EM-2 Allies only Assault rifle

Well, that would be more in line with my point. I concede here. But what does it really matter? Historical accuracy is getting hit to the curb. I’m guessing anything is free game now to add.
But I think adding me262s, jagdtigers and all this other stuff. Is going to do more to hurt this game in the long run than help. Not saying I don’t want any new stuff to appear.

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yea i would love to see them as premium not progression tbh

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AK-47 when?
Similar design AK-46 was tested in 1946 which is almost 1945, which qualifies for WW2.

Sorry, this sounds like fake news also.
It was never issued to any troops.
It was never adopted for service, never produced outside of a test batch (again that was not delivered to fighting units).

AS-44 is pure filth for a WW2 game.


I am just saying I want this game to stay ww2. And if post war equipment will eventually be added. I want it to be completely seperated from ww2 stuff.

That’s literally the reason why I stopped playing WT. Mixing up ww2 stuff with for me uninteresting post war stuff.


Literally my stance with war thunder, and then some… I hope it stays WW2 as well. Or gives me the option, just to play WW2 only. Im not doing cold war. Also, Id wouldn’t mind WW1 options either.

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Hey man if you looking for assault rifles for allies Em2 won’t do its after ww2 I made a post which includes a lot of AR for both US and Commonwealth though they didn’t use the term AR for them, Some weapons for western allies


I’m reading this topic in seeing this comment here and going through this stuff it’s just making me wonder why the Germans still don’t have a belt fed MG with 100 rounds yet.


Patience hopefully we get it in next major update(Im high on hopium)



I think you mean Pervitin and at this point it’s just a little bit too late for us we should have had that thing a long time ago


it just like half life 2 all over again for me or halo war 3

At least those games are set in stone but when it comes to enlisted I think we are in half life 3 territory or portal 3 territory


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I don’t like bullpups. Is there another gun that isn’t a bullpup?

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I don’t think the Allies had intermediate power assault rifles that met the definition in the 30s-45s, so in my opinion she’s more in line with fighting the STG44 .

Fighting the stg44? I already got the carbine for that… Frankly I like the m2 carbine more than the stg44. Im still waiting on pershing. Or if we are discussing whatever here, the centurion.

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Look up the Thompson Light Rifle

The M2 carbine stats are a fabricated monstrosity because the Allies didn’t have assault rifles …
1 shot 8.8 wound damage and .30 carbine velocity can never be compared to 7.92kurz ammo

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Or Hyde model1944 or another British (commonwealth to be precise) gun, the Reider automatic rifle


You like having a huge chunk of your vision taken away?