Distortion effect for tank sights

I like the distortion but it causes a bit of motion sickness to me
Some adjustment options might helpful


Any bigger plans for the next big update?

When will sniper scopes have a similar feature in the future?


It looks cool, but I hop it will not make people dizzy in game.

We passed that suggestion to the devs, but decision is up to them.


when will be tank ammo realistic, stoppable by huge walls?

When will be able to destroy trees with machinegun fire and especially our cannons? Even WT lets you do this.


I’m all for realism improvements, but this seems like it just makes it hard to see?


I hope never.

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Absolutely great. Keep it as it was in the test server, for me that was love from the first sight (pun not intended).

There are always players who will love updated solution and don’t want to go back to the older one (such as me and many others in this thread), and other players who would rather stay with the basic raw sight that we have now. Making things optional is a great solution in such cases - please let the enjoyers of the visual effects enjoy those effects in all of their beauty, and let those who find them annoying to turn them off. Please, no cheap half-measures (like, I don’t know, removing the lens distortion but keeping the vignette) - that will satisfy noone.


I need it as well. There was a strong effect on the long scopes a long time ago (visible on Kar98k and on Springfield 1903A1 for example) - when you moved the weapon quickly the dark circle moved in the scope… and I liked it, it made the sniper gameplay more immersive, I had to move my rifle more calmly and train a steady hand. Now there are no consequences of sharp swings of the rifle which feels arcade as hell. I would love some lens distortion and the moving vignette, especially in the longer scopes (I appeal to all sniper-haters out here, please give likes to this comment because this will nerf me as a sniper, and I just want my immersion)

He speaks the truth :100:

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Premiums still don’t have camos at all


This is bad, concerning motion sickness.
And who said it is realistic? Using binoculars in real life, I don’t see this effect, at least not that strong. Maybe military vehicle scopes are different, that idk.


You use modern binoculars - on the old, mass produced WW2 optics, only the center of the lens was profiled correctly, the rest was imperfect and produced noticeable distortion. On old Mosin scopes or in Pz III optics, it can be seen quite well:
and the new update will reflect that almost perfectly.
It IS realistic.


I’m impressed! Hopefully it doesn’t tank FPS too badly on low-end systems :slight_smile:

I’m honestly surprised that War Thunder (which uses the same engine and is focused on vehicles) doesn’t have this effect.

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I really like that you get new features like this one into the game but please dont forget to work on the existing problems that partially accompany us already for a few years now.

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I hope as soon as possible. Plus the view around the scope should stay unzoomed (x1) like it is in some of the modern shooter games like Stalker 2 for example

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I am curious if there will be a noticeable difference between Allied optics and the German “Zeiss” designed optics that were historically known to be superior to Allied sights?


^^ This!

There are so many existing issues with vehicles: getting stuck on spawn, shots not registering, getting stuck on small tiny pieces of debris that should not be able to stop a whole tank…