Do the devs listen to our suggestions? I doubt it

Oh, like in Enlisted?

Yeah your examples of realistic sights there make them even worse…?

You think Enlisted is an example of realistic sights. LOL


Nope - where have you got that from? I’m referencing your post with photos of real life sights that would be unplayable in game…

Hope they are selective in listening. Most of the “suggestions”, like 90% make no sense.


Me looking for where I posted the actual pictures of gun sights instead of Enlisted’s gun sights in this thread:

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Ok so in the post you linked you weren’t asking for realistic sights - you added photos or real sights because you prefer the ones in enlisted?

No, sir, I didn’t link anything in this thread. All I did was quote pictures. You are confused.

You may have gone to the entire post, but that is not what I linked. All I did was quote pictures.

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they listen… and implement suggestions after 2-3 years…

this is halved? not really

event was stupid before (seriously does any of the devs even play the game) and it is stupid now. 10 battles in 2 days is just too grindy, specially for christmas where you should spend more time with family.


Yeah but there is my point - they can’t do what everyone wants.

I’ve completed 4 of 5 event tasks in no more than 5 games and that’s plenty to get everything I want - I don’t think it’s that bad. I enjoy the game, so playing 2 hours or so over 2 days really isn’t anything.

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What everyone wants is for guns to stop taking up 50% of the screen when aiming.


I just seen topic, went to bottom to reply

I would say NO, on the basis, that we are, where we are.


They will see, the vast majority of developers will see forums, so they are definitely aware of player complaints and suggestions.

But they have their own ideas, and these ideas have a much higher priority than the player’s suggestions. Unless it is something that most people are complaining about, they will seriously consider making changes. Of course, they may still think that they are right after careful consideration and refuse to make changes.

This is usually the reason why developers and players do not trust each other, because developers usually do not tell players what they are thinking and believe that their ideas are better for the game because players do not understand the game as they do.


Don’t forget the bipods as well. And also tail gunners of certain aircrafts.


The developers certainly read and listen to the suggestions but whether they then have the desire to implement them is another story and I’m not even talking about content but also just bug fixes and improvements to the game.
The game needs players (and money) and Steam is the only realistic solution but in these conditions it would just be yet another failure, a major update would be needed consisting only of fixes and improvements to make it presentable


Putting this game in steam without the necessary bug fixes will only make sure this game is dead. I think you know steam players don’t like buggy mess of a game. They will review bomb it to oblivion.


You are over exaggerating. Steam players literally choose Stanfield for the game with the most innovative gameplay, lmao.

When in fact it is just loading simulator between Fallout 3 maps.

It is still f2p game so most casual would try it just because of that simple fact.

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Have you seen the reviews. Negative. And starfield is the most mediocre Bethesda game ever. And as for enlisted I wouldn’t call it casual. The amount of try hards I have seen since the merge. But still games from bugthesda gets a pass because bugthesda. But people doesn’t show mercy to little companies.


Seems like reviews are pretty much irrelevant if the game won award in steam awards and sold so many copies. :yawning_face:

And I definitely do not like Starfield, I am not its advocate. I haven’t even played it.

If anyone says they like starfield the only thing I can say to them is they never played any video games ever in their life.