Custom entities no longer works - fix them?

i know that

( and, i hope doesn’t come off as me trying to claim otherwise )

i’m just confused.

but, i hope you can understand not everyone can check every single thread and every messages without a clear goal insight of what i should be looking for. me, or anyone else really.

… which it’s why, i’m saying, one would expect or look the official devblogs for more infos and clear sight about it. especially, about changes

or at least, that’s what one would expect anyway,

am i becoming crazy? isn’t that the norm anymore?

that… would explain alot.

I replaced everything with use , it still loads endlessly, or I don’t understand something…

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It’s a pity they didn’t consider it as really important. Personally I wouldn’t change it at all.

don’t wanna devolve into conspiracies now, but then, why was it changed?

which, if you, wouldn’t change it, and are a developer, ( i understand one doesn’t make everyone’s mind and full approved decisions )

why was it changed?

there must be a reason right?

just trying to figure things out as much is possible without creating too much fuzzes ( i suppose i’m… kinda late for that )

and above all, what else was changed?

if that wasn’t considered big enough, what would something smaller go underneath or own eyes?

what would be considered big enough to be announced, and what else isn’t ?
feels like i’m questioning reality from fiction here.

I think (it’s my opinion only) that is was changed, because ‘_use’ is shorter and thus more readable. Also templates really use other templates, not extend from them (unlike classes in programming languages). Also to avoid confusion with ‘extends’ in some programming languages files.

One more point would be that mods will always have updates-related issues. Missing resources, changed templates names, renamed components. So this “sweet” change will also keep you aware of those changes possible in the future and not think it will be that easy.

a suppose that’s gonna be good as any other reasons.

as far as i’m gonna get either way.

reading upon:

yeah well.

one can only hope to discover things in time. or… through you guys.

at the end of the day, i’m sorry you guys kinda have to bare everything. and most of the time are the only people we have to relay upon.

as for now, thank you for your time.

that will do.

( even though, there are reports of customs not working. or loading endlessly )

cbr time it is then


We need more reports with more details. It could be anything. Broken mod, mistake in text, problems in UI, problems on servers, bad internet, new bugs and memory issues.

Something went very wrong here, custom match won’t launch even without entities.blk and custom profile, if launched in local mode it CTDs without any error.

Looks like any sandbox mission with vromfs.bin will cause a crash/never launches. I need other’s confirmation though…


wish i could test that.

but i’m fixing my own missions because all of my placed bots lost their headgears as all the equipment that was in the slot head got collapsed into skined_helmet + bunch of items missing / renamed

It seems that there some problems with mods that packed into Vromfs. I reported about it. Maybe it will be soon fixed.



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Probably because they a bit fixed customization. You can note that it now contain much less bugs when you see parts of face model in equipment or helmet flying details. And now helmet sizes depends on soldier face. In txt editor you can replace all “head” to “skined_helmet” almost in 1 click (CTRL+H).

except it’s a huge problem for me because i often used both skined helmets combined with other helmets that were previously in the head category. like, active at the same time. both slots being used.

so… i’m afraid it’s not just a matter of couple of clicks and replace all of them.

but actively find a solution and needing to recreate others items through entities, and hope that they didn’t removed head slot as a whole. similar to the armors that we made together ( or rather, you did for the most part )

otherwise i’ll have to resort to attach decorats which will be a huge pain in the ass and a huge time of loss that quite frankly i didn’t need.

( and the result of using attacher decorators will be poor at best because it only follows one Bip instead of multiples like every clothing normally does )

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“”““anyway””", if you find any other changes, would you please be so kind to inform us?

thanks ( in general )


Mods packed into Vromfs should work fine now.

@Bazsi37 @ErikaKalkbrenner @Yopsius


Online works, Local still crashes!

Also some pine trees are broken, they don’t have canopies.


It seems that there some problems with tree lods. Some leaves (seems only on unused in game plants) may not displayed correctly in large ranges. And as bonus… There may be crash if you put many tree or other plants and load them all at one time (UPD: to fix it you will need put per most popular tree/plant rendinsts in area that you see in static_cam).

Also I noted that your old Ardennes map doesn’t work anymore.

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i haven’t tried to boot it up with the other stronger computer

but it used to crash even before this new update so…

can’t be mad there :joy:

upon further inspection,

i deleted pretty much all the logic, soldiers, custom templates made in the scene blk, removed even entities.

even made several lite versions

but, just nothing ended up working.

it seems a loading crashing issue.
( or… outdated effects being in use by this map )

tried to read the clog, but this stupid editor pulls out problems for multiple maps at once despite i delete it etc. clutterring everything and marking non issues as actual issues.


another “fuck you personally” from the editor yet again.
seems i’m collecting them like flowers or mushroom.

it’s alright.

guess i’ll have to wait 3 more years before getting a stable editor that allows me to upload actual custom stuff made by me that might work at some point. ( maybe by the time i’ll be died from waiting, pve will be a thing ehy ? )

or maybe i’m using wrongly the editor for things that simply cannot be done.
and not have much knowledge about that.
could be anything really.

I used old version of your map. It worked fine before update :frowning:

Probably because of entities that contains many postfixs or some bad properties. Currently time I checking your old version. It will be nice to see your latest version in private messages.

Hard to tell. Probably almost all modders using editor kinda wrongly. We mixing many entities and postfixs templates for creating new stuff. It kinda fine if game crashes because of all these changes and after original game updates.

Personally I do all changes in dirty/“dev” version. And after that porting scene.blk to normal version/clean scene.blk a bit (remove unused properties). All new features adding only in entities.blk for ability to fastly remove/disable some of them.

Also in terraforming would be good to use maximum possible height and radius. Buttons Ctrl+Z on keyboards will return back change if it’s bad.