Distortion effect for tank sights

I experienced same problem with panzer 4j. Perhaps the commander has consumed too much panzer chocolate


Plus the sight’s crosshair for Lee Enfield Mk1 No4 is wrong, should look more like this :


Some other scopes probably still need crosshair corrections/replacements, which is even more important than giving them the vignette and distortion effects

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I know its wrong historically…

But please dont change it. I fucking hate that reticle :stuck_out_tongue:

The current one is nice, that one gives me the shits because of the cross section. It messes with you when you quickscope/lead

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The current one covers whole enemy’s head when he is around 200m away. This full cross looks nice at first glance but is not helpful when it comes to 1-pixel-precision. And when just the head is sticking out from behind the obstacle, I don’t know if the soldier has moved away from my aim or not. The current scope would be nice if the lines were really, really thin like this:

haha. I suppose its what you get used to.

I hunt with a red dot. So long range I cant actually see the target when i shoot. I aim next to it and drag… when i cant see them thats my cue to shoot lol

so when I cant see the head, I know Im gonna hit it :slight_smile:

Not seeing the target is a really weird argument. I wonder where you stand on iron sights.
You just don’t even try to shoot at anything that’s 40m+ away?

You are lucky that you don’t feel nausea and motion sickness while looking through the new lense because now tank are not usable for me and same go for anti tank cannon. Now it a real pain to level up AT squad and my high tier line up for germany is screw without tank.


Yeah but characters in Enlisted (be it bots or players) turn their bodies, crouch and stand up all the time, so in my opinion (or rather - from my experience), constant target observation is crucial in this game