Answering Your Questions!

can choose to fight it, or focus on something else.

because it’s fun :slight_smile:

but no, customs arent necessarly only playing against bots. there are also PVP squads, LF etc.
now, granted, i’ll be the first one to admit that, connection and stability issue with the piss poor servers are the issue.

but that’s " fine ".

grinding squads doesn’t always involve carrying :woman_shrugging:

you can just play… for fun you know.
the reason why a game exist in the first place?

sounds more to me y’all are looking for easy wins and get funny numbers going up.
and justify or blain others bur your selves.

ironic or not,
it usually works.

often called accountability.

more over, new players wont hate me for leaving them in the shit for selfish reasons :slight_smile:
( or be a potential reason of them leaving )

i just described tipical behaviors of what happens when i do it.

so, don’t reach or just understand what you want to understand sunshine.

i’m responsabile for what i type, not what you understand.

well, perhaps some do more than others.

which again, fine, do what you want, i’m not gonna stop you.
just don’t cry when you will get penalized for doing something that is selfish and unproductive.

mhh. no, not really.

perhaps you’re mistaking me for someone else.

because i only have been combattive and actually let my thoughts and feedbacks three times in total about this matter in particular.
i don’t go around reminding that deserters are a huge problem. as it doesn’t affect me.

i’m just again, providing my feedback and challenging people who replies to my thoughts.

the only complainings of which i’ll take both the blame and credits, of spamming constantly because those are my selfish reasons, ( and, actually beneficial for everyone ) are custom matches improvements and editor related things.

do not forget that.

nah… it just makes you hate the game more till you quit. gamers have choice now and can easily switch games.

kinda pointless. i would agree if we had more players per map.

maybe it is subjective, but it is one of the most unpopular game modes in berlin. just behind one conquest map that is most unpopular map in the game (for context conquest maps have lowest desertion rate) and one assault map.

i call it walking simulator, cause you are either camping cap and hoping that enemy stumbles upon you, or you are (more often) walking to another cap in hopes of finding enemy. there are only couple of conquest done right in this game (e.g. moscow manor).

reverse d-day is example of lazy bad map design. d-day has been balanced so defenders can easily get to cap and defend, but in reverse it has become too easy for attacker to actually get to cap and hold it. defenders can be cut out of most caps cause attackers have high ground and there are even previously placed MG that look towards defenders (which doesnt make sense if there was previous battle here where USA was attacker. those MG would be either destroyed or removed or would face other direction).

Also Erika:

Basically carring enough to write looooong argumentatives about things… you “don’t care about”
(Was difficult to grab examples before mods delete them outright… mods are mean)

Just say it’s something you DO care about (having an opinion is fine). Or you’ll sound just like Adam you accuse of being silly because he does something “you care not about”…


It’s good there’s a lot of talk on the matter. Maybe devs will try to find GENUINE solutions to the issues at hand.


do i really have to point out your own strawman argument?

just because someone spends some time and words on it, it doesn’t mean they must be invested.

but that’s fine.
think what you want.

it still won’t change.

not quite there i’m afraid.



You don’t just write “some words”, those are entire texts! You also have debates with @robihr , @CaptainSebekel and @Adamnpee (usually debating something requires a modicum of investment in the matter…)

Seriously girl.

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is this your first time?

i often spend words, it’s what i effing do for living too

( no, not texting people on enlisted forum, but using a keyboards 5 days out of 7. )


i could go on and on but that’s not going to be productive with you.

but you reek of disagreement of which you won’t engage because i already pretty much adressed it.

I understand that expanding servers to other regions will increase matchmaking time. But to be fair, waiting for a couple minutes is far better than playing Enlisted as it is. It’s already frustrating knowing that a couple milliseconds can decide if I live or die in the game. And it happened too many times now. Something needs to change.

Ah, all this hair pulling over implementation of such a common sense system as desertion punishment reminds me of days long past; when battlefield began implementing methods to mitigate dolphin diving. Certain players would twist them selves into pretzels to justify its continued necessity.

