Core current tasks

I agree that sidegrades may be able to do that, but I dont know if advantage/disadvantage ratio can even be handled well enough to not create few chosen “meta” sidegrades while everything else will be falling behind.

If we want to have any choice (regarding weapons, squads etc.) then there will always be some meta. The trick is to make meta only slightly better than the next best choice (and so on).

Which is why I’m against any sidegrades and want all upgrades regarding weapons removed

Would still be better than full upgrades as the meta isn’t guaranteed to be the stuff that’s hardest to obtain.

And they can always balance that out


But then people complain about lack of stuff to work towards

Any competitive game will always have a meta no matter what you do.

You could have 2 guns that are exactly the same but different colors and the community will decide 1 color blends in better

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Unlocking weapons and squads should be a priority

Boosting soldiers and weapons is just too much imo

That’s something no one can change but the biggest reason why I don’t want sidegrades is because:

  1. It’s too arcade-y. Reminds me of mobile games (I mean upgrades are even worse but sidegrades are as well, not my cup of tea)

  2. It’s part-unrealistic. Upgrading my gun to have for example: more RoF but worse recoil will just make one weapon able to imitate every other weapon in the game just by equipping sidegrades.
    I think all weapons should have their realistic performance.
    I remember someone suggesting sidegrades like PPSh with drum and without the drum. We already have both variants and if a certain player doesn’t like the drum, he can change his weapon then and use it without the drum. I will not argue further, that’s my opinion and I’m staying with it

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I agree, but gaijin disagrees

they can choose to leave their prem squad out of the lineup at any time.

I have no idea what hat means! :confused:

Probably because your approach is to look for an instant perfect fix and you are not wiling to ever think “OK - how could that be made to work?”

Nothing is ever invented perfect - it takes time and thought and iteration to come up with good ideas.

Like most here you are part of the great knocking squad that does nothing except decry everything as impossible…

Thank you for the link.

Let’s say that the ammount of stars used decide in what matchmaker you end up in. If you have one squad with 7 soldiers with default rifles, that is 7x1 + 7x1 = 14. But if you use 4 2-star soldiers with 2-star weapons, that is 4x2 + 4x2 = 16 stars. Only a 2-star difference, but one side gets access to a larger option of weapons and better perks. You wouldn’t really notice only having 4 soldiers, knowing how often AI just dies, while you would have access to better guns than your opponent. As a result, people will take only a handful of soldiers with maxed out gear, kind of defeating the point of having the AI squad.

Well I would love to hear a suggestion from you then. Again, I have tried my best to find something that could work for months now.

You might give beginners 1-2 battles entirely against bots as an intro - but as soon as they face more experienced players they are going to face better equipped and experienced squads - no way around it.

There is never going to be equality - the idea is to limit the amount of clubbing, not make it totally safe for beginners.

You just did, and you provided an instant “won’t work”

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There is a way around it - making the stuff balanced instead of introducing strictly better gear, including the P2W bullshit we got rn, and resorting to a flawed matchmaker system to make up for it.

Which I btw suggested for ages now but everyone goes “but muh progression”

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Not sure what yo mean by this - how does a lvl 35 squad with 3-4-5 star troops be “balanced” against a newbie with brand-new everything??

If the higher rank troopers have sidegrades instead of upgrades, they wont be more powerful.

For example, make the reload on the drum PPD longer and make it heavier, aka slow you down more, to balance it when compared to the PPD box.

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Do you see that happening?

If we can get enough people to agree on it - maybe.

Nope. Soviet tears makes the devs go deaf and blind at the same time.

oh - yay for making stupid nationalistic rubbish stereotypes - those are always a useful argument… :thinking: :open_mouth: :confused:

RNG progression is still going to be a thing, apperantly :confused:

We heard those concerns as well. We’re working on the update of the metagame in Enlisted right now and one of our goals is to decrease the influence of random mechanics and to give players more control over the progression. Progression will still have some random elements, but they will be less important.