Empire Of Japan Full Tech Tree by Emperor Yoshiro Decree

We have 10 vehicles and all of them have no tail and long gun just look at the combat photos … there is topic even on tank encyclopedia about the vehicle … there was 8 of them in Manchuria all 8 had 37 mm gun and no tail…

Lol still repeat the stuff without answering my question.
Let’s end this conversation here. You had lost your credibility after attempting to fool me about the name of the tank on the image.

I cant answering your question I don’t have ‘‘secret blueprint’’ there was only 10 vehicles and all where custom you can check on tank encyclopedia they give you 30mm of armor they also don’t have some secret blue print for custom vehicles… the only thing I’m telling you is that blue print is not for Otsu-Gata Sensha neither the tank is correct on the image neither the text… you can translated your self its about light tank…

Lol I literally give you the correct text instead of the wrong Japanese text that you turn 乙 into こ in order to fool me.
Japan Wikipedia clearly said it is the Japanese name for otsu gata.

more and more stupidity the only one fooling here is you … you are making your self a fool on every topic …its same stupidity same wehraboo bulllshits …

Otsu-Gata Sensha (Renault NC in Japanese Service) - Tank Encyclopedia (tanks-encyclopedia.com)

here read it yourself what armor values are they giving you there is no blue print for those tanks they are all custom made and each one was different its not a tank from a production line … its fake lie after fake lie from you… not to mention only the 37 mm long gun B type is the modified all the 8 tanks that ended up in China are from the B type the final modification with more armor and 37 mm long gun…