Answering Your Questions!

this is true but sadly people still get mad at you for saying that they suck (mostly when i tell plane player that literally get 1 kill per bombing run that they should just go on the ground)


It easily can. And I have honestly no clue why do you think otherwise

Desertion will always be a thing. But it shouldn’t be rewarded, quite opposite. It should be punished.

this is BS. being bad is a choice. when you put 0 effort into researching basic mechanics of the game, it is a choice. not building rally points is a choice, sniping non stop without attacking cap once is a choice.

you talking about win bonus? cause i think this is minority reason for deserting. most people desert cause either map preference (which should hopefully be fixed), or cause of roflstomps which arent enjoyable at all. minority of players desert match that can be winnable.

btw i desert matches that we will 100% win if i am on defending team and enemy starts camping.


No, I am speaking about all of it. If desertion wouldn’t be so beneficial for several reasons, so many people would not be deserting. And nobody would even care if desertion would be punished or not.

It’s obvious that deserters have several benefits over people who doesn’t desert. And I don’t think that’s good thing.
I don’t think game should favor deserters over other players.
That’s my opinion.

and that is why people want game fixed so you can get those benefits without deserting. punishing people without fixing reasons why people desert is counterproductive.

That’s completely naive, unrealistic and dishonest approach. As anyone can make up any reason why he is deserting.

And then just say “until my problem is solved, this huge desertion issue should not be addressed”.

Punishments for desertion is norm in most games of this type. And I don’t even understand why is this discussion.

Alot of games would still be winnable without desertion. Many stomps dont start as one and comebacks are not impossible. So many games start with losing the first point in the first minute but then draining all 1000 tickets on the second. So if everyone deserted after the first point it would have been a stomp instead.

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So just point out another reason, which is also the main reason why I became a deserter: sometimes I find myself caught up in a battle between several groups of teamed-up players. If this kind of thing is obvious enough to be discovered, it represents a group of well armed and well communicated players. In this situation, I will work very hard to only play normally, and very very hard to earn good rewards.

Rank system. Well, personally this is a reason why I would rather sit in the vehicle and watch my teammates and enemies torture each other until the end of the battle, because I would need the gold soldier order, and portraits to satisfy my vanity. Logically speaking, newbies are unlikely to receive much help from this mechanism because they are rarely battle heroes.


Let’s re-examine the philosophy here:

Veterans quit the game because their teammates were sniping or sth :heart::heart:. And find another team will be more comfortable.

Constantly sniping or sth :heart::heart: without PTFO is obviously selfish behavior. They do nothing good to the team.

On the same hand, quitting could be selfish behavior as it just abandoned the team.

As we all said: When a team fails, the responsibility should not be shifted to any individual, but rather shared by the team.

Being slaughtered all the time is clearly
not something about “just wanting to play games”. They faced challenges, the stronger enemies.

So quitting the game is also the result of “just wanting to play the game”. People who quit are also the people who try to play the game properly: they should have the proper enemies and teammates.

When talking about the game should favor the people who stay in match no matter they do nothing or all the things good to team, that’s not “deserter penalties”, but sth like “old guard rewards”.

And talking about this “Old Guard”. In my opinion, the actions of people who stay in match no matter what are just maintaining the competitive environment of the game, which is absurd for Enlisted, the game that doesn’t have a proper matchmaking system. (Their enemies will be even comfortable doing bot farms.) Or a more likely reason: newbies don’t know they can quit.


Back to the experience. Although I also believe that newbies will not quit most of the time, there are still a lot of posts on the forum complaining that newbies will quit on a large scale when the situation is slightly wrong. Therefore, in any case, desert penalties always have their unsuitability for newbies.


so remove faction vs faction MM and introduce map veto? i could get behind that…

So if a muderer is beeing set free on a technicality that should not exist, he can not know that the legal system is broken?
Just because you participate in something does not mean that you approve of something.

When the devs wanted to limit vehicle cycling I wasnt opposed to the change, but criticized them for allowing premium squad to bypass that rule, while beeing a vehicle spammer myself.
I got enought premium tanks to continue my cycles as normal but still did supported the notion to fully break the cycle and wanted the premium exemption removed.
I know that vehicle spaming is frowned upon and thus I suppored that change but not with the exemptions DF wanted to provide.

