This isn’t a suggestion since I just want to send a message to players, especially Axis enjoyers, both Germany and Italy chads included.
European Axis usually get one tech tree item for a major update, there were two exceptions to this, once when they got nothing and once when they got four items of which 3 were ported over vehicles from war thunder and a nearly copy pasted submachine gun so if it wasn’t obvious already, this isn’t really a priority faction which is understandable since Japanese tech tree is still rather empty.
So the players should only suggest new items for the tech tree that would have some kind of purpose or merit to them.
Germany right now has 8 tech tree machine guns
MG13, Breda 30 and ZB-26 on BR2
MG34 on BR3
MG34 patronentrommel and MG42 on BR4
MG15 and MG42 100 on BR5
I honestly don’t think that Germany really needs a new machine gun.
About MG34 with 100:
MG34 is a legendary gun and I’m sure many people would love to see it on BR5 for that alone, but it would just end up foldered inside the MG42 with few people using it.
About the MG08/15:
It’s a WW1 relic Germany retained in small numbers, saw limited use in WW2 mostly by Volkssturm. While it would be a cool larp gun, it would hardly see use and it’s not a tech tree worthy addition, however it could be a nice Battle Pass reward, that way it might even see use with people that didnt research the Axis MG line.
If Axis really wanted another tech tree machine gun right after the MG42 100 then at least that should be the modified 7.7mm Breda-SAFAT, Italy’s best infantry machine gun of the war. So Italy would get something for once too.
Yeah I agree, the MG 42 100 is plenty enough for MGs now, personally I would like for high BR to get some more planes, SPGs for mid BR , and more uniqe weapons for low BR (from side nations like Italy, France, or Hungary).
Panzer I is an actual tank, though.
A tankette is an armoured, fully enclosed tracked turretless fighting vehicle like the TKS or Carden Loyd.
Polish TKS
Panzer I is something I would like to see for lolz and mods, but not while Axis only get 1 TT item per 3 months. I rather see a Do 335 or Italian G56 instead.
I would like another MG at BR III for variety sake, which is why i said a time ago that i wanted the ZB-26 to be buffed rather than being downtiered. non-German axis MG could be really cool
Germany doesn’t need new stuff , at least not now but the nations that are included inside axis needs to be fleshed out and make into a proper sub-tech tree
I would like to play as German-Hungarian mixed units and Hungarian forces in my lineup
Overall, the German tree is fine as it is. It doesn’t strictly need anything else, although that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be nice to see some things added.
I’d like to see the MG-08/15 added to the tech tree. It’d be a good equivalent to the Browning 1919 or Maxim-Tokarev, and really makes sense since it was one of the more prominent standard issue MGs for 2nd line German troops.
The weapon was modernized throughout the 1920s and 1930s, until it began being replaced by the MG-34 in 1936. It was not simply some “relic” from WW1, nor was it a rare weapon to find, being deployed in fairly considerable numbers saw service on every front of the war.
There’s also the Finnish L/34 and L/41 machine guns that would be very interesting to see, if we’re strictly looking for non-German weapons. Although I’m not sure if I’d put them in the TT.
As far as Italian Machine Guns, I’d like to see Italian squads able to build Italian emplacement MGs. Perhaps the Breda 37 and Breda SAFAT as the MMG and HMG respectively.
Yeah, that’s the one I’m meaning. You can see it’s that it’s the up-sized version in the picture, although I didn’t specify the SAFAT caliber.
I definitely like this idea too. Either MMG would be fine, since both saw fairly extensive use, but maybe this one would have a more distinctive look/feel to it though.