Custom Games

When Lone Fighters will be back to main mode?

I don’t understand why Gajin moved the best mode of game to “custom games” and giving no XP for it. That was a mistake which could kill the game. Pls bring back lone fighters to main campains! OMG

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I already do so what’s your problem?

All bot enemy team in squads regular matchmaking.

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Yeah have this happen much more often, hmm wonder why?
But much worse is playing as one dude in team against 5 in other, this just makes people not want to play even more, and we get 10v0 matches, where we don’t even have something to shoot at for most of the match,
I guess they really want to make this a war sim, where we sit in trenches for weeks just to maybe shoot at someone twice

The custom games category shows that there’s actually a bunch of people playing lone fighter (almost always one completely full room and multiple others which would combined make for another full room.

The problems I see are that

  • Multiple rooms are just people waiting for players that will never come. Matches of just 2-4 people are no fun.

  • some rooms are shown in the list to have players when in fact they are empty

  • most room creators use settings that are completely bonkers. Like German and Russian winter soldiers in Tunesia or teams of equal nationalities like US, Germany and Russia vs US, Germany and Russia. You always have to wait for blue markers to appear and can’t tell friend from foe at a certain distance where no blue markers appear anymore

  • Whenever a match ended you need to wait so long for a new one to start that most people leave before that happens, only to join another match that is also not rarely short before being over.

Squad mode has also its weaknesses like people leaving early because they realize they might lose the round and then get replaced by bots (where you can’t tell if it’s a human or actually a bot) and the match is then definitely lost at that moment and only frustrating for the few that have remained. But I feel both deserve an improvement.

I won’t go on for improving squads since this is a lot of stuff for another topic but why not just make Lone Fighters as it was before but just offer one room for each campaign to mass the people in 4 sessions max, allowing also to join these in the middle of a match and also show everyone waiting for a match the population of these 4 rooms so that you can decide if you really want to wait to join Germany on Moscow or just see which campaign is better populated or has free slots and then join that one. And until enough people joined I wouldn’t mind bots take a few places as long as they are clearly distinguishable.

Another idea would be to just make them kind of events like every day or week another front to be played so that the most people possible get massed in as few rooms as possible while also giving incentive to play multiple campaigns.

Last but not least suggestion would be to take the events thing but create some kind of enduring confrontation gameplay. So either campaign like matches that offer some kind of unique gameplay like an actual front (thinking about Rising Storm Campaign here) being played over hours to days in lots of small matches to shift the frontline or just very long lasting matches on big maps with random appearing mission targets where every side e.g. always has at least one spot to cap and one to defend where a new attack spot pops up randomly once one has been taken.