EM-2 Allies only Assault rifle

In your post, I noticed that most of the guns are automatic rifles/carbines that use full-power rifle rounds as well as carbine rounds

Yes, which is why it checks out. (I am saying you are correct)


We still do that to this day, ammo comes packed in 10round clips


well yeah cause most are battle rifles not AR America and by extension western allies didn’t have the concept of AR until after ww2 the closest thing you gonna get to AR in sense that Germans and Soviet did with intermediate cartirage is Ribeyrolles automatic rifle which is a French gun and considering we dont have any french stuff except the premium moroccon squad its unliklly to be added as stand alone gun in tech tree for US

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Yeah, but it has a build in extendable thingy specificly to hold stripperclips. I’m not aware of any modern design like this.

welp soviets have a cold war period machine gun,why not?

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I have no clue what you are talking about.

one of the machine guns who soviets use its from cold war period

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Hey how about we add the FN2000? Its name tells us that its just one year older than the end of 20th century - which is basically the same century when WW2 happened, close enough right? I mean in the end historical accuracy doesn’t exist anymore, so why not add it?

  • thats how ridiculous you guys sound, I hope you notice that.

Which one exactly? RD-44? It has been in service since 44. Doesn’t matter when its service ended.

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incorrect, the weapon didn’t see the war, it start to be produced in 1948, soooooooooooooooo, if you are complain me about this we can have face to face

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No, you are spreading complete nonsense.

“the RD-44 was regarded as the best, and after a series of modifications, was adopted in 1948 as the RPD

That doesn’t mean it was in service since 1948. Especially since the RD-44 in game is the pre-modification version. The modified version, which was then later renamed RPD, is not in the game. Otherwise the weapon in the game would be called RPD, not RD-44.

It’s like saying that we have MG3 in game. That’s just complete nonsense. We have MG42.

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Still in the 40s! So as justified as proto as44 or rd44! :smile:

Ancestor to current Brit ar SA80, probably.

Id slap identical stats and handling to the Fedorov on that thing.

The EM1 is basically the same weapon (visually) but designed in 45. So it could be potentially added. But I don’t like the idea.


Disclaimer: What you’re about to read is a joke. A sentence meant to be taken in jest. Laugh and move on. Or don’t. I don’t care. Just seems like someone round here doesn’t know what a sense of humor is, so here’s this

Dang now we’re bringing suggestions of something that’s both Red Coat AND a bullpup? Are you trying to make me retch?

Which is GO only. We still need a TT auto rifle of some sort. The T20E1 won’t be in the store forever

They can always repeat the “AS-44 move”. Swap bipods for bayonet and put the weapon deliberately into tech tech tree.

He means there were about 7 guns in total in all of WWII. While a gross over exaggeration, he ain’t wrong. Most countries used a bolt action or two, couple of SMG’s, 1-3 LMG’s, and then the US with our semi auto M1 Garand. Not much else entered service or became standard

Bet I’m down for it. Lol

Ah well that would be correct.
The less you introduce unnecessary new stuff, the better. Germany would confirm.

The USSR basically went the entire 4 years of its war with Mosin, SVT, PPSh/PPS, and DT-27/Maxim (not Tokarev).

And personally I would be more than happy with that Arsenal for a WW2 game.

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