Custom Games


Please put bots back into Custom Games. I was having a huge blast playing against them, without the HUD on, for a really fun, immersive experience without being a hinderance to multiplayer gameplay. I could just set up a match with bots and really enjoy. Please add them back. Remove XP gains from it if you have to. That was the best WWII shooter experience I’ve ever had and it’s gone now. Please reconsider!


So you want to make it so people can’t just play non competitively for fun on their own? If you want more competition, there is literally EVERY OTHER FPS in the world out there to go be sweaty and try hard as you like. Let us have just this one thing.

Its pretty telling how most of the backlash seems to be either because a few people exploited the bots for a bunch of xp, which was already solved by both the time limit and xp nerf, both of which are fine and reasonable… Or people crying that other people won’t want to play with them.

You’ll still be able to play the base game against people if you want, just please give back some bots and people will still be playing this game decades later on that alone, whereas all the try hard multiplayer people foaming a the mouth to shoot someone with a full auto gun while swan diving thru a window will move on to the next fad the moment that all the people from twitch move on to whatever comes next.

It’s telling how people still play Red Orchestra, Battlefield 1942, and Battlefield 2 fairly often and nobody gives a flying (expletive not found) about Call of Duty.

Oh, and I totally forgot to mention it’d be best to not remove xp all together, even if you still want to keep it nerfed. because some campaigns are just unplayable because of the try hard sweat lords and just plain not fun, but would still be really enjoyable for people who don’t want to be spawn camped permanently and call it “gameplay.”

Who actually cares if someone get all the way to the top on this? People can (and do) just drop the money and exploit that to get max level anyway. Everything can be purchased with gold, ergo this won’t change any of that. What do you care if another player is at top level and not as good as they would have been if they had played a thousand games vrs a bunch of players instead of a bunch of bots? Someone who just spends a few hundred bucks will get there even faster and that can, will, and has happened already.

Besides, with no real matchmaking system you’re against and with new and experienced players all the time. In the end, all the people whining about the fanbase who desperately want a single player experience but on multiplayer game modes and still have progression, really don’t have a leg to stand on.


I just bought a premium account for a year. I want the money back. This game is ruined


I’m afraid Lone fighters mode is officially dead.

I just searched the custom games. There were 2 lone fighters server that were actually populated. A mere 10 player server where german winter soldiers fought against russian winter soldiers in the desert of tunesia in an absurde mixture of battle for Moscow tanks vs battle for Berlin tanks which was the most weird and boring Lone fighters round I ever had… and a 32 players one with unfortunately questionable connection/ping and who wasn’t really hardcore either because you saw markings, kills etc.

Before that change I thoroughly enjoyed the lone fighters experience next to the way more arcadish, non-stop action bracing normal one. The game appeared like it actually could be a proper immersive alternative to Red Orchestra simulation battles. Yet as this mode got banned into the custom games category it was an official death sentence. So much is clear to me now.

I started playing the game just 2 months ago, found enlisted fun enough to get a premium account and battle pass and was planning to buy premium squads when Gaijin typical sales would arrive… but with a development to the worse where severe cuts are being made I can’t help but feel that this is already a dying game. And unfortunately none I’m going to invest any more money into for extremely expensive premium squads nor a rather weak battle pass. And it hurts me to say this as this game really had potential.


They killed the game removing lone fighters. I used to play that mode with friends and the tactics we did as a squad were very fun and immersive. Now all we can do is have our own individual squads and babysitting bots that are dumb as hell… Please fix this, take our feedback. The bots on the old lone fighters were great because they were independent and pretty challenging, mixed well with players. Also the lone fighters mod was very accessible and people is not using the “Custom Matches” tab. Servers are just dead. At least in NA. I was hoping for servers on SA too. But with this new addition I’m starting to lose faith.


Is there actually a way to differ a player from a bot? It seems Gaijin simply takes players names for bots and as said they behaved rather appropriate in lone fighters. Not sure why they are such a burden of mentally challenged civilians that hold a weapon for the first time in their hands in the squads mode.

