Core current tasks

perhaps. but considering that the devs surely have some sort of dead line, and promises to keep, such as making those 4 campaign available, they will most likely try to push for all content, and eventually update the previous campaign like it did happened for normandy.

we just got pziv, t28s recent along side newer squads and classes.

but, i might be wrong.
we’ll see that.

If they really were pushing towards release of all 4 campaigns, they would have prioritized making Tunesia instead of adding more vehicles to Normandy and Moscow

i mean, normandy campaign feels really rushed to be honest.

we have more place holders than actual gun ( i’m exagerating. but still, )

so… i’m just going to give the benefict of the doubt.
don’t get me wrong, i don’t think it’s a bad thing considering what they achieved until now. but i just have those feelings.


It is true that Normandy pretty much came out of the blue and pretty soon after second testing. But if plan was to get more people in, it certainly worked. Also at least we can now give our opinions on map designs or overall balance in advance (definitely not weapon models for obvious reasons).

I’m too quite disappointed with normandy

Invasion is very cool but all conquest maps (except chateau de bosque) are the same meatgrinder experience as in Moscow

Now that more people unlocked them, SMG’s are starting to rule on those maps too.

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Picked the game up on ps5 last week never heard of it before hand but it is an absolute blast obviously far from perfect but I believe it has potential to be really good however I’m hoping someone can help me is it possible to search for specific game modes in each campaign for example if I wanted to play d day invasion specifically instead of just hoping I get put into the d day map any help is appreciated

I don’t know when the developers will release this game, but 2 campaigns it a bit too weak. I don’t know in what state Berlin is now, but 3 campaign options are way better than just 2. Fix the main issues, add Berlin, and we have a pretty decent game with 3 nice options.

It’s not possible

I just hope they add more invasion Maps so we won’t have to pray every time enter a Battle

I disagree.

One obvious problem is how to separate the fully developed Lvl 20/30+ “experts” from new arrivals - the obvious solution is a range of campaigns that limit how high a level squads and individual soldiers can be - something like beginner (squads all < 8, all soldiers 1-2 star), intermediate (levels 9-19, 1-3 star soldiers) and advanced (anything goes) …

Without some system the game will very quickly get a reputation for seal clubbing and new victi… er… players will dry up :confused:

With current progression system, it is pretty pointless to talk about dividing matchmaker just yet… just because you have high level does not mean that RNG did not screwed you over. Attempts to create matchmaking system (any other than ELO) should be postponed until we see what progression rework devs have stored for us.

nope, this game has 4 campaigns. which 3 of them, somewhat finished, and the last one that need testings.

that’s what i said.

game doesn’t lack of content, considering that there’s more than what we actually see.

an example, is: Secret documents in files? - #6 by 30101451 and the whole thread.

so in terms of releasing, they are somewhat ok.

but others things are in need of changing. we’ll see in the next updates as they announced something big is coming regarding progression system. so we’ll see ^^

That, and the fact that the premium squads should either be forced into high tier, where the newbie will get stomped for only having 1 good squad, or low tier, which would make the prem squad P2W, leads to matchmaker being basically impossible to get right.

Even average stars wouldn’t work as them people will just min-max with like 4 maxed out soldiers with 1 maxed out gun each etc, which will dunk on people who just max out their squads with spare pistols and secondary rifles.

This is one of those things that I have been bonking my head on for months without finding a solution


Yeah, same here. The best I could come up with as solution is good old ELO system that will be dynamicaly moving player around the matchmaker up/down, based on his personal performance regardless his level/squads etc. But even that might not be perfect.

I honestly can’t see Gaijin or Darkflow (Gaijin) implementing it well at all
Plus my previous experiences with ELO are the last two CoDs and they’re dogshit

I don’t like tiering systems in games like this anyway because it kills equipment diversity.

In the short term what we’re seeing now seems best to me, but I don’t think it’ll hold up long term when enough players are high level.

Quite frankly, if they don’t have a vertical matchmaker, progression shouldn’t be vertical either.
Remove perks, introduce equipment sidegrades.
Remove gun upgrades, introduce gun sidegrades.
Balance later guns with either more recoil or longer reload times to account for their superior stats.

I literally can’t enjoy enlisted nowadays simply because I know I will always win or lose depending on my superior or inferior gear. And that is not how to make a game last.

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I agree it have its flaws, but how do you want to protect new players while not hurting the rest of the playerbase? Level based matchmaking is impossible due to the RNG factor and the fact that it will only create compression with few meta weapons. Same could be the case for weapon and soldier tiers.
Making categories based on each player´s combat capabilities seems to be the only way atm, at least from my perspective.

Make later unlocks sidegrades instead of strict upgrades.
The PPD drum wasnt a strict upgrade IRL. it was clumsy to reload, and it was heavier than the box mag, for example. Meanwhile ingame the reload is still really fast on it and they weigh the same…


I’m with tcat’s solution. I know an SBMM system would never work in a game like this especially with Gaijin/Darkflow’s seemingly limited abilities.

Sidegrade good :+1:.