Deserter example and how to fix the problem

Actually this is something that I do believe needs to be addressed. Perhaps not removed entirely, but at the very least the order needs to be changed up.

Why? You may ask.

Because psychologically speaking, when looking at a stat sheet like this, players tend to see the first listed stat as “the most important”. This is one of the major reasons why so many players base their feeling of success off of how many kills they got.

This is why you so often see players farming kills with things like tanks and such, where they get absolutely massive amounts of kills, and their score is quite high, but they didn’t actually help their team where it mattered.

So simply by changing up the order and putting the objective points, fortification points, assists, etc toward the front (left) of the scoreboard, and the kills further down (on the right), you are very likely to see a huge shift in player mentality.

  • adding some kind of map/mode selection/vote/veto. i automatically desert e.g. train, assault and certain conquests maps. many people just absolutely hate some game modes or maps and will desert before game starts.

The can’t do it bc the player base is not enough

adding join any bonus xp .

i though this was already a thing.

better team balancing with console players.

I honestly don’t see so much disparity with pc player and console player.

pointless. people desert cause of roflstomps,

The 2-3 people that can evade it usually exit when they realize winning is impossible with their team, give them 50% xp even when they loose and maybe you will have a close match :wink: so maybe even the other people will play better to the end to get the 25%.

if you want to fix desertion

And made player play better.


The idea to encourage players to stay in games is so much better than penalising them or punishing them for desertion.
Attack /Defense rotation needs sorting.
MM is a mess.
Map/mode selection.
Bonuses for staying to the end of a match when defeated.



it can be done with map vote/veto. you preselect maps you dont want to play in main menu and when MM gathers 20 players it gets you rng of least hated map/mode that those players selected

nope… they promised it with merge, but it didnt happen

maybe look harder? if you check average crossplay match you will see pc players at top of the scoreboard with console players mostly at bottom (or mid). there are some exceptions, but this is general trend

50% extra of shit xp is still shit xp. also do you understand definition of roflstomp? one side is totally overwhelmed by the other. if attackers have advantage they will win in ~10 minutes or less and if defenders have advantage match will drag for 25 minutes with sporadic kills. both are bad matches and people dont want to stay in them

rofl. casual players will always be casual. no game could improve shit players that dont want to improve.

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Sorry, but if you are a good player you can have nice xp even during roflstomp. I played Tunisia Axis 3 days in the worst period, maybe i know what i’m talking about. the problem is that your effort are punished at the end of the match if you don’t win and not on every game one want to suffer for nothing.
You kinda have the example in the screenshot i posted

it can be done with map vote/veto. you preselect maps you dont want to play in main menu and when MM gathers 20 players it gets you rng of least hated map/mode that those players selected

There are 1000 current player in Enlisted rn and some console user play with crossplay off, i don’t think is enough.

casual players will always be casual.

They just need to build rally point

most tunisia allies were just bot farmers with no skill and cant be compared with skilled veterans on one side vs newbies on other side.

i am probably in top 5% of players by skill in enlisted and even i get shit xp when enemy is stacked. ffs i have been in numerous matches where my team lost first cap point by the time i built rally point. tell me what xp can i get when my team cant hold cap point 30 seconds without me?

  1. stop using fake stats sites.
    Enlisted stats- postmerge edition
  2. it doesnt matter how many players there are if map selection is based on vote.

welcome to the enlisted. just search forum and you will find numerous topics about this issue. at least with APC there are more spawn points nowadays…

Mhhhh, ok? Then what is the solution to this? Random faction xp could help but is 25% vs 50% smh…

welcome to the enlisted. just search forum and you will find numerous topics about this issue. at least with APC there are more spawn points nowadays…

I joined 1 year ago and this was always one of the major problem, what have the dev done about it? Nothing.

stop using fake stats sites.
it doesnt matter how many players there are if map selection is based on vote.

