Answering Your Questions!

Like hating deserting but also deserting?

Saying that nobody wants desertion punishments. :)) We are just ignoring insecure deserters that do have personal interests in this topic.

Yes, they’re very loud. But they’re definitely not “everyone”.


First statement states that fixing core issues will not splve deseting symptones while second one states that they can go habd in hand. No ots nlt the same.
Buuut pretzels…

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Like you?

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It’s been explained a million times that people aren’t deserting because they’re “insecure”. You ignoring all the facts and evidence doesn’t make it less true.

The only “loud” minority is those pushing for this change. The only insecure people are those that think one or two people leaving their game is the cause for them playing bad.

just 20+% of playerbase. probably much bigger % of core playerbase


Still minority.

So I don’t see any reason why should majority suffer because of minority. Enlisted is not EU.

Still minority.

Yes, you are.

why should majority suffer

Who is suffering? No one is suffering from one or two people quitting at the start of the match. If it’s having that much of a psychological impact on you… quit the match too?

Hell, I’d rather take bots than real people, at least all the bots attack the objective and don’t just stand around like lemons in a nearby building. I’d love it if all the real people quit my matches, it’d make it easier.

I have never once opened the menu in the middle of a game and gone, “oh man, if only XYZ stayed in the game! Them leaving and immediately being replaced by someone else really made us lose this game!” and neither have you. Heck, rules of statistics dictate that in some cases where a player leaves, they’re going to be replaced by someone better than them, it’s not like someone getting replaced always equals a worse teammate taking their place…

Enlisted is not EU.

What does this even mean? American’s aren’t allowed to not like certain matches either? Australians don’t have a quit button? You’re just saying things for the sake of saying things now.

minority that could be 50% of core playerbase? cause majority of players play 1 match per week or 1 match per month.


So you mean we need to suffer when we teamed with a bunch of noobs and bolt bots instead of just leaving the game?


i guess since they will probably clarify it later in another Q&A i guess

but my guess rn is 500 ticket or 3 capture point then it wont apply

A completely made up number with no real value. At this point you are literally making up weird nonsensical arguments to have the “upper hand” in the debate. Which you are doing just to flatter yourself, wrongly thinking it will make your opinion a little more relevant.

Anyone who is against punishment of desertion is simply selfish. And doesn’t want to play by the rules of the game.

It was clarified that punishments for desertion would be introduced only after most of the problems that had been listed as reasons for desertion will be addressed.

So now it’s just about some overly spoiled people being just inscure. That they won’t be able to bypass the system anymore and benefit from it. It’s not about anything else.

And I have not seen a single argument that would disprove that.


Hopefully we can change the pistol stance from the 1950s Weaver Stance (two-handed) to the more historically accurate bullseye position and the point-shooting positions (one-handed) that were used in WW2.



I second this! All great ideas!

Great news! Hopefully it will allow us to switch between the correct uniforms for each nation too. I’d love to see more proper Italian uniforms!

Also, would we be restricting nationalities to battles they historically fought in? I’d like to see that implemented as well. E.g. Italians didn’t fight in Normandy or Moscow, but they were present in Tunisia and Stalingrad.

That’s your opinion :person_shrugging:

Some ppl believe deserters are the selfish ones. Some others (me included) believe those pro punishment to feel better about themselves, are the selfish ones.

In a detached view. The truth migh rest between the two opinions, since it appears clear it’s divided, without concensus.


i mean truth often lie so can we really trust “truth”? (btw i always find the “truth often lie” sentence so funny for some reason) :smoking:

All I want is to deserters not have obvious benefits over players who do not desert. The game should not tolerate benefits gained by bypassing the system .

Rest, I don’t really care.

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At BR5 it’s definitely veterans deserting their matches but at low BR it’s mostly new players getting annoyed with the stomps and losing one point after another. I made countless players (especially holding a gamepad) ragequit because i killed them too many times. Sadly current MM is really pro-nation stacking and promotes playing only the popular nations for easy XP/Silver thanks to the win bonus.

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completely made up number with no real value.

Yet you also pulled the “you’re the minority” thing out of thin air with no numbers to back yourself up. Only a problem when we do it, huh?

At this point you are literally making up weird nonsensical arguments to have the “upper hand” in the debate.

Like you did with that random EU jab?

Which you are doing just to flatter yourself, wrongly thinking it will make your opinion a little more relevant.

Again, you couldn’t be more ironic if you tried.

Anyone who is against punishment of desertion is simply selfish.

The only selfish one is the one who forces people to play things they don’t want to play.

And doesn’t want to play by the rules of the game

Show us the rule which says we MUST stay in a game.

It was clarified that punishments for desertion would be introduced only after most of the problems that had been listed as reasons for desertion will be addressed.

So why the need for desertion punishments? Fix the issue, people won’t desert unless they have to… you’ve just admitted here the punishments are an unnecessary step.

“it’s just about some overly spoiled people being just inscure.”

You’re right, you are. “Waah everyone must play exactly as I want them to play! Darkflow, make them!! waaah!”

“That they won’t be able to bypass the system anymore and benefit from it.”

Again, no one has been benefitting from leaving matches. They lose out on the XP and Silver from it… all it does is make them wait in matchmaking queue even longer. There’s no benefit to quitting matches that somehow “cheats the system”.

“And I have not seen a single argument that would disprove that.”

You have, you’ve just been ignoring them so that you don’t have to be wrong.

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