Body Armour for all nations!

We should add body armour cosmetics to all nations. Soviet bias!!! Really though, why do we only have body armour on one nation. The viability of Soviets in comp especially is in part due to their access of body armour making certain guns less powerful, and making the AVT40 and T20 stronger cause they can one shot down/kill through body armour, whilst the Type Hei and FG42-2 cannot


(I hope for a shitstorm so tomorrow I have something to read in the train. I count on you guys!)


i agree
altho i think at this point, giving armour to all nations doesnt screw anyone over who already got it for soviets (if it was nerfed to cosmetic only)
it could be solved by giving the fg42 and type hei auto 14.9 damage, making the armour irrelevant for the 4 main rifles of each nation


how about removing armor from soviets as compromise?


messes up people who already invested cosmetic orders or gold into it

let them refund it if they dont want to keep cosmetic only.


Oh no, this topic again…


also fair, any solution is better than not
soviets are realistically the only viable infantry class in comp

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Well of course, but that is not the case in regular matchmaking, a bullet extra in specific situations is meaningless there.

I think they should just add an option to disable all armor effects in custom games and improve their servers for custom battles.

Body armor for every faction/nation would be one solution. I welcome it since there are options for every nation to be implemented.

On a side note, this sparked some curiosity in me and I started doing some research. Surprisingly the british where really ahead of their time on this one, they develoved what is basically a modern plate carrier style armor system.
Colour me impressed.


They still had some pretty amazing gear…

How about no armour bonuses because they are entirely incapable of helping against rifles caliber bullets?

But but, soviets just have to sneak in a little stalinium on everything!


Body armor has no place in a ww2 game.

Yes soviets used it, but it was more of a desperate attempt to make their human waves tactics work.

Those plates only stopped pistol rounds.

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Well it looks like almost everybody used body armor to some extent

0.05% of the total soldiers =/= everybody to some extent.


Body armour work effectively just against pistol and m1Carabine gun like, all other gun do to much DPS for care of the damage reduction, so it would be more correct ask it as additional costumization feature

not true. they can have effect of increasing numbers of bullets needed for kill from 1 to 2 or from 2 to 3 depending on the distance just for full HP soldiers. lot of times you are not even full hp and 10% reduction can make a difference between being killed with one or two bullet from any gun.

on short ranges it is not that much noticeable for full auto weapons cause DPS, but on anything outside short range combat it can be.

you guys keep telling us that, but I doubt you understand it any more than us.

tell me, what exactly are the body armor stats? What exactly does it do?
my last information was a flat 10% total damage reduction.

Which, if I am correct, means:

10 HP standard Soldier +35% HP vitality perk = 13.5 HP +10% effective HP from damage reduction from body armor

= 14.85 HP with vitality AND soviet body armor.

It doesn’t take long to see that there are actually a whole bunch of weapons that deal above 13.5 dmg - but not above 14.85 dmg

again, if the statement of 10% damage reduction is true, then soviet body armor turns the following weapons from a one hit kill into a two hit kill:

Armaguerra 13.6 dmg
Gewehr 41 14.4 dmg
FG42 14.4 dmg
Breda PG (CR) 14 dmg
Breda PG Carcano 13.6 dmg
Sniper Gewehr 41 14.4 dmg
Scotti Mod.X 14.4 dmg

So 10% damage reduction greatly effects many semi auto guns, while also turning almost all German SMGs form a 2 hit kill into a 3 hit kill because they deal less than 7.425 damage, but above 6.75
(13.5 / 2 = 6.75) while (14.85 / 2 = 7.425)

I want finally some confirmation from the devs how body armor exactly works, if the 10% are true then we should talk about this being an unfair advantage for the Soviets.


also I find it silly how through upgrades you can get over 35% more survivability, but weapon upgrades only give you 10% -20% more lethality.