Devs please consider removing the Tiger II H and replacing it with something comparable to the Tiger II (P)

Dude, Tiger II H exist because the soviets keep asking for the IS2 1944



Btw nice to see how stabiliser works in action. I’d kill for it in my stug.


Heya voyo, you can keep picking on Japanese who don’t speak English well like that. :pleading_face:


Speaking a different language, having a different alphabet and drastically different culture doesn’t protect you from being mocked by me. I don’t make the rules. Actually I do but shh.
Look, I have to make up for my lack of self-esteem somehow.


IS-2 model 1944 was in the berlin pre-alpha test 3 years ago same with rpd so it was going to come in regardless how many people asked for it though the only things yet to make an appearance from there was the german and soviet panzerschreck, the panzerschrek 54/1 ( i believe that was for germany only) and the mauser HSc pistol


you are having some misconception about me, first, I am a Axis main, 95% of my matches are as Germans, so I do not struggle against Tiger II H, instead I cause people to quit the match.

second, I never claimed that a Tiger II H is literally immortal, instead I keep saying that it is unbalanced compared to other tanks.

Also I have now stated multiple times that I do not claim that shooting the sides of a tank is ineffective - instead I said multiple times that this can not be a basis of balanced gameplay, because if tank A needs to flank and tank B doesn’t need to flank than tank B is superior - which is the definition of imbalance.

Also to be clear, I am theoretically not against asymmetrical balance - yet I don’t see how this is the case in this game.

Besides that I disagree with the whole “planes balance out tanks” statement, I would even argue that allied max BR planes are not necessarily superior to axis planes.

bro we literally get one shot by panzerfaust bias shit all the times, what are u talking about, pls stay focus.

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That is true, also I have asked for this as well being an Axis player - yet I have never asked for a Tiger II H, in fact I have cheered to the idea of adding a Tiger II P back in the day, because it was compared to the Tiger II H fairly easy to kill.

We do not want to go there otherwise what do you say to tiger and jumbo having a staring contest in the past and technically now

And yet who asked for RD44 and AS44, or MG15, also Panzerschrek for soviet? That’s rich, imagine they didn’t captured enough Panzerfaust to be standard issued and now they can get a weapon with even less sample? Lmao

always hated the Jumbo tank, a vehicle that is terribly under gunned while also being insanely well armored was asking for barrel sniping - which is sooo incredibly boring.
Man am I glad I don’t have to play those old matches anymore.

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no one as far as i am aware hell i don’t think the enlisted forum back in the pre-alpha for berlin so it was the devs putting it there becaue they wanted to

that is how it was and honestly using the pre-alpha panzerschreck was really nice

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Hey hold up, don’t forget Japan. They had one too


You want your rof to be between 800 and 900rpm because over 1000 and you start running into hitreg issues because of tick rate/servers-


Why is the front of Tiger 2 so hard? Because that is what makes the Tiger 2 unique.
I don’t understand why you insist that it is unfair that something designed to be different from other tanks is different from other tanks. Why do you say such a thing?
Have you lost your cool? What you are saying sounds like a very silly claim to me.

In the historical WWII, the US Army basically didn’t try to counter the Tigers with tank battles. They thought that if they found a Tiger, they could just destroy it with air attacks. There were a few exceptions, but that was the basic policy.
Enlisted clearly represents that in the game. That’s what I find interesting about the game.
I don’t know about the Soviets, but at least they can certainly be dealt with by aircraft as well as the US Army, and they have tanks with good guns, so they still have a better chance than the US tanks in tank battles.
There are several ways to destroy the Tiger 2, the easiest being by aircraft. But your opinion goes something like this.
I don’t like the use of aircraft. Therefore, it is significantly more difficult to destroy Tiger 2."
I think this is a joke of an opinion.
It is obvious that many factors are involved in balancing the game, yet you deny it and demand “balance” according to your own rules. This is bullshit.
If you want to play a game where German and Soviet tanks have the exact same performance, I suggest you play Battlefield.

Now, let’s not whine about the rules of the game.
Stop trying to destroy the uniqueness of the game with your temporary emotional outbursts and personal selfishness.

That’s still not gonna save them unfortunately

No, but atleast we can suffer in style

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I don’t care. MG42 with less than 1k rpm is like US without air support or russians without vodka. You just need it.


Also I’m a german main, don’t ask me about stuff that makes sense and is useful


dude, listen,

having super strong frontal armor is not a unique trade, its what makes a better tank.

you dont go around mention how the Panzer III is just as strong as the IS 2, because frontal armor strength doesn’t matter because you can always just flank.

tank A is better than tank B. This is a fact.