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well, that gets repetitive with next to no variety since you’d be playing the same map and learn always the same ones.

that is the opposite of what i would call, " fun ".

that’s why we have a map rotation.

so it’s always sort of different with enough variety to provide an actual challenge.

and don’t get stagnated in the same ones.

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problem is not in lack of variety. problem is in bad maps being shoved into players. people dont have problem with new maps, they have problem with bad maps.

it will be once you can just enable a map votation.

of which, people will, for the most part, play the same map over and over.

well i mean, i can’t think of objectively bad maps.

of which, i haven’t seen so many suggestions of reworks on it.

so i mean…

Fixed it for you.

This however, is true. As long as there will things that dig the trench deeper between victors and loosers such as:

  • gold ranks
  • bonus xp & currency if your TEAM (and not your personal merit) wins

Then ppl will naturally be prone to desert and find the easiest faction to play, leading to unbalanced, unfun matches… like we have now.

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im curious how much silver bonus gonna be i hope it 40% but that is really unrealistic i guess 25% would be it

I will be honest, I am not very happy about the nerf of mines, and I make a HUGE explain about it here, if you want read a wall of text with suggestions, go ahead, but I will resume in “mines aren’t op”

5%, minus the 75% deserter penelty because it will throw you into train map each game

that the thing i like train map (i know it a hot take)

Hot take on the current topic:

Df/snail would rather punish (worthless endeavor) than reward players for sticking to the end…

Because rewards reduce the grind and thus their gold sales. :laughing:

Ok I’m off, byyye :stuck_out_tongue:


If I am the only one, team sucks. I do not want to carry them. This is not my study course or work. I want to play for fun, not to carry constantly.

Oh, so they can ruin my fun, but I cannot ruin theirs by leaving? Cool.

How can I use the plane if FLAGGOT keeps cycling them? How can the enemy stop someone who wants to die?

Yeah Leaving.

That ship is sailed.


And it would not even affect super vets and whales because they do not need to care about earning.
Now that is a French way

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“I don’t care but…”

Throwing a meme, then back to work!


I like the train map only so I can sneak an APC behind the back lines and camp tank cyclers with my PZF 100s

Mines themselves are not overpowered but they are very toxic and way too easy to spam, they should be very sensitive to all expolsions and a planting animation of at least 3 seconds should be added.


in my post I added some features who you should read

Oh I was hoping this wasn’t the way this would be implemented…
This is the greediest possible way to implement this.

Lets say you want a full Italian assaulter squad with the highest possible Level soldiers.

  1. To upgrade my Italian assaulter squad to have Assaulter IIIs I have to buy 4 new soldiers

4 x 9000 = 36,000 Silver!!! (not including the machine gunner and AT gunners)

  1. You have to change all three of their faces to be Italian character models(Not mentioning uniforms),

This will cost you 8 appearance orders


  1. You’re not done yet! Now you must pay to change their callsign(you cant even change their actual name) and voice!

This costs at least 8 orders, 4 callsign orders and 4 Voice orders(or whatever you decide to call it)


  1. Buy new weapons and equipment:
    Gun: 3000 Silver
    Grenade: 500 Silver
    Packpack slot: 1000 Silver (Large obviously because small is currently useless.)
    Mine: 1000 Silver
    Melee: 500 Silver (I want Italian stuff so I would also appreciate being able to buy Italian knife)
    Medkit: 200 Silver
    Binos: (Lmao who uses binos theyre useless)

Maybe you only have to do this for only one soldier, in which case you will have a cheap cheap total conversion price of 14,200 silver and 4 orders!!!( Uniform and Helmet sold seperately )

For all 4 soldiers it comes out at 56,800 Silver!!! (not including the other specialists) and 16 orders!( Uniform and Helmet sold seperately )

This is ridicoulously expensive!

The game doesnt reward you with enough silver for routine upgrades of weapons, equipment, vehicles and soldiers let alone for QOL/Immersion changes like this!



You simply click on the desired nationality of the soldier every thing else is taken care of automatically. This cannot be that hard to implement/code.


tbh soldier cost should have been max at 5k period not what it currently is

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I think rewards should be raised. But that could also work

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well both should be a thing (since it benefit everyone)


that is i am for voting on veto maps. maps that get most votes wont be played. they you get RNG map that got no votes or same minimum number of votes (if no votes are not available).

  • any assault - requires competent and coordinated attacker team that can capture and hold 2 points at the same time, while holding no such requirement for defenders.
  • train
  • most conquest maps - splits enemy into 2-3 points so most of the time you are not in combat.
  • some reverse maps - e.g. d-day reverse which is badly balanced. attackers get easy access to bunkers, while being able to use fixed MG when attacking

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