That’s seems rocky number but I trust you. For the vote yes but they need to do a lobby for it? We should just comeback to the campaign and that’s it lol

idk where you get your numbers? what 25% vs 50%?

problem with roflstomps is that some factions are just simply stacked with veterans. we saw this problem where most veterans playing germans just after merge giving >90% WR to most players and now we see lots of veterans playing allies giving axis terrible WR. with incentives to get people to join any you would break those stacks and remove roflstomps from appearing on just one side (and you could even try to equalize number of veteran players on both teams for more equal matches).

so instead of trying to make players stay in bad unfun match where they will earn shit xp, it is better to fix the problem than trying to cure it with bad medicine.

number of concurrent users is between 8-12k at any given moment.
also you dont need lobby for vote. you can preselect e.g. maps/mode that you dont want to play and MM just needs to select least hated map/mode. so if out of 20 players, 15 players dont want to play train, 10 dont want to play assault, 6 dont want to play conquest, 5 dont want to play destruction and you have 2 people that dont want to play confrontation and 2 that dont want to play invasion, you get random map between confrontation and invasion cause they are least hated modes out of 20 players in match. you can also do this for maps.

well they added APC-s. but they also need to add engineers as starting team instead of snipers and give tutorials and tips about importance of engineers and rally points for winning.

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What incentives you are gonna give to beat the 50% gain for winning?

number of concurrent users is between 8-12k at any given moment.
also you dont need lobby for vote. you can preselect e.g. maps/mode that you dont want to play and MM just needs to select least hated map/mode. so if out of 20 players, 15 players dont want to play train, 10 dont want to play assault, 6 dont want to play conquest, 5 dont want to play destruction and you have 2 people that dont want to play confrontation and 2 that dont want to play invasion, you get random map between confrontation and invasion cause they are least hated modes out of 20 players in match. you can also do this for maps.

Well cool hope they will do it soon then :face_with_peeking_eye:, i didn’t talk about map selection bc i tough was impossible with the low number of player

well they added APC-s

They are cool but kinda worthless as replace for a good rally point formation or even two rally lol
They need to give prize to rally builder, is the only method. I see veteran player constantly playing without building them several times.

50% for join any is good incentive. people who are grinding and are not maining anything would take that option (i know that i would cause it would give me extra boost for grind).

not really. they are silent so if hidden behind obstacle you cant even know that they are there. also 1 player can build rally point and bring APC giving one player effectively 2 rally points.

well i am not expecting anything out of this… devs are too slow with community suggestions.

a person of culture

50% could be ideal and right but i don’t know if they will give this much, is optimistic. Anyway DF need to act quickly, like…NOW.
For the APC take in mind that a free to play user need to choice between them or tank-plane(I think?? i still don’t have them), not that much of a deal. Anyway maybe one player in the whole match use them.
Rally point need to be incentivize more.

well i see APC-s quite often and sometimes there are more APC-s than rally points. also not getting tank or plane is not that big of a problem cause some players prefer infantry only (lately i am not using any vehicles on axis, so APC could be good addition for extra RP).

btw in match we played this evening i destroyed quite a few APC-s on your team, so i wouldnt exactly call them a rarity.

also idk if it needs to be incentivized more, but they definitely need to educate players about it.

What map?


Ah yes lol
Great match :rofl:
You where playing in stack?

would have killed you with infantry more, but grind calls for vehicle kills. :stuck_out_tongue:

blood for the blood god.

btw playing solo always

As you can see from this screenshot the problem of rally point and desertion is much deeper, idk for the perfect solution but i’m not payed to think about it.
i don’t understand why instead or adding the next wanderwaffen they can’t stop a minute and think a solution to fix it.
2° screenshot they would have won 100% if their teammates wouldn’t have quitted

Is this XP or Silver? 50% or both, would get me, ticking that box again.

it is bonus xp, but that directly correlates to silver gain cause iirc you earn 1 silver for every 47xp.

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