Enlisted is GOING to implement punishment for desertion, of somekinnd. It is an almost necessary mechanism for a more healthy game, especially with the current day player base being the way they are.

Deserting has almost become a sub culture in this game, fixing certain gameplay mechanics, that some of you cannot even explain, will not solve it at this point.


Who said anything about removing tanks from the game?

It’s the greyzone camping that’s the issue.

If you’re sitting in the greyzone popping heads across the map without any fear of being hit because you’re invulnerable, you’re exploiting the game. Simple.

It’s an easy fix, so it should be fixed.

Yeah, dont make game better, just force people to stay because game is good. That makes sense.

If the game is fun and cool, why cannot we have fun quitting unfun matches and get to match that makes fun?

Making someone experience unfun to make him quit is next-level irony, even for FLAGers.

So there is another Erik that made like 20 posts here and argues with like four people about desertation?

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Desertion punishment and the games improvement are not mutually exclusive, but you already knew that.

As I said, pretzels!


Star Trek I

Those two statements, do not conflict in any way.


if you are playing a game just to cherry pick matches.

you’re not really there to play in the first place.

fun is subjective.

can’t deny that.

but if your fun involves leaving too hard of matches, and stomp less skilled players or out right newbies, that is a different type of fun.
a more harmful one.

of which, in the long run, it’s not beneficial for anyone but the perpetrators.

so, unless you have a low IQ, which i don’t think you do, ( but i could be wrong on that ), you’d know why penalties will be a thing for desertion.

y’all acting really dumb like it’s a revelation.

but actions do have consequences.

we could almost say, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

you must be dreaming.

because as stated, i haven’t really spoken that much regarding penalties outside in 2 / 3 threads.

so again, get your shit straight.

the only 20 threads i made, were once again, regarding customs or editors feature.

on that, i’ll admit my guilt.

but sure, you can focus more on how me answering people replying to me, is somehow " caring " and twist it for your own narrative.

because labels sure do win conversations for ya, uhm?

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So let me get this straight:

-You’re ignoring everyone saying they don’t want desertion penalties, and continue to push for the easiest option of implementation of punishments people don’t want.

-You aren’t planning on doing ANY Custom Match changes or updates, therefore making the entire thing useless. Why did you even bother adding it at this point? I guess even changing a simple number is too much work at this point, when it comes to CM’s.

-You plan to do nothing about the Explosion Spam simply because “muh history” with absolutely zero consideration given to actual player experience and enjoyment. I think we can all safely agree that historical accuracy flew out the window ages ago. Is the Explosion Spam really where you draw the line?

-You didn’t address anything to do with the Veteran’s Box, one of the most commonly asked about things. Not even a “We’ll talk about it in a dedicated blog”, just nothing at all.

And all the other answers were so vague, there was no point even answering those questions.

You really had people thinking it was going to be different this time. Enlisted really is a lost cause.

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That’s fallacy.

Or the game sucks.

Everyone can leave but not everyone can plane cycle or can afford 100 mines…

Because band aid fixes are lazy and easy and do not require devs and white knights to admit hiw bad this game aged.

Post =/= Thread.
Get it straight.

cause people want devs to fix the cause of desertion and not dish out punishment cause of bad game design.

idk what is so hard to explain. minimum quarter to probably more than half of all desertion happen cause people dont want to play bad modes or maps.
another major point that causes desertion is faction stacking that is much harder to fix(my half assed solutions on how to mitigate them are in posts above), specially when devs are actively contributing to problem by releasing tech tree powercreep weapons (e.g. type hei AR or t20) separately. if they released type hei AR and t20 at same time we would not have such big problem 2 times in a row.

if they dont fix actual problems before introducing punishment then it is.

for me most fun are somewhat equal matches where either side can win. roflstomps are unfun on both sides. do you want to know how many roflstomps happen now cause of faction stacking? player staying or not will do absolutely nothing for that game.


That’s fallacy.

What’s fallacy is thinking anyone actually wants this, or that it’s even needed.