Devs please consider removing the Tiger II H and replacing it with something comparable to the Tiger II (P)

When tank get stuck on roads and the map is horrible for driving it’s debatable

Beat me to it Greyparrots

had me :smile:


And unfortunately the dropping of the nuke caused the emperor to surrender

Honestly, if they found a way to limit the Tiger II, like a points system in the mech event, I think they would be a lot less of a problem.

Nobody really drives anymore.

Why would you when a good chunk of these maps are so poorly designed, you can driven a few feet and have an excellent overview of the battle, and just stay there racking up kills until it’s over?

15 is gay.
34 is still ok but 42 is beastt. Unless 42 has nerfed rof, then it’s gay.


I’m not sure if you’ve been playing high matches or not but in those matches body starts stacking up and you can’t use the road eventually

I mean balance wise your point system could work - yet it would fundamentally change how the game is played, I don’t know if this would be a smart move to make.

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That’s true, it would be a dramatic change that probably wouldn’t be received well.

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That’s what I’m saying, why use the road and expose yourself when you can stay perched on a hill?

And why ever? The Americans will soon have the Pershing and the SuperPershing so they will be on equal terms. I find it smarter to ask for the addition of the IS-3 or the T34-100 or the ISU-152 for the Soviets.

if you’re fighting a death stack they’ve killed your teammates or your friends or you and they’ve blocked the Spawn with your bodies so you can’t really move

Also changed the title after realising that I am stupid.

Pershing will not reliably kill the H, the P sure. Super Pershing will probably be able to kill the H.


Game balance is fine.
If you are playing with Soviets they have a number of tanks that can destroy them.
If the Tiger 2 is moving around, you have a chance to flank it with a T-34/85 tank or a Panzerfaust.
If the Tiger 2 is in an open area, you can certainly attack it with aircraft; even a 100 kg La-7 bomb can destroy it if you can get a direct hit.
If the Tiger 2 is on a narrow road in Berlin, this is your chance to use mortars.
Even if you can’t destroy the tank completely, just destroying the crawler will greatly increase the chances of your allies destroying it.

If you can’t use aircraft or tanks and your teammates using them are ignoring the Tiger 2, then your allies in that match are garbage and you should get out of there as soon as possible. It is not a problem with the Tiger, it is a problem with your allies.

The Tiger and Tiger 2 are special tanks for the Germans. One of the elements that makes their faction unique. It is powerful, but it is not an invincible tank. It means that there is a strategy and you should look for it. :slightly_smiling_face:
Some people on the forums are quick to yell to remove something, but removing something you don’t like is not necessarily a good thing for the balance of the game. It only makes it boring.


Pershing can be somewhat acceptable for a WW2 history lover like myself, but Superpershing and IS3 are hurting my little heart. It alienates from WW2 and opens up the box of prototypes.

T34 100 and Panther II are also pretty bad from a historical standpoint.

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problem already faced with the AS-44 for the Soviets. Unfortunately, balance is too important.

Stop it you’re not allowed to make sense and there’s a good chance I could get my belt fed MG here

Super Pershing did see combat, albeit just one, and they claimed a king tiger kill. So at least it was there.

IS3 didn’t see combat if I recall correctly


Flanking is not a strategy, its abusing a mistake the enemy made, the maps dont usually allow for flanking manoeuvres anyways.

Also you are right that planes can kill every vehicle in the game - still I dont like flying, most players don’t like it - it is a very specific playstyle that is not for everyone to enjoy. To say that the game needs this type of asymmetrical balance only means that there will be less players willing to play a certain faction because it is lacking in a specific playstyle.

Also I dare to say that planes are overall less effective for the team than ground vehicles.

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