Answering Your Questions!

I am tired of this. We play this game for selfish reasons. Your rant is based on selfish reasons. Adam quits because of selfish reasons. Humans are selfish.
Come with something better.

Devs also once nerfed semi-autos or plane payloads to the point they basically nerfed Tunisia Axis into oblivion, so I definitely trust them, especially if their current community manager is a well-known AP mine spammer and their AP mine approach is a joke.

If you get flagged, I guess its only fair to shadow delete me as well I guess.

I know that cycling was unrelated but
That rule was basicly aimed at me… and still me as “not a saint” wanted it to go through. I can still have pricipals and it does not matter if i had paid or not.

That wasnt me bud, the only time I flaged a post was it was litterly terrorist propaganda.

easiest way? remove faction vs faction and introduce any vs any. but yeah people would complain about that solution, so it is probably not viable in near future. btw with any vs any you could probably have ±0MM.

way to mitigate faction stacking? introduce progressive bonus of 10% per join any match up to at least 50% (or 100%) xp which you lose if you desert. faction stacking would probably still happen, but would probably be not so extreme as now.

another way is to intoduce global research and not just faction research. would be good if it applied to squads also. now people have to grind specific faction for new weapons and grind specific squads for actually upgrading that weapon. shifts wouldnt be so extreme if you could do the grind with any faction.

that is why i am for map vote veto option. should really make suggestion on how map selection should work. did it already in few topics, but never as separate topic.

you dont need perfect mirror copy. check above for ideas on how to mitigate them.

yeah i am conflicted about it cause it would either save the game or break it. it is needed, but probably not wanted. enlisted would lose good chunk of playerbase if it is introduced, but game would be healthier.

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For BR I-III battles there should be additional matchmaking rules to analyze the actual experience of players. My idea is considering the whole TT research status and ranks.

If the matchmaking only calculates BR loadouts, it leads to the problem we are talking about here:

When there are deserters, the most common reason for both veterans and newbies is that the team has fewer veterans and casual playes, more precisely the players’ experiences and tech tree developments are significantly lower than the enemy (e.g. newbies don’t even have good tanks, TNTs or Engineers, they enter certain BR just because one certain weapon. Another example is, both Pz4H and Panther are in BR IV, but which one better is clearly), so naturally they will play very hard but still lose the game.

Guys, you can have diffrent Option on something. We kidly ask you not NOT insult other Members because of a diffrent Opinion. I think you are all grown enough to have a normal discussion. Just because its on the Internet a normal discussion is possible.

This is the last warning, future comments with Insults or Rule breaking behavior will be deleted and punished.


again, it’s very different.

fine, sure, say / do what you want, but as it goes for penalties, it’s actually very different.

where one problem is bigger than the other.

nah, i wasn’t claiming that you were.
i know you aren’t.

unrealistic. you would need 10x playerbase to even consider something like this.

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My bad, you accused it under an edit of my post so I assumed it was targeted at me.

well, i can’t argue too much here.

because i agree to disagree.

the point is, maps have to be played as they are made, otherwise non utilized assets.

which often ends up being overshadowed by players only playing their favorite map.
which it’s okey, but that should be over customs. not the base game.

but those end up being half assed. that’s my issue with it.

which it won’t solve an issue which it cannot be solved.


which it’s why customs should be improved :point_right: :point_left:

so that players can play and have fun with proper functional things for veterans too.

anyway, i’ll go make ma lunch.

i’ll be back later.

So the FLAGer, the cyclers, the AP mine spamers, the stackers, the camping Tiger 2, the useless snipers with 5 kills and zero CP capture rate, the guy who never builds rallies, the train mode…

So, will FLAG stop FLAGing with his planes all the time? I will never have to play shitty train mode again?
I guess not.

And? I do not care. They do not care and the rest probably does not care either.
Yesterday I had a match in Japan, and we lost, but the team was close, and more Allied players left, and I did not care. It was a confrontation, which is a mode that does not make a lot of fun if it is a stalemate and, therefore, a cheap WW1 simulator. And that is just my personal take, but I can also get it if Allied players do not want to play on low-BR Pacific maps.

And those people would probably just play a different match then.

I’m not saying that to make a full-rookie or full-old ass team. Both sides should at least have the same amount.

In addition, since it is the game that unrealistically to provide a fair combat environment, why should the players paid for it?

you dont need favorite map, you just need to ban bad maps and modes. devs are really bad at taking feedback regarding maps/modes. some maps/modes are really bad and/or unbalanced.

no they dont. i have been playing counter strike since early days and have played loads of maps and modes. game evolves with time and most popular maps and modes stay in game, while bad ones go. people still play dust2, inferno, nuke, vertigo, dust, cbble, train even today 20+ years after they were made(with some changes), while maps like as_oilrig, cs_747, cs_estate, cs_havana, de_prodigy etc. that were there at start of the game are basically forgotten.

good maps need to stay, bad maps/mode need to be changed or they need to go. nobody is obligated to play them just cause they are in the game.

i admit it is half assed solution. but it is better than no solution.


K, I’m back.

Nitpicks < people actively getting screwed by cowards that keeps leaving as soon the first firefight breaks out. Or, the health of the game.

Tiger II or, insert your nitpick situation, isn’t the problem. But the players unwilling to deal with it are.

Bring your own plane, or beg a teammates for It.

Fairly sure you can do many things about it.

Well, that’s fine.

I could decide to not care either.

Which, might comes as a shocker to some, but I legit don’t care about deserters. They don’t affect me.

However, they do affect the players and the quality of the game.

Sure, I could live as a hermit in my pve editor offline till the rest of my days ( that is, on enlisted. Not planning on living my whole life on it. Have to say it as someone gets twisted ideas )

But that’s not beneficial for anyone if the game keeps bleeding from people that are, for the most part, selfish. And take it out on other people that are just trying to play effectively making their experience, or worse, first experience highly negative.

You can be ignorant of it, but it won’t save you from it.

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Isn’t part of the enlisted experience doing best with what you have, and know?

Where would be the fun and challenging element in that ?

Although, I suppose a matter of opinions.

Once again, agree to disagree.

Don’t people play enlisted because it’s also fun and different?

Not sure if it will be fun to keep playing the same things over and over.

With that being said, I do see my previous argument could be used against mine.

So… here is that.

( except… customs have been discontinue for further stuff… )

I guess so

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ok this will probably get clear later since it just turn into an average discussion topic like all those mine topic

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in actually good maps and modes?

and maybe some of those maps arent actually fun so people dont play them?

well, that gets repetitive with next to no variety since you’d be playing the same map and learn always the same ones.

that is the opposite of what i would call, " fun ".

that’s why we have a map rotation.

so it’s always sort of different with enough variety to provide an actual challenge.

and don’t get stagnated in the same ones.

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problem is not in lack of variety. problem is in bad maps being shoved into players. people dont have problem with new maps, they have problem with bad maps.

it will be once you can just enable a map votation.

of which, people will, for the most part, play the same map over and over.

well i mean, i can’t think of objectively bad maps.

of which, i haven’t seen so many suggestions of reworks on it.

so i mean…

Fixed it for you.

This however, is true. As long as there will things that dig the trench deeper between victors and loosers such as:

  • gold ranks
  • bonus xp & currency if your TEAM (and not your personal merit) wins

Then ppl will naturally be prone to desert and find the easiest faction to play, leading to unbalanced, unfun matches… like we have now.

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