Correct the muzzle velocity of Gewehr 98 to 880 m/s

This is necessary for the Sniper Gewehr 98, which has the muzzle velocity of 770 m/s (only 20 m/s higher than normal Kar98k) and for the Gewehr 98 Warmod (which has exactly the same muzzle velocity as Kar98k).

Sources claim values in range from 870 to 895 m/s (English Wiki article - 878 m/s - Gewehr 98 - Wikipedia). Lower velocities were achieved using bullets of 1888 pattern with rounded nose (around 639 m/s according to Wikipedia), but bullets we see in the game are the newer, sharp-nosed version (standard rifle and MG ammo in WW2) so they definitely should fly at around 880 m/s. It has a much longer barrel than Kar98k, hence much more energy of the powder is used on bullet’s acceleration.
I see most weapons in the game have very accurate values of muzzle velocity (sometimes exact as in public sources even), so I hope this value will be corrected as well.


Don’t expect it; it leads to nothing but sadness. Just look at the current sights for the M1, M1A1, and M2 Carbine if you don’t believe me. If you want a more recent example, look at the sights for the T20E1 rifle.

Not one of the devs has yet to acknowledge this issue publically, and it seems they won’t be anytime soon. They only do new stuff hoping that everyone ignores the issues with the foundations of the game.


Don’t be so pessimistic. I believe the devs care about the details since they introduced historic sights on vehicles.

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The G98 used 7.92x57mm S Patrone, not the S.s Patrone, which should increase its muzzle velocity even more + more damage and less drop off

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They still haven’t changed Japanese “MP 28” designation either, so honestly I don’t expect them to change something even more minor


Yet here they are, releasing these guns with obviously terrible, not even close to historical gun sights, into the game. I have been consistently bringing this up for about 3-4 weeks, some of which I have been suspended for. Many people have also agreed with me, voicing their complaints, yet the developers are silent here. The least they could’ve done was publicly acknowledge people’s frustration over the sights, which would at least give them an excuse to lock the threads that pop up. But they don’t even want to do what would make people shut up about the issue. In the end, the only reason they gave the vehicles historical sights is because it doesn’t affect gameplay.

But here are some examples of them being dedicated to detail compared to other games:

Enlisted’s Garand Sight:


Real-life Garand Sight:

Real-life M1 and M1A1 Carbine Sight (this one did not have the updated sight, but it produces the same picture):


Other Games interpretations of the M1 and M1A1 Carbine Sight:

Real Life M2 Carbine Sight (Basically the updated sight for the M1 Carbine):

Other Games Interpretations of the M2 Carbine Sight:


Right, some of these look like enormous scopes in comparison to the real thing. I guess that should be corrected as well, the huge circle doesn’t help me aim, it only confuses me. With a small circle like in reality, I would be more sure where I am actually aiming.


Exactly, and Darkflow has refused to acknowledge this, even though in the latest patch notes, all I see are “RD-44 dispersion decreased” and other Russian guns, etc.

My point is this: Don’t be disappointed when they don’t change the Mauser bullet velocity, because they will sweep it under the rug like every other important foundation of the game that needs to be fixed.

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you cant aim in a videogame with this
i even wonder how it is in real life.

there is a weapon in the game
the m1903A3 comes with a scope, is a sniper weapon
but you can remove the scope
and try in practice mode to aim it.
do it
and tell me if that is what you want. :wink:

You are completely missing the point, there is a reason why these sights are designed the way they are.

Anyone who had the opportunity to shoot these weapons knows that those tiny round holes actually function as a focus point - they actually help you see further away. This is however impossible to mimic with a 2D screen.

Also what people tend to forget is that Iron sights that block all your visuals are also pretty stupid - the way realism shooters show sight picture looks realistic but is actually not how it works in the real world, in the end you can shoot with both eyes open.

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Oh niiice! I didn’t know there is an aperture iron sight in Enlisted that looks properly. I will try that in battle. In practice on the range it looks good, the aperture is so zoomed in that the circle of view is still not too small. What hinders the view more is the metal flanges on the sides, but they are also on Gewehr 98, and this is not as bad as the vertical magazines that block half the screen on some guns.

I think I could play with that. I’m certain that I’ve hated the huge circles on Garand from the moment I unlocked this gun because I could not be sure where I’m actually aiming when I was moving the gun. The front sight just floats around in the huge circle and it feels like it has no relation to the axis of the shot. When the circle is a few times smaller, I get back the sense of direction of the barrel.

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really ?
you will get killed by whatever bot hiding on the metal flanges
:expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

you are one of a kind if this sight is suitable to you. :sweat_smile:

Maybe this gun was one of the worst examples because the flanges are extra high, or rather the circle is based very deep between the mechanisms. I would very much like to see the realistic sight on Garand though, since the aperture sits very high and has a lot of space around, even at the bottom:

or on Lee Enfield (this looks awesome!)


do not give ideas to the devs. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:

Which is why other games didn’t do the same. You can see this if you look at the interpretations.

Real-life Garand Sight:

Other Games’ interpretations of this (they are correctly interpreted for the most part:

  • BFV:

  • RO2:

  • Days of Infamy:

As you can see, other games understood that the point of focus is impossible but still made the correct sight picture if the point of focus did work. Can you say the same for Darkflow’s version of the M1 sight?

Enlisted’s Garand Sight:


Yeah, the Enlisted version is another level of absurd, even compared to the one from BF V. It makes me wonder - is there any way to mod the sight? To add/replace the texture on it? 3D model modding might be harder, I don’t have any idea how one could access and change it in game files…

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ghost ring should be transparent