Answering Your Questions!

  1. not made up
  2. it has real value. this represent minority of players that play majority of matches. casuals while representing majority of playerbase, are actually playing minority of matches. you can check it in stats (there is link to google sheets if you want to check the numbers yourself).

btw will give you some numbers to think about. 64.07% of players(unique) account for 16.1% total players in matches. 78.22%(or 215 639) of players (unique) account for 30.05% of people in matches. 9.91% (or 27 734) of players (unique) are responsible for 47.29% of people in matches.

core players are the ones playing majority of games (and probably deserting them).

as is anyone who is for desertion punishment. you think it will magically make game much better, despite ignoring obvious problems that game has with every major update. well it wont.

no it wasnt. there was planned section for some of the problems which they refused to clarify how will they solve them in this Q&A. i know cause i asked specifically. excuse me for remaining skeptical after how they handled merge.

idk why you are projecting so much insecurities. only benefit people get from deserting is getting out of shit match earlier (for whatever reason). if you force people to play shit matches they will just quit the game (or make the game even more shit).
i can now play BR5 germany only cause i am not forced to stay when US or soviets are just totally roflstomping germans. if there is desertion punishment while this is not fixed i will just play whatever stacked faction of month is or i will just quit the game altogether.


It makes more sense for them to just to add every squad type for the British and Italians and having each of their soldier classes available to purchase. American and British AT squads, American and British AT soldiers. If they allow this sort of “customization” we might end up with American squads with British voiced soldiers and vice versa

we already can get american with british cloth using bren gun carrier squad (i guess it a ship of theseus thing cause you can get rid of everyone but the drive)

What I want is ALSO less desertion… But not because ppl are being punished. Instead I want ppl to desert less, because the game becomes balanced and fun (unlike one sided matches unfun for both sides we have now).

What I want is to fix the reasons why ppl desert. It’s more than just “ppl desert just because they can”


same. they only addressed part of the problem on why people desert in their plans. map preference (which idk how will they implement, just hope not another “soft” rule), looking into stack MM(again no info), but they didnt mention anything about faction stacking which is imho bigger problem than people deserting.


Yeah It is really weird that their reply for deserter penatly was more detailed than the ones for map preferences or stack issues, which was basically just a side note in deserter penalty.
And we should trust this?


Hey DarkFlow it’s called HandGun not HandsGun.

He might be referring to Brexit. Like EU is something you can “easily” quit. In that case it’s still a poor association. It’s ridiculous to have a game even more difficult to quit from than the EU.

Oh no! I guess my exp and silver earning will drop for the next few battles.

What if I didn’t desert but left due to connectivity issues?

Is there any distinction between a disconnect form network issues and a disconnect from leaving the match early?

Players from Asia and Oceania sometime face connection issue due to not having game servers dedicated to their region. Do they get penalize simply because of the region they live in?


I disagree.

Bypassing system shouldn’t be a feature, especially beneficial one.
I couldn’t have cared less about desertion if the deserters actually hadn’t a single benefit over normal players.

Extremely naive. Desertion will always be a thing. You can’t prevent it. But it definitely shouldn’t be rewarded.

Plus we’ve already been told punishments for desertion will be implemented only after most reasons why people desert are addressed.

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i am confused about what you think is reward for desertion? 1.5 multiplier for possible win in another match? map that doesnt suck? teammates that dont suck (or are equally bad as in other team)? not wasting time with braindead teammates/bots?

tell me why should i stay in these kind of matches?

3 humans on my team, 5 humans on enemy team. btw try to guess 3rd human player on my team from that scoreboard.

who has his experience ruined with staying in these kind of matches?


Now who is the extremely naive one? :laughing:


What do you mean? Like British soldiers in American uniforms? Ideally the uniform should change with the voice.

The ability to roll an imaginary dice until the ideal game you dreamed up comes up.

Someone’s blocking a vehicle slot? Cool, just leave that game and try your luck again.
Someone instantly kills your soldier with a new GO weapon? Cool, you definitely don’t want to wait another 2 squares instead you just quit the game a try again. .
Got a bad team? Cool, then just leave match…

I don’t know, it just seems totally stupid to me. That something like this should be an unpunishable feature. I find it completely sick.

There’s so many reasons why someone would want to desert. But this game simply isn’t only about one person. In most matches there’s another 9 people in his team. And they’re affected by his desertion. Especially on higher BRs. Where difference between bot and real players is truly significant.

Desertion is just bypassing the system, taking advantage of its flaws.
It definitely should be think of as feature.

And I think most reasons why people do desert are absolutely pathetic.

I’m fine with fragmenting the player base, sometimes I like intense PVP, and sometimes I like bot games, depends on my mood, sometimes I enjoy being sweaty, other times like after a 12 hour shift, I just want to chill and pew pew bots.

How about letting rocket artillery strike the grey zone?

Get this done please, ‘World of Warships’ has a similar system, its reduced XP, but you still get XP and its a great way to chill out.

Great news, can we get some better motorbike sounds please.

IMHO mines are fine as they are, they bring a level of chaos and unpradictability into the game, I always laugh when I get taken out by one as it’s so unexpected, plus they’re a good counter for sweatlords. Mines are fun, don’t ruin them.

You can’t force people to do something they don’t want to do, this commisar like attitude just isn’t going to work, if somebody tries to get me to do something I don’t want to do, I will definatley without exception 100% not comply. forcing people to stay in a game when they are hugely uptiered or badly matched with an enemy team full of sweatlords and sometimes hackers, (and this happens reasonably regularily) I’ll just quit and you can’t stop me, nerf my XP, ban me I will not tolerate being treated like that. Others will do similar, and I don’t care about my XP, my sanity is more important. Maybe you should take a good hard look at your matchmaking, or PVE options? I know people that quit as soon as a match starts and that’s not something I do or approve of, so maybe have a 3 minute timer before removing any penalty?

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that a lot of rp

I’m not surprised since they answered multiple questions in the nature of “it’s too hard, we don’t want to do it”.

As usual they address problems that are the lowest hanging fruits while sweeping the bigger and more difficult issues under the rug until enough people make noise about it, bipods ‘cough, cough’.


And funky dancing field guns wobbling like a jelly on a washing machine. :joy:


Ideally yes, but knowing the devs I’m not so sure.

have you seen last screenshot i showed you? you know who was 3rd human player in my team? that guy in 10th place with 3 kills and 135 score doing who knows what. this was BR5 match. so how should that player be punished for being worse than bot? do you think that these kind of players are rare in BR5?

then shall we extend punishment to people who snipe and are not attacking/defending cap? by your analogy this is team game with 9 other players that are trying to win and sniping isnt helping to achieve that objective. this is pure selfish play that ruins game experience of other 9 players so it should be punished?

shall we extend this to people who are not building rally points? we all know that rally points win games, so not building them is effectively working against your team cause player is selfish and doesnt care about other 9 players actually winning.

so why is suddenly desertion such a sin deserving punishment, when game is full of selfish people affecting game in even worse ways than someone deserting.

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