There’s usually only 1 Lone Fighters match around that is truly populated aka more than 20 players where you’ll find the wildest matchups such as hardcore with no markers and Soviets + Germans against Soviets + Germans.

Then again I finally found a server with around 14 people that had an actual historical matchup. The points on the end on the other hand felt like a joke. Half as much as I had in the next Squads round afterwards.

No idea what the problem with the Lone Fighters Servers before the change was. Not populated enough? Too expensive for Gaijin to keep them up? In any case the game lost A LOT by basically banning this game mode into oblivion.

I dare say the immersion of this game appears like its core strength, with beautiful graphics on immensely immersive maps, realistic weapons feeling and all that. I don’t understand why they dont focus on it more instead of going away from it. The squads gameplay might be enjoyable at times but its always the same: extremely fast paced so you dont have any time to apprechiate the graphics and soak in the atmosphere and always struggling against your own AI mates running to their doom like lemmings.

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Telling sign of bots, from statistics:
-No engineer points
-Won’t use vehicles, so little assists
-Low score
from gameplay it’s more telling:
-Always goes in same few paths
-Actually retreats when defending point is lost, and doesn’t try to spwn camp You
-When You shoot at them they spazm out, insta 180 no scope you at close range, at longer they shoot at You few times before hitting, and if You hide for 1 sec they foget about You
-Won’t use arillery or throwable weapons, never runs with knife on open fields
-Never camp

So they seem like good players, unlike most teammates that prefer to camp or stay 10m from objective
If You see after 3-5min in scoreboard that You have 2 players above 2k, and resdt is 400-900 points, they are mostly bots, just some console guys sprinkled in between.
If enemy team have more 2 players just leave game, 95% of the time games are lost in matchamking




So apparently Fiery November tasks cannot be completed on Lone Fighter Servers either. Was on a 15player one with no bots, destroyed 2 tanks - no progress.


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They’ve said as much in the operation announcement.

It’s not really a major problem but lets conclude:

The moment Lone Fighters got moved from an own game mode to Custom games:

  • Almost no matches anymore
  • Those you find are usually neither Hardcore Simulation nor Historical as it was before
  • Rewards appear like they are half of what the Squad Mode offers for equal effort of time and skill (please correct me if I am wrong here)
  • Cannot complete Operations in them

Without a doubt for a player who apprechiated the Lone Fighters mode the introduction marks a step into a very one dimensional direction. It’s as if War Thunder would only support Arcade Mode from tomorrow on. That combined with the recent drastic change of requiring silver orders to let your squads grow and the fact that even squad mode matches are full of bots that are disguised as players to the new players view doesn’t make it appear as if the game is heading into the right direction from a players perspective. Which makes it hard to see sense for further investments.

Perhaps Gaijin would do better to create a single player.


Sounds boring as hell since players replace bots instead of just adding to them so it’s still just a 10v10. LF needs to go back into regular matchmaking and if anything increase the numbers on each side.

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So you can play against more bots?

I’d rather not be forced to play a gamemode I don’t want to…there should be extra rewards or an exp boost instead to get new players interested.

No one was forcing you to play it.

If you feel forced I’d say it’s the right moment to quit playing a game or pause. Otherwise you’ll just be constantly unhappy on a long term.

I feel you though on the extra rewards. I understand that farming on bots in private matches can be seen as a problem but even in strongly populated matches the reward income is not compareable to the bot killfest that squads represents. Also it’s completely unbalanced in regards of completing daily rewards. Since kills in Lone Fighters require much more effort and are thus much rarer I wonder why no one of Gaijin thought about handling it the same way as in War Thunder with RB/SB rewards. Simply credit 3 times the kills/assists/caps for a single one, points wise but also objective wise as in “55 SMG kills” for example.

Oi bring back bots, at least they play the game. Having 4 of them in match with 4 players and game is more alive than half of campaigns where people just camp in their spawns because they know they lost.
At least it was playable, and fun, unlike most campaigns are becoming.

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