Empire Of Japan Full Tech Tree by Emperor Yoshiro Decree

The ammo rack doesn’t really matter since you need several shot to destroy it with US ap round with no filler. While the otsu gata only has 2 crew so it can easily be taken out with two shot.

Just show me the document you have.

Lol the image I post literally said Otsu not Ko. The NC-27 (Otsu gata) is based on FT-17, they will surely look similar.

So the difference is 3 tons … one is 6.5 tones and the other is 9 .5 tones
You can spot the difference very easily Otsu has 37 mm long cannon and no tail while the one on your chart has tail and no long cannon

That was my point you said by my classification almost every tank would be considered to have sloped armor, i was pointing out two facts
one i was praising only two parts of the tanks not the armor of the entire tank
two that while almost every tank has elements of slopped armor not every tanks elements are all sloped
lastly that sloped is a low bar, so lowly you could trip over it
your criteria for sloped would be like requiring that only jets or rockets can be considered fast in WW2

Its not like you can determine the weight by some image.

Some otsu are armed with machine gun instead of cannon you literally said this on top.

I don’t think having tail or not can determine the difference. For example type 89 that inspired by it . Some illustration of Type 89 have tail, some doesn’t. They are still type 89.
Moreover FT-17 doesn’t have that much armor in the first place.

Lol maybe because this is how the common criteria is? Basically no one consider panzer 4 and tiger 1 frontal armor as slope armor. The part you mentioned are just ignored.

Because Japan had only 10 of them and we have picture of all of them even training with Ko-Gata:
None of the 10 Otsu variants there is tail not to mention only the 37 mm long canon where modified :
Otsu MG
Here is the MG variant also 8 of Otsu Type ended up in Manchukuo and all of them had 37 mm long canon so all of the MG variants where upgraded to cannon variants or there was only 2 with MG.

Having picture doesn’t proof it never have tail. The image might only show the possibility of adding tail.

How is this related to our conversation?

You still can’t explain why it has so much armor and it literally named otsu in the image.

How to explain you something my friend when you keep talking about Ko-Gata Sensha and I’'m trying to tell you that you are talking about a different tank Ko-Gata Sensha and Otsu-gata Ssnsha are different. Its like Jumbo and regular Sherman …

Yeah keep repeating this without giving solid proof.
You don’t have solid proof to prove the tank in the image is ko gata.
You can’t even answer this.

Otsu Mark

Lol giving me a picture and still not answering my question.
The image I give you is about armor scheme, but you keep said stuff that is not important to the armor like the length of the cannon and the tail.
If you think it is ko gata, you can’t even explain its armor and why the image write otsu.

Really can you translate me the text on your picture and then translate this ‘’ 大津’’ If you can’'t recognize the first one on your chart is ルノ こ then you have けいせんしゃ ‘‘Kei Sensha’’ so how will you say small light tank ‘‘Ko Kei Sensha’’ so if we have Otsu-Gata Sensha the text must start with 大津 (Otsu) so for an instance if you wanna say 大津甲斐 (Ōtsu kai) you start with ?.. so what do you have on your text written 型軽戦車 Kata kei sensha type light tank… so if this was Otsu the text was going to be 大津-ガタ 戦車 Ōtsu - gata sensha or 大津ガスセンサ so if this is Otsu tank where is the Otsu symbol 大津 ??? Otsu (Second) Gata (Modified) Sensha (Tank) So what tank do you have on your picture ?

So clearly I can’t explain it to you no doubt its named 大津 (Otsu) and not 型軽戦車 Kata kei sensha type light tank…

You are made of Stupid (youtube.com)

Lol use such lame trick to fool me? It is ルノー乙. The Otsu symbol is 乙 instead of 大津. I know what those ko otsu hei tei means.

Yeah, you have no more point to say now you start to lie about its name.

You are mot undertanding the difference between armor and surviveability. The Renault is way less surviveable than the Chi-He

Translate me then what is written I told you what is on the text we both know that this is ko-gata not only the text says it but also the tank that has tail and no long gun… I don’t know how long can you keep denying the truth …

I doubt that when it comes to armor design and ammo storage Chi-He was not doing a good job. However Chi-He was better tank but when we speak about armor and survivability the French had much betted design before the war then Japanese during the war … the Japanese where buying tanks from the French to copy from them not the other way around … Chi-He however has one Major advantage that Radio this was the French mistake they didn’t make bigger hulls and put a radio on their tanks on time but when it comes to armor and ammo storage their design was much better then the Japanese even then the Germans the Germans realized much later the advantages of slopped armor from the Russians. At the beginning of the war the most advanced tanks where Russian and French ,however the British and the German put a radio on their tanks so if we consider the radio as a factor then yes Survivability on Chi-He is much better cuz you wont be on a bad spot but this is a game so Renault will have better survivability then poor Chi-He bad ammo storage design:

if this was sing of good survivability why did the Americans had to move the ammo storage from:


To :


Because the Germans where calling the Sherman “Ronsons” for a reason…

Now look at the Chi-He ammo storage and its Japanese “Ronsons”

Here a modern time “Ronsons” :

Its proven again and again that this is not good survivability recipe since world war 2 to present days…

Renault Otsu.

You literally give me the wrong word. I already said the right word. Your lame trick might fool someone that doesn’t know much about Japan nomenclature, but not me lol.

You have nothing to said so you keep saying these two. This is an armor scheme image, the most important part is the armor. Tail might just be an optional accessory and the gun might be a machine gun or just badly drawn since it is not important.
You still can’t explain the name and the armor if this is a ko gata.

I don’t how many more lies you can make.

No doubt xD

‘’ The Japanese liked the French tank, and, as soon as an upgraded version was available, they purchased more in the late 1920s. This upgraded tank was the [Renault NC 27]. In Japan it would go by the name Otsu-Gata Sensha (大津ガスセンサ, Second Model Tank). It is also known as Renault Otsu-Gata (Type B) or simply Renault Otsu.‘’

‘‘The Japanese made a few modifications to the tank. The 62hp Renault gasoline engine was replaced with a 75hp MItsubishi. This marginally boosted the tank’s top speed to 12.4 mph (20 km/h).
The main armament was also replaced with the 37mm Type 11 Sogekiho Infantry Gun, itself a development of the original Puteaux gun, usually equipped to infantry units as an anti-tank gun. The Type 11 had a much longer barrel, granting higher velocity and penetrating power. Some Otsus were also armed with the Type 3 6.5 mm Machine Gun. The armor also saw an upgrade being increased to 30mm (1.18 in.) thick.’’

The Japanese took it on to themselves to correct the drawbacks of the imported tanks. According to French sources, the tanks, indexed Type 89, received more powerful Mitsubishi engines. The 75 hp motor was enough to accelerate the tank to 20 kph. Some Type 89s received 6.5 mm Type 3 machineguns. The 37 mm SA 18 cannons were replaced with 37 mm Type 11 infantry cannons. The gun shared an ancestor with the SA 18: the French 37 mm mod. 1916 trench gun. However, it was more powerful, and could be used in an anti-tank role. As a result, the Type 89 was the most heavily armed tank from the Renault FT family.‘’

So All the heavy upgraded versions are the type B variant that has 37 mm type 11 infantry canon is the one on your picture has type 37 mm type 11 infantry cannon ? I bet you took this little ‘‘blue print’’ from world of tanks …

lol by simply using google search the only thing that comes up is that English picture that you posted.
While I search ルノー乙 all sort of Japan picture comes up.

lol still can’t explain the armor and name if it is a ko gata. You still use this main gun theory.