EM-2 Allies only Assault rifle


I…I have no words to describe how I feel about this

I like all the unique prototypes that were developed and tested during WWII. I’d never know of most of them without their addition to this game as no other game has them. I do support their more limited role as GO weapons and whatnot, but still they’re a nice addition to the game that I do support. So long as they were bare minimum BUILT before Japan’s surrender in 1945

Huh? Sorry, no

Neither RD-44 nor RPD were used or adopted to service in WW2.

RD-44 was produced as a small batch for testing and was not adopted by the military.

Only RPD chambered for 7.62x39 was adopted after WW2.

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Funnily enough, according to information provided by Gun Jesus, its premium counterpart Stg 45 is truly a post war weapon.
According to him, Germans never completed this weapon before the war. Only managed to manufacture some parts at higher numbers.
Eventually after the war, Yankees completed the weapon and tested.

(At least that’s what I remember he said, my memory is not 100%. But you can watch the video on your own if you want).


I have never stated this. It has been tested by soldiers/meaning used during the war.

Basically, me too.

But we now have people running 4 Cönders in their squads which was not even built in a single example, and dominating the kill feed.

And AS-44 and RPD are both regular unlocks lol.

Well mate you said

Which it was not.

That’s how Soviet gun development worked:

  1. Announce a competition
  2. Hold competition, if something is ok - produce some example
  3. Send the couple examples to people who actually gonna use them (soldiers)
  4. Get feedback and improve the gun

That’s what happened to RD as well and that totally doesn’t mean that it was “in service” or that any combat was done with it.

it’s not THE rpd, think of it like this the m1a1 is a thompson but it isn’t the chicago typewrite though the most notable different between the 2 is the foregrip of the rd-44 and the lack of one on the rpd

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it did reached some soldiers though.


but… yeah hard to verify that much.

still. enlisted has and still is adopting finction weapons such as the stg 45, or the upcoming… mockup wooden anti tank destroyer of the japan army.

Weird :man_shrugging: Since there’s so many sources on internet claiming otherwise.
It’s either huge myth or the RD-44 was truly send to soldiers for testing.

Weird usage of words. I hope you call MG42 an MG3. Because that’s exactly what you did there with RD.

Ah, well to like it or not…

At this point Enlisted already entered protoland with Soviet end game and Japanese weapons…

We will see many, maaaaany more, just like WT.

Maybe stuff like Panther 2. Or more ridiculous, like the Maus.

Then, cold war.

Then etc.


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I would love to see them. Preferably with Soviet documentation on issuance of RD to combat units.

Its small batch was sent to soldiers for testing, just like any other weapon in the Soviet weapons development program, but never to actual frontline units for combat afaik.

RD/RPD, I use those interchangeably and always about the thing we have in the game.

panzer 3B was effectively a prototype with only 15 built so if you really want to call it we’ve been in protoland from the start

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Oh, that!

Is that one still in game?

There’s no real br 1 anymore, so it’s either newcomers with pz2, or they skip to something bigger :thinking:

I don’t mind prototypes which actually existed during ww2. Quite opposite, I find them very interesting.

But I don’t want post war prototypes facing ww2 prototypes.

The eras should be strictly seperated in game.


Yeah the blueprint guns can all go die. There should be minimum a functioning model built

As for TT prototypes, in all honesty they had to add SOMETHING to fill out the trees. Their choices can be…questionable at times, but to DF’s credit there was a gap and they filled it. Can’t say the same for Gaijin and WT
And on that topic, if you’re complaining that Russia has OP weapons or unfair advantages, get used to it. Russian Bias is just a fact we will all have to deal with. Thank God I don’t have to fight em at all this time

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yes, i believe it’s folder with the panzer 2

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ATD? So it’s Anti Anti Tank? But we don’t even have TD’s for Japan to fight that would require such a thing! Unless you’re talking about a howitzer loaded with HE. Lol
I know what you mean by “anti tank destroyer” it’s just an odd way of saying it

No I’m not complaining or calling any bias.

I just wish we stayed in WW2 with max unlocks being PPSh-41 and STG-44 respectively, Japan staying at BR 1-3 and rare weapons only appearing as similarly rare gold orders.

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for what we know, could be anything really :eyes:

just look at it.


doesn’t seems from this planet.
next thing you’ll know, this thing will shoot lasers.

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