Body Armour for all nations!

i think this is best shown with graph:

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Oh yes - all of this not to forget that armor reduces effective combat distances quite a bit.

10% damage reduction doesn’t sound like alot - but it makes a noticable difference.


The case is super simple to solve. We have 2 possible scenarios:

  1. Armor gives advantage = it’s unfair => remove armor protection to make the game fair
  2. Armor doesn’t give advantage = removing it won’t impact the game => remove armor protection to silence ppl

In both scenarios removing the armor protection can be benefitial or neutral but never bad.
It’s unbelievable we really need to have this discussion time and time again only for nothing to change.


Ok then remove AS-44, RD-44, Coenders, LAD, Ho-Ri Type Hei Auto, M2, and every other weapon/vehicle/equipment that was only fielded in limited numbers.

The cat is out of the bag. Might as well give every faction a premium squad with body armor.

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yes, 14.85 is the breakpoint
its why soviets are used in comp
they have body armour, and have guns (avt40) that can beat body armour

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i’d love some refunds if you “remove armour protection”
i’d rather u give it to all nations, or just something that doesnt screw over ppl who already “invested” in armour with orders/gold

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If I was mean (I am) I’d say: refund for what?
If armor gives an (unfair) advantage, we are just balancing it. You don’t get a refund for guns after they get balanced.
And if armor doesn’t give an advantage, why would you want a refund if nothing changes?

But more seriously, I guess it would require some refund.

it is actually 15. you dont add 10% to 13.5 vitality but divide 13.5 with 0.9 cause it is weapon damage reduction.

then this just becomes p2w mechanic. it needs to be either purchasable with silver or removed functional use from cosmetics.

Refund people who bought their cosmetic armor then perhaps? I’d rather just give all nations armor though. It’s weird to think the faction with the best Small arms also gets the armor to combat small arms usage without any side affects whatsoever. Hell, make the soldiers that wear them slow or increase heur. dispersion since Soviet Weaponry are not only so damaging but incredibly accurate when fired apparently. Whatever actively trades tanking more damage really.

this would be ok. give them appearance orders or gold if they spent gold on the armor.

problem with this is that customization is expensive and it gives advantage to the game making it p2w mechanism. functional game mechanics must not be behind paywall.

14.85 :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

14.85 and according to certain players this does not help them win games
How is it possible that it won’t help you if you hold one more shot on certain weapons.

This is a complete disaster, it should be corrected like the Normandy extra tickets were corrected.
Totally unbalanced

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I know you’re being sarcastic but sure, please do.