Then come up with solutions how to fix faction stacking and beg DF to remove faction choice from the game as that would be the easierst way to balance player numbers but oh wait then people would only complain.

ah yes, im sure everyone will like to play d-day 7 matches in a row.

also, how can you actually fix player imbalanced ( assuming you’re talking about skills among players ) when, we don’t have enough players of the same kind.

there isn’t a copy of a player of me playing on the enemy side, much less of another player being a copy of you always being putted up against you. it’s worthed to mention that a player some days might be good, others, less good. how do you quantify that? through kills? or death?
a stat system can be easily twisted too.

that’s the nature of PVP game. a perfect balance never exist because everyone is different.

and above all, enlisted is a casual game.
i don’t see why after 6 / 8 hours i’ll have to fight people of my allegedly same level every single time.

sometimes i just wanna play the game for what it is, and how it comes.
enlisted is great because it’s diverse.
you never know the enemies you’ll face ( can you roughy guess the meta i guess ,but still ) or where you will be fighting.

conflicted about that to be honest.

if it works, sure why not.

but i’m not sure that’s actually needed. or wanted.

more or less of a drug dealer accusing the others of doing the same.

you know what i mean?

doesn’t negate his points.
it’s just hippocritical and sure changes the perspective.
which ridicules his own point because of his own position and stances.

yeah that’s called… delusion i’m afraid.
not in a bad way.

but it’s very different.
you actually payed for using those vehicles. and people that cycle are very few.
opposed to deserters.

do you pay to desert?

i’d like to hear more about the ones who advocate.
but then again, we all did, and never come up with a cohesive argument that isn’t selfish or personal.

anyway, vehicle cycle won’t go anywhere due to being a thing that people pay for, and one of the main incomes for enlisted.

don’t think they will shoot their selves in the foot.

i’m sorry, but they are not the same thing.

vehicle cyclying it’s much, much less of a problem compared to desertion.

EDIT: ah yes, i love the snowflakes that suddendly appears when they disagree and have to flag the post.

summs up about pretty much everything.

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I’m replying to an earlier talk which started from BR I-III problems. So please “stop in and consider” that.

What I tried to emphasizing is that Enlisted has not yet established a sound matchmaking mechanism.

Yes, sportmanship should be rewarded. But I beg you to give examples of the game encouraging the athlete spirit.


Regarding War Thunder, one explanation for me is that people did not “become deserters”, but “consumed all their vehicles and naturally returned to the base”. After all, these are two very different games.

Why is that?


i’d be curious to know which one would that be.

that’s an agreement :+1:

it doesn’t.

which it can be a more reasonable argument and perhaps something that should be focused more on.

but just because you don’t have incentive to be a team player, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t even try.

i mean, you can.

after all, being there as a teammate and not actually frick off as soon the opposition starts fighting back i’d argue is more than enogh.

or perhaps the standard bar has been lowered that much that pretty much the bare minimum is being seen as a good thing.

Please keep your discussion civil i know some of you have your on opinion but u can share it without needing to send insult and starting a fight


i don’t find exscuses as a legitimate reasons.

especially when those are selfish reasons.

if you do, good for you i guess.

but i beg to differ.

otherwise devs themselves wouldn’t have addressed desertion in the first place if it wasn’t a problem.

maybe their reasons for this time can actually be better than a loud opposition.

they certainly didn’t set a good example.

of which, i do not approve either.

i certainly am not like those individuals on the other hand. matter of fact you can disprove my point. if you wish. find me a single time that i left a single match.

i will spare you the trouble. none. not a single time.

hey. don’t back down now?

EDIT. you got polverized?

Ok lady, what was wrog with my comment now?

bad faith argument my friend :smirk:

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They want to introduce new penalties for desertion. The main problem with defections comes from poor battles. If the next battle ends in 7-8 minutes and is selected in such a way that maybe 2-3 people do something in our case and the rest pretend to be bots, and theirs are only veterans, then I stopped playing the masochist and just quit the game.

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