Don't make mine finding and disarming locked to engineer soldier class

Currently engineers can:

  • build rally points (that literally win matches)

  • build amunition boxes

  • fortify an area

    When in engineer squad:

  • build AT gun

  • build AA gun (the best way for infantry to fight planes)

So in my opinion engineers don’t need additional features as they are already very very useful. Meanwhile there are classes like trooper, rider or driver that are basically filler class with no actual purpose (in case of the former two, their vehicles have a purpose but the classes don’t).
If you want to add mine swiping to the game, I suggest to give it to a class that doesn’t already have a lot of abilities.

But engineers were the troops that took care of mines.

Yes, there were units trained to handle mines. But all soldiers after a relatively short training could do mine swiping, even without specialized tools as you can see on the video:

Also keep in mind that in real life not every soldier had a mine like in game that could be just casually dropped on the ground while running. So realism is not really a concern.


Bad idea :-1:

Disarming traps is an engineering thing.

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I guess your word is a more convincing argument than a training video from the era.
And even if it is an engineering thing, realism does not apply here.


I want just a perk who let all soldier see the mine if is at 5m from the soldier, the mine is in the soldier pov, and the soldier isn’t running


Imo it would be a good solution. It’s both historically plausible and fits the rest of the game (no effort to put a mine = no effort to counter it).


Yeah, finding mine should either be a red or yellow perk not an engineer exclusive.

  1. Mine is more effective when use in defense
  2. Engineer need to find mine before the squad, this implies that you need to be playing as an engineer and is leashing the bots

Engineer is too valuable, I for one would not be rushing to attack a point with an engineer.


I will be honest and expect a wall of text: Mines are not an OP weapon as many users believe, they are a very annoying weapon, yes, but it is not even close to what the phosphorus grenade spam, impact grenade or as it is still seen by the Americans with the double rifle with grenade or the current rocket spam cycle that occurs by certain users on the American side, however I can understand that they complain that a guy with nine riflemen can undermine an area quickly and that is why I believe that in Instead of crying because they give a sharp nerf to the mines, let all classes have the ability to deactivate mines but let the engineers be the fastest when it comes to deactivating them and let us have a way to detect them with a perk, at their own discretion. time, force that the mines can only be used outdoors IN EXCHANGE that boobytraps are allowed to be placed indoors that with an rng calculation can be decided whether or not to kill the soldier (if not killing, at least leave him incapacitated), I am the madman from Japan and I speak with the experience of knowing this faction quite a bit and therefore I suggest that each nation have their own variations of mines and boobytraps, I would also force that only engineers or AT soldiers can place mines and the other classes can place boobytraps, with time to position them properly (and avoid the damn sinking that they say is fixed but it’s a lie), reminder that the mines can be activated with grenades or shots in addition to the fact that you can surround them

Actual Game AP Mines
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-22 145933
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-22 145820

Some Japan Mines and Booby Traps


Captura de pantalla 2024-07-13 133959
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-13 134045
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-13 134052
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-13 134104
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-13 134113

Actual bug is not fixed yet
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-07 135054
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-07 142525


they can make it a universal yellow perk and introduce engineer III who comes automatically with that perk maxed out (distance maxing).

alternatively, even better, introduce engineer III and give him additional +12,5 building speed as starter perk and additional yellow points so its relatively cheaper for him to buy the new mine detection perk.

→ engineering made great again.

its a shame that the most important class in the game vegetates around at level II while other classes already reached level IV


I haven’t though about this. Sounds like a great idea.

Honestly I’d prefer to see a couple things

  • EN is the only soldier that can carry AP mines. AT is the only soldier that can carry AT mines. Mines come in a mine bag, which would occupy the backpack slot. Now they are less likely to be spammed, and they have a cost balance to taking them.

  • Give mine placement a short animation as well, like 2s. Mine disarm should take the same time.

  • EN can disarm, as mentioned in the post. That is an explicit part of their job after all - breaching and clearing minefields. If other soldiers can disarm, they should do it slower.

  • Make every faction’s mines visible above the ground. Currently German mines will sink into concrete floors which is just goofy.


add a minesweeper tank class

Simple solution:

  • Everyone can disarm mines

  • Mines are highlighted for Engineers

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here is an (bad) idea… leave mines as they are, but introduce friendly fire. biggest problem with mines arent that they are invisible, but that friendly targets can move around them without any punishment.

if mines affected both teams, then they wouldnt be such a problem anymore.

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Then mine will be useless and won’t be used anymore… Good solution ngl

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If we’re giving that friendly fire we are adding it to EVERYTHING.

i am down for it. it would honestly fix lots of stuff. you would not see arty spammed on objectives while killing enemy and leaving friendly players miraculously intact, it would nerf rocket spam cause of friendly fire, tanks wouldnt be able to just HE spam everywhere etc.

just that at same time i would expect getting killed constantly cause of friendly fire cause majority of playerbase are shit.

Just leave the mines alone devs, not broke, dont fix it… plus i would lose several kills :slight_smile:

Tbh Enlisted players are so numb, they wouldnt care at this point.
They “tried” it with shaky artillery, but people complained that game became too wonky.

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