Darkflow, stop listening to only the clearly biased US mains when adding or changing things, listen to all players

Completely made up reason. Since every live service game will eventually shut down its server. Meaning your money will never return to you anyway.

So do us a favor, and just dont play the game you don’t like. It’s way better than creating such BS topics like this and spamming them consistently on forum. It’s extremely painful to read for every reasonable person here.


Same here, and it’s annoying because players just seem content with full PvE matchs. This game has such a cool premise that could be explored further but it’s got glaring problems and none of the community wants to do anything but take minor jabs at each other (seemingly because of there nations preference). I’ve played like 20 games from different franchises that are effectively gone now back to back so I feel like maybe being a bit more vocal about this one because it’s going the same way. It’s annoying too because it really doesn’t ever seem to make a difference because no matter what’s said devs just want easy monetization at little cost to effort.

That was the point. There is no value in “us” against “them” inflammatory comments.

We are all in the game…“we”…constructive is the way


Yea the dicker max round can’t pen jumbo in the front I know cause I just fought one yesterday

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like i said it doesn’t have the upgraded round to do that

Then why make passive aggressive comments like this, because no offense, this just reads as “you haven’t played enough axis to know the game has problems”.

There was no value in this, just an attempt to discredit that anything I’m suggesting is a problem.

This too. The only thing I’ve said as a personal thing to another player that may have seemed uncalled for.

To which extent it was still a question.

Yeah, players are complaining there is a problem on the US side now, because there is. You can’t really move beyond this though because no player appears to even entertain the idea to be true. Until it can be acknowledged than nothing further can be discussed.

Do you have anything you’re willing to propose? Because all you’ve done with me in interactions by the way is simply refuse that I could even be right. This is the reception I’ve gotten countless times again.

Are you trying to imply that I’ve not played enough matches on Germany to know that it’s lopsided towards them vs the US? I’ve played around 100+ Us lobbies since the update and it’s only been a week or so and I can tell you not once was it as leisurely as Germany.

The players that want to play russia seem to get the same reception as well.

You suggest you like Britan, do you use the squads since the merge, because if you do I would wager you get thrown into tier IV-V Normandy at some rate. I see tommy squad that are easily in I-II all the time and they can’t even make it on the scoreboard. Well, I did see British low ranks before, now there’s not really anyone that stuck with US.

The bottom line is that most players just won’t acknowlge the problem or act like the other members of the player base who bring the problem up are just whining. Yeah, I 've said the US has got it rough, not from a point of bias but rather because it’s true. Should I say that I think it’s fine the lobby doesn’t fill and no matter what efforts I make and how high kill a game I get I will lose?

And I was agreeing with you

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It was a reality check. You are saying what people do (like an accusation), while doing the same thing. Take it or leave it.

…you asked…I answered. If you don’t want the answer don’t ask.

everyone gets the same reception if they present an Opinion as fact, without any references.

My first interaction with you was this. If you want to say something, go for it…but don’t be surprised when someone asks you to back this up with more than “because I know it”.

I made so many proposals during testing to avoid much of this. You can read it in my Topics

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Since the main problem with IS-2 is its 2-3 business days long reload, IS-3 will fix nothing because its armed with the same gun.
No extra crew, no extra space so it will still have crippled reload time.

Again, you can’t move past the personal level, you’re just here to pick fights. Let it be known I use the reply functionality feature because I don’t know how to add something otherwise, I’m not always personally interacting by doing so. I’ll admit, previously I wasn’t as confident in my assessments which is why they may have fallen short. Even still, I don’t need to play Germany extensively to acquire the German weapons, I don’t need to play Germany to know they don’t lose anymore and encompass the most of the population. Like I said, It should be approached as though the game is a whole new game after the merge. Where does it develop from here or does it just go strictly PvE.

The problem now is that the axis is pretty much driving towards the only faction left in the game, something highly influenced by monetization. The reason behind this is quite simple, they dominate small arms in terms of what there small arms can do. They function as wonder weapons comparatively. Yes the allies weapons can work, no they aren’t better. The unfortunate problem is that the game devs can push the game to PvE with ease.

Everything else is in the Axis’ favor, else it wouldn’t encompass the most of the games population. This isn’t an opinion.

Even when presented stats on paper, the axis weapons prove superior, they prove superior in application too.

I’ll make a suggestion, how’s about we disregard the tier system that clearly isn’t going to work at any rate ever. This game will not sport the population for it to work, not in the conceivable future at the going rate. In stead of a tier four and five where the weapons are wonderweapons (for all nations, but the worst offender is factually germany) we move towards a system where you build to the ranks of tier five and four to obtain them but they don’t function in a sense that they are so definitively superior?

Perhaps we can pull autos from all units, move the FG-42 and the M2 carbine to engineer? They won’t be as prevalent a problem in comparison and maybe can be adjusted.

The STg-44 can be abused, it’s recoil is at a point that it can be used to the effective of having no recoil.

Sure, players initially wont like concepts like this, but the most recent change was ultimately controversial. This would be the optimal time to address it though.

I was not crying, I was just unsure of how much the balance would change, and Germany does not have a 99 percent win rate, I play quite a few games as Germany and lose them, and quite a few as the soviets and win a lot. And yes this is becoming a theme in the forum, people not sure how imbalanced something is going to be so they are not wanting to see it screw it up entirely. And no, all the T5 games I’ve played as Germany have been against really players who spam flamethrowers and impact grenades and grenade launchers and P47s and it is not fun to play


It’s enough when you get through from any tank starting from rank 3. And your cannon with a 20 second reload can sometimes give you this :

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Except its supposedly not penetrated by a tiger 2, yes even a 128mm cannon doesn’t penetrate it normally that would be too much. Better to give ussr to t44 100, it is penetrated in the turret by Panthers and tigers, cannon reloads a little longer than 8.8, but penetrates about as much as the is 2.

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Angled Tiger? Nope
Panther? If you get SUPER lucky and hit the mantlet just right
Tiger II? Forget it

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Im not sure, T-44 has only 4 men crew.
It was never used in combat so it’s performance is unknown.

It’s just a t 34 with a su 100 cannon, which is slightly worse protected than the isp 2, but its armor can withstand hull shots.
The fact that he did not participate in the battles is no longer important, given the mg 45, stg 45, rd 44, m-t, as 44, Japanese tanks, which are already there and which will be added.



The only good tank I can think for soviets who complain about IS-2 is OBJECT 248 , its a IS-2 fitted with 100 mm canon but here is the problem this tank can go only through turret of tiger 2 H which soviets still gonna complain about since they gonna whip their shots and also by asking for this experimental tank you open a door for Tiger 2 H sla 16 or Tiger 2 10.5 cm


20 sec. reload and I cannot kill Panzer IV :-1:

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Yes, the IS-2 has severely reduced damage 122mm cannon should be able to penetrate the armor of all german tanks and either kill the crew or disable the enemy tank. However, I often struggle to penetrate the 100mm armor of Tigers and Panthers. When I manage to penetrate, it only eliminates 1 or 2 crew members.
The issue with the IS-2 is its malfunctioning cannon. If the developers fix this problem, the Soviets wouldn’t need additional tanks.