Devs please consider removing the Tiger II H and replacing it with something comparable to the Tiger II (P)

I believe that if the developers put the planes, there must be a reason. If we do the same reasoning for the sappers within each team we find the reason why in games of 10 players there are often only 3 who make the spawns and then magically when there are events like this Christmas one where you have to score 50 points via rally point , you magically find yourself with 9 rally points in every game. Players must play what they like, but they must also be able to respond to opponents’ tactics with what the developers give them. If they give you the P47 it is clear that you need it to destroy the superiority of the German tanks. Why do the Germans often use tanks? Because they know that the allied tanks are currently inferior, but they know that they are at risk against the P47s. So before using the tank the basis is to build many AA.

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Are you serious sir?
Flanking is a basic tactic.
Every map has opportunities for flanking attacks.
For example, if you can’t flank the enemy with tanks, you can still penetrate with infantry. Aircraft are also effective. Without them, there would be no game.
The role of vehicles in this game is first of all to support infantry. This is true for both aircraft and tanks.
Then there are vehicles to escort or destroy the infantry support vehicles.
If tanks have a great influence on the infantry, then aircraft that can destroy those tanks will have a great influence on the battlefield.
Besides destroying enemy tanks, they have many other important roles, such as finding choke points on the map and CAS.

To always want to launch a frontal assault, and to always destroy the King Tiger head on, and if you can’t do that, then delete the King Tiger…is a foolish request to say the least.
The game is a bit more complex, and that’s where it’s designed to be fun.


IS-3 is 7.3 in warthunder so lets add a German tank in that BR range from warthunder (-/+ 1) so best I found is Maus and E-100( 7.7) and KT with 10.5cm (7.0)
For ISU-152 (4.7) also this shit has 27 second base reload so you guys complain that IS-2 reloads slow but OK with 27 second reload man what a hypocrites well the best thing I can add to Germany at that BR range is KW I C 756 (r) (5.0) it has a german canon so its unique and Jagdpanzer 38(t) (4.3)
and T34-100(6.3) you know this is not gonna change anything when it comes to killing Tiger II (H) you still have to shoot through turret so we gonna add Panther II with 8.8 cm (7.0) or Elefant (6.7) or Tiger II (H) Sla.16 (6.7)
yeah none of the options above for soviets going to change anything the best thing to add to soviets without adding anything for germans would be OBJECT 248 OR 245 and since only Object 248 is in warthunder that would be best its IS-2 with 100 mm you still need to aim for turret but the reload is the same as Tiger 2


I have talked about this many times, every time I die to a sideshot - It was my own fault, I could have stayed further back or behind my infantry. There are almost always options to make sure that you face the enemy with your frontal armor.

Now I will however fully agree that Infantry has the power to flank tanks and overrun them - this is a constant struggle as a tanker and part of why the game is so much fun to me - a good tanker positions himself in a way to get his own team to protect his tank from people that overextend, while having enough open field between you and enemy infantry - so that you have enough time to react IF someone manages to push through

It doesn’t always work. I sometimes have situations where enemy tank is rolling through friendly infantry, sideshots me and then it gets marked. Sadly I can’t have eyes all around me (mainly due to shit coupola implementation!!!).

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imagine having maps with open caps where tiger 2 can just endlessly spam HE… did you even play the new maps?

Not gonna happen

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This is also the same conclusion I take, Tiger II H is too strong, but everything that could deal with it is most likely also too strong or a post war tank.

Doesn’t change what I wrote.

The Tiger II H is nothing special when you’re fighting at high levels with Paratroopers as well and people are working together




Again, this is not about the King Tiger being immortal, my topic is about Tank balance and nothing else.

This statement is true but also not true before the H variant soviet had to shoot through the turret to kill the P variant since the Ps turret is weaker that H T-34-85 also could pen it when they added H variant you still had to go through turret to KIll it but this time it was immune to 85 mm shells so IS-2 and premium SU were only counters you see nothing changed you still have to shoot through turret so they are not powerful

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then you are better off asking for a bigger map or change the map so you can flank easier

This could be a solution, but it is questionable how a too big map works out with infantry.

The only way to completely prevent an enemy flanking attack while in a tank is to stay in the gray area.
No tank can monitor 360 degrees. As long as they fulfill their role, they risk being penetrated and taken by surprise by the enemy. That is the rule of the game.

I have just now destroyed it with my shaman…

We may as well have this next for the Soviets and for the deployments



With a sideshot - after having shot already.

I would have turned my tank immediately towards the sound of your gun.

This guy played risky, overextend and didn’t pay attention. He deserved to get killed here.

I on the other hand would have not made this specific mistake.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when I also decide to play risky, being a target can relieve pressure from the frontline, but this was pointless from the enemy tanker.

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I’m showing that your assertion that only post-war tanks can destroy the Tiger 2 is unreasonable.

There is a thread going on at the same time right now whining about the Tiger 2 and the P-47, and it is very funny that in addition to that there is now a thread that has been started that says the plane should be deleted.
I think you should stop building threads about such things immediately and ask yourself why you couldn’t attack it.
That is the way to enjoy the game.


To everyone asking for IS-3, don’t because that won’t fix anything. IS-2 held back by the long reload time, but IS-3 has the exact same gun with even longer reload.
IS-3 would completely destroy the WW2 aspect of the game, for no reason at all.