Darkflow, stop listening to only the clearly biased US mains when adding or changing things, listen to all players

And yet soviet players keep asking bigger gun or new tank with the same gun… they just never learn…


Who ever said the jumbo was supposed to kill tigers? Seriously, who?

I mean they could ask for IS-5 with 100mm gun but I am pretty sure some people won’t agree with this one.


So what do they have to learn ? To not play the soviet and play german instead ? Because it seems that they are getting very good at this one


Funny they could ask for a tank with 100mm which actually perform better than 122mm, but nah, just keep asking for ISU 152 and KV2s

I dunno about IS5, but T43 and T44, or just T34s with better gun, guess non heavy tanks are just not popular here

That’s because most of these tanks are prototypes so most people don’t know them or don’t want them in the game.

if is2 1944 only have to fight tiger I it is good enough, but it is fighting king tiger now.

yeah, add one t-44-100 is a good option to fix soviet br5 and won’t be too op for top tier

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yeah, the major problem of is-2 1944 is not its armour but its gun. ultimately enlisted is a game focused on infantry, and is-2 1944 is even less capable to support infantry than t-34-85

I see no problem to it. Sure, kt is a bit better. But Is2 1944 can take it on.

A bit like in Moscow, when there was only pz3j1 vs t34. T34 fared much better, still the 3j1 could take it on.

and guess why moscow before merge became the most notorious soviet bot farm

The game says jumbos should be able to kill tigers because they put them at the same BR, weapons tanks in particular should have a good chance of killing each other if they are at the same br, Second everyone hates Tiger IIS because they seem to be everywhere. It is not fun to watch shells bounce of just about every part of a Tiger 2 then have them point click delete you in one hit.

I think the best solution to vehicles leapfrogging in capability indefinitely is to implement some form of control on how players can spawn them.

It could be similar to the Mech event last April or some other mechanism (e.g. you lose a tank or plane and then you can’t spawn one until 1 (or 2) other players have. Or, a limited number for the team in a given time period (e.g. 2 tanks and 2 or 3 planes per 10 minute rolling window). This would slow the cycling.

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Wanted this in some form for soo long.

I think limiting a team to 1 heavy tank spawn would also improve variety (amongst other things)

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Same. And I’ll admit to running many planes. If people are going to stack up AND cycle Tiger II (P), Tiger II (H) and Dicker Max among multiple players (meaning more than one are cycling them all) then you gotta do what you gotta do. But I’d prefer it simply were not the way the game worked.

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the 75 jumbo was a huge mistake from day 1
puny gun but great armor is a balancing nightmare
76 jumbo would have been much easier to balance


Allied mains are based, germains are crinjjj

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Tiger 2 beats jumbo every time. What are you on about? Super pershing is needed for tiger 2. Devs are more cconcerned about catching the other factions up a bit rather then continuing to leave them in the wake of germany gear. Don’t be upset because germany will no longer have far greater things than it’s opposition

Necro post closed
Super Pershing is already planned for upcoming update so please discuss it by creating a newer topic