If you talking about that 2 small angle armor on each side of the front. Those doesn’t really matter since you have a big front plate between them that is not angle.



So witch one is harder to kill ? Frontally ?

The place you claim having 30-34 mm armor only has 12mm.

The frontal plate in the middle is still big enough to neglect such advantage. Its not like tank doesn’t have the indicator to know where the shell lands.
Btw, enjoy your 18mm turret being pen by at rifle and heavy mg.

Cuz this what you post is the basic model Japan wont use the basic model cuz they modified it … there is no good pictures of it cuz they where used in China and against USSR so you can imagine there is not much left of them :
‘’‘he Renault NC27 in Japanese service was named Otsu-Gata Sensha. Ten were bought in 1929, but after first maneuvers and drilling exercises, they were found insufficient and send for reconstruction. A new powerful Mitsubishi 75 bhp engine replaced the Renault one, armor was increased and armament was modified. Some are seen in photos with a 6.6 mm (0.26 in) Type 91 machine-gun or a 37 mm (1.46 in) long barrel derivative of the French Puteaux gun, but having far better velocity. The Otsu-Gata was inspirational in the design of the Type 89, the first Japanese tank design.’’


the ammo is exactly next to the gunner

Then we go to Chi-He space program smart ammo storage design:

So frontally Chi-He has much bigger weaker spot and when its penetrated guess what’s gonna happen while Otsu-Gata Sensha weak spot is where the driver is there is no ammo and its smaller …and about the armor there is difference between Otsu-Gata Sensha

then you posted the basic nc the one for export was this one :
‘‘In 1928 a single one was sold to Sweden for evaluation, as the Stridsvagn fm/28. The next year 10 were sold to Japan, accepted in service as the Otsu-Gata Sensha (Type B). They were also heavily modified by the Japanese. In 1929-30, Poland received 5 NC1 and 1 NC2. Some sources mention 24, but are apparently incorrect¹). The latter was refitted with 25 mm (0.98 in) armor, which raised the total weight to 9.5 tons. Later on, the Netherlands and Greece bought one each, for evaluation. All these export models were armed with the 37 mm (1.46 in) Puteaux gun.’’

But the Japanese armored the 25 mm amor even more on the Otsu-Gata Sensha they where planning to use them in China…

Not to mention the image that you posted is wrong it looks like *
Ko-Gata Sensha


is totally different tank otsu-gata sensha: