Damage reduction for Japan ,Allies and Axis . Balance Game

It has been deeply observed and analyzed how the USSR as a faction has a great advantage over the other factions due to the use of 10% damage reduction through the Body Guards.

Going so far as to reduce the death impact of certain weapons, going from 1 shot to kill the enemy to using two and three at certain distances.

Historically, the USSR army was not the only one that had it in the Second World War, but it used it to put into practice its tactic of sending large numbers of soldiers as walls of flesh.
This reduction should be added to all factions, since each faction historically had these devices in their ranks.

A veteran player can reach 14.85 HP with the vitality perk and damage reduction from the body guard, negating the effectiveness of many weapons in the game.

The question is ,
Why only this faction has these benefits?
Is there any Soviet bias at play?
There is no answer because all the armies present here had protection models for their troops.

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Now you shouldn’t have a full damage reduction buff without first having a mobility debuff due to the weight of these devices.


first nerf all american rockets in pacific :>


And then everyone will be running around with armors and this game will be even more unrealistic and far from WW2. I rather see the soviet armor nerfed to be only cosmetic.


I blamed about Ho-Ri ^^

I think there is one thing that should be kept in mind

Enlisteds end game consists of 3 main types of weapons

  1. high capacity MGs and SMGs
    -usually take 2 - 3 shots to kill

  2. Assault rifles
    -usually take 2 shots to kill

  3. Select fire rifles with full rifle caliber
    -usually take 1 shot to kill

If we add body armor without gunplay rebalancing to every nation, we would end up with Assault rifles and selectfire weapons both killing with the same amount of shots - effectively deleting the rifle damage class weapons from the game.

Armor can be added to all mations - or be kept unique to soviwts with som proper balancing.

But adding it the way it is, would be a bad idea.


small correction. it is 15 damage and not 14.85 cause it is damage reduction 15*0.9=13.5 and it is not HP increase which would be 13.5*1.1=14.85


Wait is my math off? Shouldn’t 10% damage reduction be the same as 10 % increases effective HP from 13.5 HP?

your math is off. to get to 13.5 with 10% damage reduction you need weapon with 15 damage. 15-15*0.1=13.5.

this is same problem as how much % is increased when you increase number from 5 to 10 and how much is decrease when you go from 10 to 5. in first case you get 200% increase and in second case you get 50% decrease.

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Youve convinced me. Maybr it should only be asthetic.


Btw paratroopers from every nation have per default 12.3% extra HP - which stacks with the vitality perk.

So effectively Paratroopers survive most semi auto shots and automatic rifle hits per default, just like soviet armor.

now that I am thinking about it, I guess I should be using more Kiraly’s - since their damage breaking points make them always stay a 2 hit kill… in close range of course.

People complaining about miliseconds difference to kill in a game where 95% of the things you shoot are bots is just crazy to me…

Should complain about actual problems like the economy and infinte vehicle cycling and not this crap.

Im sure other nations will get their armor eventually for some event and premium squads, but I hope Japan will get it for regular customization as they used body armor on quite a decent scale.
And soviet armor should be limited to assaulters, engies and flametroopers like they were IRL.


we are complaining about those also.

it is not problem of some event or premium squad, but simply that it is available for all soviet squads.

it was limited only to assault engineers (although idk if they included flametroopers).

The inability to resist body armor is more of a skill issue

Body armor is cool
But this doesn’t affect how difficult it is to kill them
I don’t care about the few milliseconds difference
More than 90% of players think so too
This is why this game doesn’t adjust body armor

so you are saying that turning 1 hit kill weapon into 2 hit kill weapon is skill issue? then why are you complaining about IS2 vs KT2 having 3x reload time? is that also skill issue? it is same problem there…


I think they should remove it as a cosmetic feature per se, and actually just nominate a squad and only that squad which actually used it as a historical representative in game. There are clearly Soviet engineer squads that did this, and so we have one squad from the Berlin campaign that could feasibly be equipped with it. The squad should be specifially BR locked since it has a “combat feature” like any other weapon that makes it BR lockable.
If other nations had similarly equipped squads then a representative one can be added accordingly, but it should not be a customisation such that you whole army is now wearing armour.

I’m also an advocate of removing all FG2s from non Falschirmjager squads !, I put it into the same category as the body armour wearing stuff.

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How do you resist resistance?

Pls speak simple english for once

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You can think what you want.
What we ask here is that it be established for everyone or that there be some balance.
There is no reason why only a balanced faction like the USSR should have a cosmetic to resist damage and the other factions should not have a unique cosmetic.

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Then nerf all the op prototypes…. This can go on forever( I do not suggest nerfing the prototypes, it was a joke)

Whenever i lose, its due to idiot teammatesnot body armor.