Distortion effect for tank sights

Great! My eyes hurt already from looking at this…

Not really old glass distorts, German and Japanese optics were very good quality thought the war, everyone else were prone to some minor distortion, especially Russian optics.

@FACE_TAC my man have you been working on your War Thunder mod for Enlisted any more?

Would be cool to see an updated version.

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It really bad they should undo this.

I like it a lot tbh


They really should make it a toggle because as it is it is very unpleasent to the eye. It gets even worse if you keep switching from commander sight to gunner sight. Then the effect gets even more violent.

Im starting to get used to it, but the motion sickness wont go away if this continues i might stop bringing tanks into battle and use only planes.

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Devs have made a change immediately there is push back, it is realistic and ok takes some getting used to, don’t just immediately ask for it to be reverted, get used to it, it is very nice feature.

It is like concussion in Stalingrad, which was realism, and stopped tankers firing indiscriminately, but people cried and it got changed.

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I like it. It’s just a very minor inconvinience for improvement in visuals and realism. A fair price.


Just wanted to express my praise for the latest patch which altered the distortion effect - it improved the eye comfort without spoiling the feeling of realism. I can agree that the distortion starting from a larger radius is nicer than it was before when most of the area was a little distorted. Now it no longer causes any headaches :laughing:

Now ( Update they reduced the distorted area significantly (like the lens of the scope was produced with higher standards :stuck_out_tongue: ). I feel a lot of improvement and it’s still realistic for me (even more realistic I could say, since a Tiger II, for example, wouldn’t use low-quality optics :smirk: )

You improved distorsion but I have a feeling something went wrong in the process.


dont listen to the whiners crying about “enlisted is unplayable now with the lens distortion”.

the game got more realistic & immersive with a nice little upgrade.
having “muh brain hurt after looking through the lens” is not an argument, countless games have effects like that, rightfully so.


Binos and scopes should also get the distortion effect

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I meant that binos are tilted.
You can’t lean in a tank so I must be standing straight so binos should be “nomral” (horizontal with no angle).


I experienced same problem with panzer 4j. Perhaps the commander has consumed too much panzer chocolate


Plus the sight’s crosshair for Lee Enfield Mk1 No4 is wrong, should look more like this :


Some other scopes probably still need crosshair corrections/replacements, which is even more important than giving them the vignette and distortion effects

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I know its wrong historically…

But please dont change it. I fucking hate that reticle :stuck_out_tongue:

The current one is nice, that one gives me the shits because of the cross section. It messes with you when you quickscope/lead

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The current one covers whole enemy’s head when he is around 200m away. This full cross looks nice at first glance but is not helpful when it comes to 1-pixel-precision. And when just the head is sticking out from behind the obstacle, I don’t know if the soldier has moved away from my aim or not. The current scope would be nice if the lines were really, really thin like this:

haha. I suppose its what you get used to.

I hunt with a red dot. So long range I cant actually see the target when i shoot. I aim next to it and drag… when i cant see them thats my cue to shoot lol

so when I cant see the head, I know Im gonna hit it :slight_smile: